Cool Time Picker For Twitter Bootstrap

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License: MIT
Cool Time Picker For Twitter Bootstrap

Bootstrap Timepicker is a  very cool jQuery to easily select a time for a text input using your mouse or arrow keys.

See also:

How to use it:

1.Include jQuery library and jQuery Bootstrap Timepicker plugin on the page

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="assets/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="assets/bootstrap-timepicker/js/bootstrap-timepicker.js"></script>

2. Markup

<div class="input-append bootstrap-timepicker-component">
<input type="text" class="timepicker-default input-small" />     
<span class="add-on">              

3. Call the plugin with default options.


4. Default options.

defaultTime: 'current',
disableFocus: false,
disableMousewheel: false,
isOpen: false,
minuteStep: 15,
modalBackdrop: false,
orientation: { x: 'auto', y: 'auto'},
secondStep: 15,
snapToStep: false,
showSeconds: false,
showInputs: true,
showMeridian: true,
template: 'dropdown',
appendWidgetTo: 'body',
showWidgetOnAddonClick: true,
icons: {
  up: 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up',
  down: 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down'
maxHours: 24,
explicitMode: false

Change Logs:

v0.5.2 (2016-01-04)

  • Added: Tabbing out of the timepicker widget will now close it.
  • Added: You can specify your own icon classes. See docs for the option.
  • Changed: Cleaned up package.json and bower.json files. The npm/bower package should be cleaner now.
  • Changed: timepicker.less now lives in the css/ directory of the package.
  • Changed: bootstrap-timepicker now uses the latest minor releases for jQuery 2 and Bootstrap 3
  • Fixed: bad interaction between setTime("12:00 AM") and showMeridian
  • Fixed: Various documentation issues were fixed.

v0.5.1 (2015-11-05)

  • Critical fix for bootstrap initialization. If you happened to list your timepicker's classes in an order other than "input-group bootstrap-timepicker", you'd be out of luck. Now we use jQuery's hasClass method correctly.

v0.5.0 (2015-07-31)

  • Bootstrap 3 support. No more Bootstrap 2 support.
  • setTime sets time better
  • more tests, and they exercise Bootstrap 3 support!
  • snapToStep is a new option, off by default, which snaps times to the nearest step or overflows to 0 if it would otherwise snap to 60 or more.
  • explicitMode is a new option, off by default, which lets you leave out colons when typing times.
  • shift+tab now correctly moves the cursor to the previously highlighted unit, and blurs the timepicker when expected.

v0.4.1 (2013-04-10)

  • check if modal

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by jdewit. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.