BootMetro - Metro Style Web Framework

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
BootMetro - Metro Style Web Framework

BootMetro is a Metro Style Web Framework for creating website like windows 8  Metro UI Style. With build-in jQuery plugin, it supports the Metro features.

With BootMetro, you can do these things:

  • Hub - Give more focus to your content.
  • Actions - Show contextual icon action.
  • Navigation - Provide simple ways to navigate to other pages
  • Charms - Create charms panels to show contextual settings.
  • Font Icons - Hundreds of font icons with any color and any dimension.
  • Messages - Show messages, warning and errors like Windows 8 do.
  • ListViews - Show selectable lists of elements.


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by aozora. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.