jQuery Animated Navigation with Sliding Background - Lava Lamp

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License: MIT
jQuery Animated Navigation with Sliding Background - Lava Lamp

Lava-Lamp is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to create a div that animates when you mouse over sibling elements. Good for animated navigation background that can indicate the current position you hover over. 

See also:

Basic Usage:

1. Markup

<div id="default"> 
<img src="images/1.jpg" class="active" /> 
<img src="images/2.jpg" /> 
<img src="images/3.jpg" /> 
<img src="images/4.jpg" /> 

2. Include necessary javascript files on your web page

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-2.0.0.min.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.lavalamp.min.js"></script> 

3. Call the plugin

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
easing: 'easeOutBack'

4. All the options.

easing:      'swing',   // Easing transition
duration:    700,       // Duration of animation
margins:     false,     // Whether or not to include margins
setOnClick:  false,     // Whether or not to set the new active element on click
activeObj:   '.active', // Selector for the active element
autoUpdate:  false,     // Update every interval
updateTime:  100,       // Time between update checks
enableHover: true       // lavalamp moves with hover instead of click

Change Logs:


  • Force CSS3 transitions


  • add css3 transitions


  • works with jQuery 3.1

v1.0.8 (2015-08-20)

  • animate on focus

v1.0.5 (2014-03-09)

  • added enable hover option.

v1.0.5 (2014-02-27)

  • update.

v1.0.4 (2014-02-09)

  • Added ability to set active element
  • added set active demo

v1.0.3 (2013-08-31)

  • Added auto update

v1.0.2 (2013-05-09)

  • Return active variable back to init

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Richard1320. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.