User-friendly Time/Duration Picker In jQuery - fxtime.js

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User-friendly Time/Duration Picker In jQuery - fxtime.js

fxtime is a user-friendly and accessible jQuery time/duration picker plugin that provides a Firefox-like time selection experience where you can select a time by filling in the hours, minutes, and seconds, one slot at a time. 

The plugin ensures your time inputs are correct through its verification system and neatens your inputs with automatic formatting. It also adapts to either a 12- or 24-hour clock, depending on your browser's locale. This means no more toggling between formats or worrying about AM/PM distinctions.

Furthermore, fxtime automatically focuses on the first empty slot upon entry. As you fill in each slot, the focus automatically advances to the next to provide a smooth flow.

How to use it:

1. Download and place the jquery-fxtime.js script after loading the latest jQuery library.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/dist/jquery-fxtime.js"></script>

2. Convert a regular text input into a basic time picker. fxtime supports the following keyboard shortcuts for enhanced accessibility:

  • Arrow up/down - increment/decrement the current time segment
  • +/- - increment/decrement the current time segment  
  • Tab/Shift+Tab - advance to the next/previous time segment
  • Arrow right/left - advance to the next/previous time segment
  • Delete/Backspace - clear the current time segment
  • A/P - set AM or PM (12-hour mode only)
<input type="text" class="demo" />
$().ready(function() {

3. Specify a step size (in minutes) to add a Seconds slot to the time picker.

<input type="text" class="demo" step="5" />

4. Set the min/max time allowed to input.

<input type="text" class="demo" min="08:30" max="17:30" />
/* highlight the input when invalid */
input.demo:invalid {
  border: 2px solid #f88;
  border-radius: 2px;

5. Increment & decrement values in a specific slot manually.

// +1 minute
$("input.demo").fxtime('inc', 1);

// -1 minute
$("input.demo").fxtime('inc', 1, -1);

6. Set/get the time in 24-hour format.

// set value
$("input.demo").fxtime('val', '04:30');

// get value

// set value in a specific slot
$("input.demo").fxtime('seg', 1, '15');

// get value from a specific slot
$("input.demo")..fxtime('seg', 1);

7. Clear values.

// clear all
$("input.demo").fxtime('val', null);

// clear values in a specific slot
$("input.demo").fxtime('seg', 1, null);

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by RocketMan. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.