Free jQuery Navigation Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Navigation' are listed here.
Creating A Simple Off-canvas Slide Panel Navigation with jQuery Pushy
- Menu - 23310 ViewsPushy is a super tiny (~1kb) jQuery plugin for creating an off-canvas slide panel navigation as you've seen in many mobile Apps.
Responsive & Mobile-Aware jQuery Dropdown Navigation Plugin - responsiveNav
- Menu - 6016 ViewsJust another jQuery mobile menu plugin that turns a horizontal multi-level navigation into a mobile friendly toggle menu on small screen devices.
Scrolling Sidebar Nav Menu Plugin - scrollNav
- Menu - 11617 ViewsscrollNav is a tiny jQuery plugin that allows you to create a sticky scrolling sidebar navigation menu in long web pages.
jQuery Plugin To Generate Breadcrumbs From A Sitemap
- Menu - 8486 ViewsA jQuery based breadcrumbs generator used to create an user-friendly breadcrumb navigation from a nested list based sitemap.
jQuery Plugin For Single Page Scroll To Navigation
- Menu - 22377 ViewsSingle Page Nav is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating navigation links that allow to smoothly scroll to desired sections of your page.
jQuery Animated Navigation with Sliding Background - Lava Lamp
- Menu - 4200 ViewsLava-Lamp is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to create a div that animates when you mouse over sibling elements.
Multipurpose Bootstrap Header Navigation Plugin - Bootsnav
- Menu - 13063 ViewsBootsnav uses jQuery, Animate.css and Bootstrap's style to create animated, responsive, various types of header navigation for your Bootstrap project.
Minimal jQuery Dropdown Mega Menu Plugin - booNavigation
- Menu - 13508 ViewsbooNavigation is a lightweight jQuery dropdown menu plugin that provides a simple way to create a three-column mega menu with CSS3 based sliding effects for your website navigation.
Navigation Menu Highlighting Plugin - visualNav
- Menu - 3829 ViewsvisualNav is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create a sticky horizontal or vertical navigation menu which is able to highlight both the currently viewed content & other content in view when scrolling down.
Cool Touch-enabled Corner Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 2797 ViewsA cool touch-enabled navigation concept to create a corner menu that slides out with a subtle transition effect, depended on jQuery, touchSwipe, CSS3 transitions & transforms.
Android L Inspired Dynamic Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 1631 ViewsA dynamic full page navigation inspired by Android Lollipop UI that gets colored dynamically with a tinted background-color of each following section.
Minimalist Pull Down Nav Menu with jQuery and CSS
- Menu - 4267 ViewsA short tutorial about creating a smooth, multi-level, pull down navigation menu from a nested nav list.
jQuery Plugin To Auto Update Navigation When The User Scrolls - spotter.js
- Menu - 1447 Viewsspotter.js is a flexible, cross-device jQuery plugin which automatically updates the CSS active state of matched menu when the user scrolls the page to a certain content.
Lightweight & Customizable jQuery Full Page Navigation Plugin - fullnav.js
- Menu - 3164 Viewsfullnav.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create a customizable modal-style navigation with a full page overlay covering the entire screen.
Paneled-Style Navigation Menu Plugin - jPanelMenu
- Menu - 18117 ViewsjPanelMenu is a clean and modern jQuery menu that helps to create a Paneled-Style Navigation with CSS3 transitions anitmations for your web application or website.
Smart jQuery Scrolling Navigation Bar Plugin - Scroll Nav
- Menu - 27710 ViewsScroll Nav is a lightweight (~3kb unzipped) and smart jQuery plugin for creating a sticky navigation bar at the top of you web page that will auto hide (reappear) when scrolling down (up) the page.
jQuery Plugin For Auto-hide Top Navigation Bar - Hidescroll.js
- Menu - 1672 ViewsHidescroll.js is a tiny jQuery plugin which allows to hide the top navigation bar as you scroll down, however when you scroll up it would show it self again.
jQuery Tooltips Navigation For One Page Scrolling Website - scrollTips
- Layout - 2561 ViewsscrollTips is a jQuery plugin to generate side tooltips which allow you to smoothly navigate between different sections on your one page scrolling website Style Fullscreen Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 1135 ViewsA responsive & fullscreen navigation system inspired by that allows you to navigate through different categories with a subtle CSS3 transition effect.
jQuery Plugin For Smart Fixed Bottom Navigation
- Menu - 1445 ViewsA jQuery & CSS3 based smart fixed navigation that shows a menu link at the bottom of the web page as you scroll down the page.
Slick Slide Side Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 19809 ViewsJust another Mobile app-style side navigation menu that is sticky at the left side of your web page and pushes the main content section to the right with a full overlay.
Android-Like jQuery Tab Navigation Plugin - ShiftyNav
- Menu - 3783 ViewsShiftyNav is a jQuery plugin inspired by the Android apps that make it easy to create tabbed navigation/slider with simple animation effects.
jQuery Sidebar Navigation with Cool Blurring Effect - Focucss
- Menu - 15915 ViewsFocucss is a jQuery plugin to create an off-canvas sidebar navigation with a cool blurring effect, that will focus your users on your sidebar content, and blurring the useless content.
Responsive Sliding Side Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 10947 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin to create a fully responsive & animated sliding side navigation with sub-navigation using jQuery and CSS3.
Create Full Page Animated Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 1816 ViewsThis is a simple jQuery script for creating a navigation bar with blurred background that allows you to open a full page animated navigation menu with CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Animated Multi-Column Bottom Navigation with jQuery and CSS3 - rocker
- Menu - 2110 Viewsrocker is a jQuery plugin for creating a responsive, mobile-friendly multi-column navigation menu sliding from the bottom of the web page.
Animated Toggleable Sidebar and Footer with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 3036 ViewsMenu Bar Animation is a jQuery plugin for creating a toggle button to reveal the hidden sidebar and footer with subtle CSS3 animations.
jQuery Responsive Sticky Mobile Menu Plugin - mobilize
- Menu - 1197 Viewsmobilize is a jQuery navigation menu plugin optimized for mobile that automatically hides overflowing menu items and shows them under "more" button on small screen devices.
Fullpage Animated Menu Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Full Page Menu
- Menu - 1649 ViewsFull Page Menu is a jQuery navigation plugin that displays a responsive, animated menu with CSS3 transitions in a fullpage lightbox-style interface.
Create An Apple-Like Navigation Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 4937 ViewsA horizontal navigation bar with sliding search input that duplicates the's navigation menu, built on top of Javascript(jQuery), CSS3 and Html5.
Simple jQuery & CSS3 Based Off-canvas Sidebar Navigation
- Menu - 6367 ViewsA super simple jQuery script to create an Off-canvas sidebar menu for navigation. The navigation will slide out from the left side of the page with a smooth CSS3 transition effect once you click the toggle button.
App Style Fly-out Navigation Menu Plugin For jQuery - iosmenu
- Menu - 3125 Viewsiosmenu is a jQuery plugin for quickly creating a mobile App-style sidebar toggle, push, overlaying navigation menu into your web page.
jQuery Plugin For Off Screen Sliding Menu with CSS3 Transitions - Drawer
- Menu - 2823 ViewsYet another mobile-style navigation drawer plugin for easily implement an off screen sliding menu into your website.
Animated jQuery Sidebar Drawer Menu Plugin - Stripes
- Menu - 4521 ViewsStripes is a jQuery based animated drawer navigation plugin that dynamically loads multi-level data from JSON data files.
Multi-level Responsive Toggle Navigation Plugin For jQuery
- Menu - 4159 Viewsresponsive-menu.js is a lite jQuery menu plugin for converting a normal multi-level navigation into a sliding toggle menu if the screen width is below 768px.
Stripped Back Responsive Off-Canvas Navigation Plugin For jQuery
- Menu - 2590 ViewsOff Canvas Menu is a lightweight jQuery plugin that converts a standard ul li based menu to a responsive off canvas sidebar navigation for small screen devices.
Responsive Multi-level Off Screen Navigation Plugin For jQuery - cbFlyout
- Menu - 14413 ViewscbFlyout is a mobile-first jQuery off-canvas navigation plugin that creates a responsive multi-level sidebar menu using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
jQuery Plugin For Minimal Sidebar Navigation - Xeo Menu
- Menu - 2857 ViewsXeo Menu is a minimalist jQuery plugin for creating an animated sidebar navigation that slides out from the edge of your page when mouse hover.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Breadcrumbs - rCrumbs
- Menu - 16344 ViewsrCrumbs is an useful and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating a responsive breadcrumbs that automatically resizes your breadcrumbs with a smooth animation to fit your browser window.
jQuery Plugin To Navigate Cells In The Table Using Keyboard - tablenav
- Table - 8032 Viewstablenav is a lite yet useful jQuery plugin that allows the user to use arrow keys to navigate the cells in the Html table with input fields in an Excel-like way.
Responsive Fashion Top Dropdown Menu with jQuery - MobiMenu
- Menu - 10188 ViewsMobiMenu is a responsive and mobile-friendly menu plugin that creates a multi-level top dropdown navigation with smooth sliding animations.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Mobile Toggle Menu - Blue Mobile
- Menu - 8630 ViewsJust another jQuery mobile plugin that creates a multi-level toggle menu on mobile device or a responsive multi-level dropdown navigation on desktop.
jQuery Off-Canvas Sidebar Navigation Plugin - Form5 Offcanvas
- Menu - 9589 ViewsForm5 Offcanvas is another jQuery side menu plugin for creating an off-canvas sidebar navigation that is positioned outside of the viewport and slides in when clicking the toggle button.
jQuery Mailchimp-Like Animated Sticky Menu Plugin - StickyChimp
- Menu - 5578 ViewsStickyChimp is a simple jQuery plugin inspired by for creating a smart & animated navigation menu that stays at the top of your web page.
jQuery Animated Side Navigation Menu Plugin - Sidebar
- Menu - 33040 ViewsSidebar is a jQuery plugin for creating a side navigation menu that slides out from the left side of your page when clicking the toggle button.
jQuery Plugin For Drop Down Breadcrumbs Navigation - Droplist
- Menu - 9271 ViewsDroplist is a jQuery plugin that converts an ul, li based breadcrumbs navigation into a dropdown list to preserve horizontal space.
Simple & Lightweight Responsive jQuery Mobile Menu Plugin
- Menu - 2987 ViewsJust another jQuery responsive menu plugin that transforms the horizontal & multi-level navigation menu into a toggleable dropdown menu on mobile devices.
jQuery Mobile Toggle Menu With CSS3 Media Queries - Biggie
- Menu - 4859 ViewsBiggie is a jQuery menu plugin that converts a horizontal navigation menu into a mobile-friendly drop down toggle menu while the page size has reached the CSS3 Media Queries Break Points.
Creating An Off-canvas Navigation Menu With jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 18331 ViewsA jQuery based off-canvas navigation menu with subtle CSS3 transitions. When clicking the toggle button, a side menu will slide out from the edge of the page and push the main content to the right.
Lightweight jQuery Mobile Collapsible Menu - Mobile Navigation
- Menu - 8106 ViewsMobile Navigation is a simple, responsive and mobile first jQuery menu plugin that converts a multi-level menu into a collapsible drop down navigation menu at mobile devices.
jQuery Plugin For Auto Hiding Navigation Menu - showup
- Menu - 27061 ViewsShowup is a simple jQuery menu plugin for hiding the sticky top menu bar when scrolling down the page and showing it at the top of the page when scrolling up.
Airbnb iOS 7 App Style Side Menu with jQuery and CSS3 - Fly Side Menu
- Menu - 17600 ViewsFly Side Menu is a cool menu plugin that makes use of CSS3 to create a side menu navigation with 3D transforms and transitions, similar to the new Airbnb App navigation resigned for iOS 7.
Responsive & Dynamic Full Screen Navigation Plugin - fullpagenav
- Layout - 2628 Viewsfullpagenav is an amazing jQuery plugin that turns an unordered list into a responsive and dynamic full page navigation with smooth transition animations.
jQuery Plugin For Scroll To Navigation Menu - jumpto
- Menu - 3682 Viewsjumpto is a jQuery plugin for automatically generating a 'Jump To' navigation menu based on heading tags that allow the user to scroll to any html content with a smooth scrolling effect.
jQuery Plugin For Sticky Top Navigation Menu - stickUp
- Menu - 19492 ViewsstickUp is yet another jQuery plugin that makes your navigation menu sticky at the top of your page when scrolling down the window.
jQuery Plugin For Nested Anchored-based Navigations - Anchorific.js
- Menu - 1162 ViewsAnchorific.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for generating anchored headings and automatically creating anchor-based nested navigations. A little similar to the table of contents in document.
Touch-Friendly & Responsive jQuery Dropdown Menu Plugin - doubletaptogo
- Menu - 28330 Viewsdoubletaptogo is a tiny jQuery plugin that provides a simple way create a responsive and touch-friendly drop down navigation menu on your web page & App.
jQuery Fluid Content Scroller Plugin For One Page Navigation
- Layout - 1991 ViewsFluid Content Scroller is a jQuery plugin which makes navigation through long item lists like news, events, blog posts, etc. smooth and easy.
jQuery Responsive Top Navigation Bar Plugin - Peek
- Menu - 12472 ViewsPeek is a lightweight (~2kb) and responsive jQuery plugin for creating an auto-hiding top navigation menu on your website, similar to the jQuery Scroll Nav Plugin.
Lightweight jQuery Plugin For Responsive Navigation Menu - Menutron
- Menu - 2627 ViewsMenutron is a lightweight and mobile-friendly jQuery plugin that automatically transforms your navigation menus from a list to a select drop down list as the size of the window changed.
Easy jQuery Lightbox Plugin For Image Gallery - ion.zoom
- LightBox - 2830 Viewsion.zoom is a lightweight and touch-friendly jQuery plugin for adding image lightbox effects to your gallery.
Responsive Multi Level Navigation with CSS3 Transitions - BootM
- Menu - 23914 ViewsBootM is a pure-CSS menu system for creating responsive and cross-browser multi-level navigation menus with CSS3 transitions.
Stylish & Responsive Slide Out Menu with CSS3 and Javascript
- Menu - 5397 ViewsA stylish & responsive navigation menu built with CSS3 and javascript that slides out a grid-like thumbnail layout for the submenu.
Simple and Touch-Enabled Responsive Navigation Menu Plugin
- Menu - 12672 ViewsA simple and Touch Enabled js library that allows you to quickly create a variety of responsive navigation menus by using only CSS and javascript.
Simple jQuery Tab Navigation Menu Plugin - simpleTab
- Menu - 2848 ViewssimpleTab is a lightweight and simple jQuery plugin that allows you to quickly create tab-based navigation, menu and slider on your website.
jQuery Mobile Date Navigation Plugin
- Mobile - 1946 ViewsA jQuery plugin provides a navigation between date range, either by a defined range (week, month and year).
jQuery Plugin for Creating a Navigation Menu with Sliding Lines
- Menu - 5222 ViewssMagicline is a simple and lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you create a navigation menu with animated sliding lines. Just Enjoy It!
Fixed Position Top Menu Bar with jQuery and CSS3 - nagging-menu
- Menu - 58571 Viewsnagging-menu is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create a floating and fixed position top menu bar on your webpage.
Sticky Top Menu Bar with CSS3
- CSS3 & Html5 - 17970 ViewsIn this tutorial, we will create a sticky top menu bar which is built only with CSS position property, without jQuery or any other script.
Tabbed Content Slider Plugin with jQuery and XML - tNews
- Slider - 5120 ViewstNews is a jQuery plugin that helps you add a sliding content bar to your web page.
Google Play Tabbed Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 5156 ViewsA jQuery Navigation Plugin imitating google play's design that makes it easy to create a clean and simple tabbed navigation for your projects.
Pretty jQuery Navigation Menu With Smooth Animation Effect- tmailsilder
- Menu - 3740 Viewstmailsilder is a jQuery Plugin that helps you create a pretty Navigation Menu with smooth animation effect.
Neat and modern Dropdown Nav Menu with Pure CSS3
- CSS3 & Html5 - 5556 ViewsA Neat and modern Dropdown Menu built only with CSS3 that helps you create a nice dropdownn Navigation menu with animation effects for your website header section.
Responsive Multi-Level Navigation Plugin
- Menu - 4415 ViewsA jQuery Menu Plugin for creating Responsive, Multi-Level and Dropdown Navigation Menu on your webpage.
Responsive & Dynamic Mobile Select Navigation
- Mobile - 1382 ViewsA responsive Select Navigation using pure javascript. The select menu will be comprised of an existing menu, which dynamically creates a select menu and populates it with menu items.
Generating Nav Links For FAQ - MagicNav
- Menu - 877 ViewsMagicNav is a jQuery Navigation Plugin that helps you create a quick navigation for your FAQ page. You can use thit plugin to easily generate links from any element on your page.
TOC - Automatically Generate Tables of Contents
- Layout - 1415 ViewsTOC is a completely customizable jQuery plugin that allows you to generate a table of contents for your page. It is highly customizable and is able to automatically highlight a current section of the document.
Smooth and Smart One Page Navigation Plugin
- Menu - 3649 ViewsA jQuery One Page Navigation Plugin that adds smooth scrolling and smart navigation when user scrolls on one-page sites.
Clean & Simple Nav Menu with CSS3 and HTML5
- CSS3 & Html5 - 3164 ViewsA Clean & Simple Grey Navigation Menu built only with CSS3 and HTML5. No images were used, just CSS. It is cross-browser compatible and was optimized for IE7 and above.
Pure CSS3 Navigation Menu with Animated Effect
- CSS3 & Html5 - 6465 ViewsA simple navigation menu with pure CSS that make it easy to create your own Animated navigation menu for your website.
Advanced tag filtering with jQuery - filtrify
- Menu - 4083 Viewsfiltrify is a powerful jQuery plugin that you can search tags within tags and filter items by multiple tags from different categories and get a live feedback on the number of items containing related tags.
Flexible Nav Bar with jQuery
- Menu - 1206 ViewsA jquery Navigation Bar plugin that add a smart navigation bar on the right of the page. It improves a web page navigation and helps to visualize different sections of a document, an article,.. any web page.
Fast Performing Photo Gallery Plugin - Galleriffic
- Gallery - 18239 ViewsGalleriffic is a simple and multifunction jQuery Gallery Plugin for creating rich, fast-performing photo galleries on your webpage.
Awesome Navigation Box with Stunning Sliding Door Effect
- Other - 1469 ViewsThis jQuery Plugin can be used to create awesome Navigation Boxes with Stunning Sliding Door Effect on your webpage.
Swift Content Navigation Plugin - Windy
- Gallery - 1644 ViewsWindy is a cool jQuery Plugin that makes it easy to create amazing Swift Content Navigation by leafing through it.
CSS3 Dropdown Navigation Menu
- Menu - 2244 ViewsA Colorful Animated Dropdown Navigation Menu built only with CSS3 and HTML5.
BoxyMenu - Links Box Navigation Menu
- Menu - 898 ViewsBoxyMenu is a Fast and Simple Links Box Navigation Menu Plugin that renders smoothly in all major web browsers.
Navigation Gallery with Scrollable Thumbnails
- Gallery - 3058 ViewsAn extraordinary Jquery gallery plugin with scrollable thumbnails that slide out from a navigation.