Create Stylish Animated Notification Bars with jQuery - Sudo Notify

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Create Stylish Animated Notification Bars with jQuery - Sudo Notify

Sudo Notify is a jQuery plugin that displays responsive, animated, nice-looking notification bars to announce important information to your visitors.


  • Quick and easy to implement.
  • Custom positions: top or bottom.
  • A close button to close a notification bar immediately.
  • Callback alerts.
  • Auto hide a notification bar after x seconds.
  • Custom animations type: fade, scroll-left, scroll-left-fade, scroll-right, scroll-right-fade, slide, slide-fade or none.
  • Custom notification types via CSS set in JS objects: error, warning, success and default.

Basic Usage:

1. Include the jquery.sudo-notify.css and jquery.sudo-notify.js files in your document. jQuery library is needed before jquery.sudo-notify.js.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style/jquery.sudo-notify.css">

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="scripts/jquery.sudo-notify.js"></script>

2. Create a notification container in your document.

<div class="notification-container"></div>

3. Call the plugin to display a notification bar inside the container you just created when page loads.

  var sudoNotify = $('.notification-container').sudoNotify();

  sudoNotify.success('Your success message here');
  sudoNotify.warning('Your warning message here');
  sudoNotify.error('Your error message here');

4. Or bind the click event to a trigger button that allows to display a notification bar manually.

  var sudoNotify = $('.notification-container').sudoNotify();

    sudoNotify.success('Your success message here');

5. Available options to custom the notification bars.

var sudoNotify = $('.notification-container').sudoNotify({

  // auto hide after x seconds set in duration opiton
  autoHide: true,
  // displat a close button
  showCloseButton: true,

  // for autoHide option
  duration: 6, //seconds

  // top or bottom
  position: 'top', 

  // log all messages to console with timestamp
  log: true, 

  // notification bar opacity levels
  opacity: 0.95,

  // custom styles for default notification bar
  defaultStyle: {
    maxWidth: '1000px',
    fontSize: '16px'

  // custom styles for error notification bar
  errorStyle: {
    color: '#000000',
    backgroundColor: '#FF9494'

  // custom styles for warning notification bar
  warningStyle: { 
    color: '#000000',
    backgroundColor: '#FFFF96'

  // custom styles for succsee notification bar
  successStyle: { 
    color: '#000000',
    backgroundColor: '#B8FF6D'

  // fade, scroll-left, scroll-left-fade, scroll-right, 
  // scroll-right-fade, slide, slide-fade or none
  animation: {
    type: 'slide-fade',
    showSpeed: 400,
    hideSpeed: 250

  // fire a function when a notificatio bar is closed
  onClose: function(notificationType) {
    alert(notificationType+ ' notification closed');

  // fire a function when a notification bar is trigged.
  onShow: function(notificationType) {
    alert(notificationType+ ' notification showing');

6. Public methods

showError('error message')
showSuccess('success message')
showWarning('warning message')

Change log:


  • version 0.2.5

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by sudo-systems. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.