Basic Twitter-like Notify Bar Plugin with jQuery

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License: MIT
Basic Twitter-like Notify Bar Plugin with jQuery

Notify bar is a simple-to-use yet highly configurable jQuery plugin used to display various types of message notifications on your webpage as you've seen on Twitter.

How to use it:

1. Load the required jquery.notifyBar.css for the basic notification styles.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery.notifyBar.css">

2. Load the jquery.notifyBar.js script after jQuery library at the bottom of your webpage.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.notifyBar.js"></script>

3. Create a normal notify bar with custom messages.

$.notifyBar({html: 'Your message here',});

4. Full plugin options to customize the notify bar.

// custom message
html           : 'Your message here',

// delay
delay          : 3000,

// animation speed
animationSpeed : 200,

// error, success, warning or custom CSS class
cssClass       : '',

// target object
jqObject       : '',

// display close button
close          : false,

// text for close button
closeText      : '&times;',

// click the notify bar to close
closeOnClick   : true,

// hover over the notify bar to close
closeOnOver    : false,

// if enabled, notify bar don't close until user presses the close button.
waitingForClose : true,

// or 'bottom'
position       : 'top'

// callback functions
onBeforeShow   : null,
onShow         : null,
onBeforeHide   : null,
onHide         : null,



  • Updated for jQuery 3.5+


  • Add waitingForClose option


  • Add hide on demand

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by dknight. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.