jQuery Plugin To Create Metro Style Toast Messages - toastr8
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |

toastr8 is a jQuery notification plugin for creating Windows 8 metro inspired toast messages that use Font Awesome for notification icons.
See also:
- jQuery Windows 8-Style Notification Plugin - notific8
- Windows 8 Style jQuery Notifications Plugin - w8n
How to use it:
1. Load the required Font Awesome and toastr8.css
in the head section of the document.
<link href="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="dist/css/toastr8.css" rel="stylesheet">
2. Load the toastr8.js
after jQuery library but before the closing body tag.
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="dist/js/toastr8.js"></script>
3. Create regular toast messages.
$(".demo-1").click(function(){ toastr8.info({ message:'Toast message here', title:"Title here", imgURI: ["https://unsplash.it/120/120?image=20"] }); }); $(".demo-2").click(function(){ toastr8.error({ message:'Toast message here', title:"Title here", imgURI: ["https://unsplash.it/120/120?image=20"] }); }); $(".demo-3").click(function(){ toastr8.warning({ message:'Toast message here', title:"Title here", imgURI: ["https://unsplash.it/120/120?image=20"] }); }); $(".demo-4").click(function(){ toastr8.success({ message:'Toast message here', title:"Title here", imgURI: ["https://unsplash.it/120/120?image=20"] }); });
4. Create social messages.
$(".demo-5").click(function(){ toastr8.facebook({ message:'Toast message here', title:"Title here", imgURI: ["https://unsplash.it/120/120?image=20"] }); }); $(".demo-6").click(function(){ toastr8.twitter({ message:'Toast message here', title:"Title here", imgURI: ["https://unsplash.it/120/120?image=20"] }); }); $(".demo-7").click(function(){ toastr8.skype({ message:'Toast message here', title:"Title here", imgURI: ["https://unsplash.it/120/120?image=20"] }); }); $(".demo-8").click(function(){ toastr8.android({ message:'Toast message here', title:"Title here", imgURI: ["https://unsplash.it/120/120?image=20"] }); }); $(".demo-9").click(function(){ toastr8.linkedin({ message:'Toast message here', title:"Title here", imgURI: ["https://unsplash.it/120/120?image=20"] }); }); $(".demo-10").click(function(){ toastr8.windows({ message:'Toast message here', title:"Title here", imgURI: ["https://unsplash.it/120/120?image=20"] }); }); $(".demo-11").click(function(){ toastr8.googlePlus({ message:'Toast message here', title:"Title here", imgURI: ["https://unsplash.it/120/120?image=20"] }); }); $(".demo-12").click(function(){ toastr8.github({ message:'Toast message here', title:"Title here", imgURI: ["https://unsplash.it/120/120?image=20"] }); }); $(".demo-13").click(function(){ toastr8.linux({ message:'Toast message here', title:"Title here", imgURI: ["https://unsplash.it/120/120?image=20"] });
5. Plugin options available.
toastr8.options.tapToDismiss = true, toastr8.options.toastClass = 'toast8' toastr8.options.containerId = 'toast8-container' toastr8.options.debug = false, toastr8.options.closeButton = true, //fadeIn, slideDown, and show are built into jQuery toastr8.options.showMethod = 'fadeIn' toastr8.options.showDuration = 300, //swing and linear are built into jQuery toastr8.options.showEasing = 'swing' toastr8.options.onShown = undefined, toastr8.options.hideMethod = 'fadeOut' toastr8.options.hideDuration = 1000, toastr8.options.hideEasing = 'swing' toastr8.options.extendedTimeOut = 1000, toastr8.options.iconClass = 'toast8-info' toastr8.options.positionClass = 'toast8-bottom-right' // Set timeOut and extendedTimeout to 0 to make it sticky toastr8.options.timeOut = 5000, toastr8.options.target = 'body' toastr8.options.closeHtml = "<button class='toast8-close-button'>×</button>", toastr8.options.newestOnTop = true // callbacks toastr8.options.onShown = function() { console.log('hello'); } toastr8.options.onHidden = function() { console.log('goodbye'); }
6. Clear all the opened toast messages.
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by saribe. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.