Powerful Form Validation Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap 3

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Powerful Form Validation Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap 3

The plugin is NOT CURRENTLY Available For FREE DOWNLOAD. I recommend you to use the other form validation plugins instead.

Yet another jQuery and Bootstrap 3 powered form validation plugin to validate form values your user input with 16+ built-in validators. You can write new validators with Bootstrap Validator's APIs as well.

Available validators:

  • between: Check if the input value is between (strictly or not) two given numbers
  • callback: Return the validity from a callback method
  • creditCard: alidate a credit card number
  • different: Return true if the input value is different with given field's value
  • digits: Return true if the value contains only digits
  • emailAddress: Validate an email address
  • greaterThan: Return true if the value is greater than or equals to given number
  • hexColor: Validate a hex color
  • identical: Check if the value is the same as one of particular field
  • lessThan: Return true if the value is less than or equals to given number
  • notEmpty: Check if the value is empty
  • regexp: Check if the value matches given Javascript regular expression
  • remote: Perform remote checking via Ajax request
  • stringLength: Validate the length of a string
  • uri: Validate an URL address
  • usZipCode: Validate a US zip code

Basic Usage:

1. Include the required jQuery javascript library and Twitter's Bootstrap 3 in the page.

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.2/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<script src="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.2/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

2. Include jQuery Bootstrap Validator plugin after jQuery library.

<script type="text/javascript" src="../dist/js/bootstrapValidator.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/css/bootstrapValidator.css"/>

3. Create a sample sign in form with form validation functionality.

<form id="defaultForm" method="post" class="form-horizontal">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-lg-3 control-label">Username</label>
<div class="col-lg-5">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="username" />
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-lg-3 control-label">Email address</label>
<div class="col-lg-5">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="email" />
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-lg-3 control-label">Password</label>
<div class="col-lg-5">
<input type="password" class="form-control" name="password" />
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-lg-3 control-label">Retype password</label>
<div class="col-lg-5">
<input type="password" class="form-control" name="confirmPassword" />
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-lg-3 control-label" id="captchaOperation"></label>
<div class="col-lg-2">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="captcha" />
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-lg-9 col-lg-offset-3">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Sign up</button>

4. The javascipt to apply the validators on the form and customize the warning messages when typing.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// Generate a simple captcha
function randomNumber(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
$('#captchaOperation').html([randomNumber(1, 100), '+', randomNumber(1, 200), '='].join(' '));

message: 'This value is not valid',
fields: {
username: {
message: 'The username is not valid',
validators: {
notEmpty: {
message: 'The username is required and can\'t be empty'
stringLength: {
min: 6,
max: 30,
message: 'The username must be more than 6 and less than 30 characters long'
regexp: {
regexp: /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+$/,
message: 'The username can only consist of alphabetical, number, dot and underscore'
different: {
field: 'password',
message: 'The username and password can\'t be the same as each other'
email: {
validators: {
notEmpty: {
message: 'The email address is required and can\'t be empty'
emailAddress: {
message: 'The input is not a valid email address'
password: {
validators: {
notEmpty: {
message: 'The password is required and can\'t be empty'
identical: {
field: 'confirmPassword',
message: 'The password and its confirm are not the same'
different: {
field: 'username',
message: 'The password can\'t be the same as username'
confirmPassword: {
validators: {
notEmpty: {
message: 'The confirm password is required and can\'t be empty'
identical: {
field: 'password',
message: 'The password and its confirm are not the same'
different: {
field: 'username',
message: 'The password can\'t be the same as username'
captcha: {
validators: {
callback: {
message: 'Wrong answer',
callback: function(value, validator) {
var items = $('#captchaOperation').html().split(' '), sum = parseInt(items[0]) + parseInt(items[2]);
return value == sum;

5. The default options.

// The first invalid field will be focused automatically
autoFocus: true,

// Support declarative usage (setting options via HTML 5 attributes)
// Setting to false can improve the performance
declarative: true,

// The form CSS class
elementClass: 'fv-form',

// Use custom event name to avoid window.onerror being invoked by jQuery
// See #630
events: {
  // Support backward
  formInit: 'init.form.fv',
  formError: 'err.form.fv',
  formSuccess: 'success.form.fv',
  fieldAdded: 'added.field.fv',
  fieldRemoved: 'removed.field.fv',
  fieldInit: 'init.field.fv',
  fieldError: 'err.field.fv',
  fieldSuccess: 'success.field.fv',
  fieldStatus: 'status.field.fv',
  localeChanged: 'changed.locale.fv',
  validatorError: 'err.validator.fv',
  validatorSuccess: 'success.validator.fv'

// Indicate fields which won't be validated
// By default, the plugin will not validate the following kind of fields:
// - disabled
// - hidden
// - invisible
// The setting consists of jQuery filters. Accept 3 formats:
// - A string. Use a comma to separate filter
// - An array. Each element is a filter
// - An array. Each element can be a callback function
//    function($field, validator) {
//  $field is jQuery object representing the field element
//  validator is the BootstrapValidator instance
//  return true or false;
//    }
// The 3 following settings are equivalent:
// 1) ':disabled, :hidden, :not(:visible)'
// 2) [':disabled', ':hidden', ':not(:visible)']
// 3) [':disabled', ':hidden', function($field) {
//return !$field.is(':visible');
//  }]
excluded: [':disabled', ':hidden', ':not(:visible)'],

// Map the field name with validator rules
fields: null,

// Live validating option
// Can be one of 3 values:
// - enabled: The plugin validates fields as soon as they are changed
// - disabled: Disable the live validating. The error messages are only shown after the form is submitted
// - submitted: The live validating is enabled after the form is submitted
live: 'enabled',

// Locale in the format of languagecode_COUNTRYCODE
locale: 'en_US',

// Default invalid message
message: 'This value is not valid',

// The field will not be live validated if its length is less than this number of characters
threshold: null,

// Whether to be verbose when validating a field or not.
// Possible values:
// - true:  when a field has multiple validators, all of them will be checked, and respectively - if errors occur in
//  multiple validators, all of them will be displayed to the user
// - false: when a field has multiple validators, validation for this field will be terminated upon the first encountered error.
//  Thus, only the very first error message related to this field will be displayed to the user
verbose: true,

// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// These options mostly are overridden by specific framework
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

button: {
  // The submit buttons selector
  // These buttons will be disabled to prevent the valid form from multiple submissions
  selector: '[type="submit"]',

  // The disabled class
  disabled: ''

control: {
  // The CSS class for valid control
  valid: '',

  // The CSS class for invalid control
  invalid: ''

err: {
  // The CSS class of each message element
  clazz: '',

  // The error messages container. It can be:
  // - 'tooltip' if you want to use Bootstrap tooltip to show error messages
  // - 'popover' if you want to use Bootstrap popover to show error messages
  // - a CSS selector indicating the container
  // In the first two cases, since the tooltip/popover should be small enough, the plugin only shows only one error message
  // You also can define the message container for particular field
  container: null,

  // Used to determine where the messages are placed
  parent: null

// Shows ok/error/loading icons based on the field validity.
icon: {
  valid: null,
  invalid: null,
  validating: null,
  feedback: ''

row: {
  // The CSS selector for indicating the element consists of the field
  // You should adjust this option if your form group consists of many fields which not all of them need to be validated
  selector: null,
  valid: '',
  invalid: '',
  feedback: ''

Change logs:

v0.6.1 (2015-02-24)

  • Add dataType, crossDomain, validKey options for remote validator.
  • Add declarative option to support big form
  • Add Netherlands phone validator
  • Add Bulgarian zip code validator
  • Add Bulgarian phone number validator
  • Add Polish zip code and id validators
  • Support custom framework
  • Remote validator fails if Ajax request fails
  • Update Netherlands phone number validator
  • Add plugin instance to the 3rd parameter of transformer callback
  • Add Grunt task that runs the jasmine test suites
  • Bug Fixes

v0.6.0 (2015-01-06)

  • Add setLocale() and getLocale() methods to support multiple languages
  • Add validateContainer() method
  • Add transformer option, allowing to hook the value of field before validating
  • Support add-on
  • Add UAE phone number validator
  • Add EIN validator
  • Add BIC (ISO 9362) validator
  • Add err, icon, row options
  • Support Zurb Foundation framework
  • Add Spanish postal code validator, thanks to @ethernet-zero
  • Support Spanish CIF validator, thanks to @ethernet-zero
  • Support UI Kit framework
  • Support Pure framework
  • Support Yahoo Pure framework
  • Remove hexColor validator. Use color validator instead
  • Showing only one message each time
  • Add Required icon
  • Google reCAPTCHA add-on
  • multilingual add-on
  • Add option to set optional protocol in uri validator
  • Add clazz option
  • Improve identical validator, thanks to @jazzzz
  • Show the credit card icon based on its type
  • Showing tooltip/popover when moving over or clicking the feedback icon (Bootstrap 3.3.0)
  • Use jQuery instead of window.jQuery
  • Allow to reuse data which is returned by the validator
  • Don't need to set the different validator for both fields
  • Improve the CPF validator
  • Support Foundation framework
  • Bugs fix.
  • Document update.
  • Rename to Form Validation

v0.5.3 (2014-11-05)

  • Add min, max options for the date validator,
  • Add color validator
  • The stringLength validator adds option to evaluate length in UTF-8 bytes
  • Add trim option for the stringLength validator
  • Add minFiles, maxFiles, minTotalSize, maxTotalSize options for the file validator
  • Add France postal code validator
  • Add Ireland postal code validator
  • Add German phone number and postal code validators
  • Add Portugal postal code validator
  • Add autoFocus option
  • Add Austria and Switzerland postal code validators
  • The hexColor validator only accepts 6 hex character values when using HTML 5 type='color' attribute
  • Comma separator handling in greaterThan, lessThan validators
  • Replace ',' with '.' to validate decimal numbers correct
  • Put tooltip/popover on bottom if there is not enough space on top
  • The remote validator allows to set data options via HTML attributes
  • Enable validator when setting data-bv-validatorname="data-bv-validatorname"
  • Requires jQuery 1.9.1 or higher
  • Update the stringLength document
  • Add a notification about setting identical validator for both fields
  • Add Using language package example
  • Update the Changing the tooltip, popover's position example
  • Add time validator example
  • Add Rails usage for stringLength validator
  • Fix the order of parameters for enableFieldValidators() method
  • Fix mixed data/delay in remote doc
  • Updated docs for added German postal code and phone number validators
  • Fix Changing tooltip, popover's position example link
  • Languages update

v0.5.2 (2014-09-25)

  • Add verbose option
  • Add blank validator
  • Add init and destroy methods to validator
  • Add Venezuelan VAT number (RIF) validator
  • Add China phone number validator
  • Add Venezuela phone number validator
  • Add Romania phone number validator
  • Add Romania postal code validator
  • Add Denmark phone number validator
  • Add Thailand phone number and ID validator
  • Add Chinese citizen ID validator
  • Add Russia phone number validator
  • Add Russian postal code validator
  • Add Czech and Slovakia phone number and postal code validators
  • Add delay option to the remote validator
  • he different validator allows more than a 2-way comparison
  • The container option can be defined by a callback
  • Use CSS classes instead of inline styling to fix icons with input-group
  • The stringLength validator supports HTML 5 minlength attribute
  • The emailAddress validator accepts multiple email addresses
  • Reuse data returned by callback, remote, custom validators
  • The uri validator adds support for custom protocol
  • Support VAT number without prefixing by country code
  • Support latest Bootstrap when using tooltip/popover to show the message
  • Improve behaviour of the different validator
  • Add "BootstrapValidator's JavaScript requires jQuery" warning
  • Add minSize option for the file validator
  • Add phone number validator test suite
  • Add Bootstrap Select and Select2 examples
  • Add TinyMCE example
  • Add Changing tooltip/popover position example
  • Bugs fixed.
  • Add more Language Packages.

v0.5.1 (2014-08-22)

  • Add meid validator, thanks to @troymccabe
  • Add imo validator, thanks to @troymccabe
  • Add French phone number validator, thanks to @dlucazeau
  • Add Spanish phone number validator, thanks to @vadail
  • Add Iceland VAT number validator, thanks to @evilchili
  • Add Pakistan phone number validator, thanks to @abuzer
  • Add event name options to avoid window.onerror being invoked by jQuery, thanks to @roryprimrose. 
  • Add South African VAT number validator, thanks to @evilchili
  • Add Brazilian phone number and postal code validator, thanks to @fhferreira
  • Add zipCode and phone number validators for Morocco, thanks to @Arkni
  • Add Brazilian VAT number validator, thanks to @fhferreira

v0.5.0 (2014-07-14)

  • Major update.
  • See CHANGELOG.md.

v0.4.5 (2014-05-15)

  • Add $.fn.bootstrapValidator.helpers.date for validating a date, re-used in date, id, vat validators
  • Add threshold option
  • Add id validator
  • Add separator option to the numeric validator
  • Add isin (International Securities Identification Number) validator
  • Add rtn (Routing transit number) validator
  • Add cusip (North American Securities) validator
  • Add sedol (Stock Exchange Daily Official List) validator
  • The zipCode validator adds support for Italian, Dutch postcodes
  • The cvv validator should support spaces in credit card, thanks to @evilchili
  • Change default submitButtons to [type="submit"] to support input type="submit"
  • Fix the conflict issue with MooTools
  • The submit buttons are not sent
  • The iban validator does not work on IE8
  • Plugin method invocation don't work
  • Fix the issue that the hidden fields generated by other plugins might not be validated
  • When parsing options from HTML attributes, don't add the field which hasn't validators. 

v0.4.5 (2014-05-07)

  • Add threshold option
  • When parsing options from HTML attributes, don't add the field which hasn't validators. 
  • Add id validator

v0.4.4 (2014-05-05)

  • Add $.fn.bootstrapValidator.helpers.mod_11_10 method that implements modulus 11, 10 (ISO 7064) algorithm. The helper is then reused in validating German and Croatian VAT numbers
  • Add $.fn.bootstrapValidator.helpers.mod_37_36 method that implements modulus 37, 36 (ISO 7064) algorithm, used in GRid validator
  • Add EAN (International Article Number) validator
  • Add GRId (Global Release Identifier) validator
  • Add IMEI (International Mobile Station Equipment Identity) validator
  • Add ISMN (International Standard Music Number) validator
  • Add ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) validator
  • Support using both the name attribute and selector option for field
  • Indicate success/error tab
  • Add UK postcode support for the zipCode validator
  • The date validator supports seconds
  • Wrong prefix of Laser credit card number

v0.4.3 (2014-04-26)

  • Add file validator
  • Add vat validator, support 32 countries
  • Add Canadian Postal Code support for the zipCode validator, thanks to @Francismori7
  • The choice validator supports select element
  • Activate tab containing the first invalid field
  • Plugin method invocation
  • IE8 error
  • The excluded: ':disabled' setting does not work on IE 8, thanks to @adgrafik
  • The isbn validator accepts letters and special characters

v0.4.2 (2014-04-19)

  • Add siren and siret validators
  • Add Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) validator
  • Add excluded option
  • The phone validator now supports +1 country code and area code for US phone number
  • The remote validator allows to override name option
  • Do not validate fields that enabled is set to false
  • Improve zipCode validator

v0.4.1 (2014-04-12)

  • Fixed an issue that the custom submit handler is not fired from the second time
  • Prevent the validate() method from submit the form automatically. So we can call validate() to validate the form
  • Doesn't trigger validation on the first focus
  • The row state is now only marked as success if all fields on it are valid
  • Added support for element outside of form using the selector option
  • User doesn't need to submit the form twice when remote validator complete
  • Fix errors in IE 8
  • The phone validator now also checks the length of US phone number

v0.4.0 (2014-04-03)

  • Set validator option by using HTML 5 attributes (data-bv-*)
  • Support HTML 5 input types
  • Support multiple elements with the same name
  • Add setLiveMode() method to turn on/off the live validating mode
  • Add iban validator for validating IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
  • Add uuid validator, support UUID v3, v4, v5
  • Add numeric validator
  • Add integer validator
  • Add hex validator
  • Add stringCase validator to check a string is lower or upper case
  • Other improvements and fixes.

v0.3.3 (2014-03-27)

  • FIXED: Don't validate disabled element
  • FIXED: Cannot call form.submit() inside submitHandler
  • FIXED: notEmpty validator doesn't work on file input
  • FIXED: Handle case where a field is removed after the bootstrap validation

v0.3.2 (2014-03-21)

  • Add selector option for each field. The field can be defined by CSS validator instead of the name attribute
  • Add container option for each field to indicate where the error messages are shown
  • Add ip validator. Support both IPv4 and IPv6
  • Add isbn validator, support both ISBN 10 and ISBN 13
  • Add step validator
  • Add mac validator
  • Add base64 validator
  • Add cvv validator
  • Add phone validator. Support US phone number only, thanks to @gercheq

v0.3.1 (2014-03-17)

  • Add date validator
  • Improve updateStatus() method to make the plugin play well with another
  • Add enabled option and enableFieldValidators() method to enable/disable all validators to given field
  • Add bower.json file, thanks to @ikanedo
  • Support more form controls on the same row
  • Remove the columns option. Now the plugin works normally no matter how many columns the form uses
  • The resetForm method now only resets fields with validator rules
  • FIXED: The error messages aren't shown if the form field doesn't have label
  • FIXED: submitHandler or default submission isn't called after remote validation completes


  • Add date validator
  • Add setNotValidated() method to make the plugin play well with another
  • Add enabled option and enableFieldValidators() method to enable/disable all validators to given field
  • Add bower.json file
  • Support more form controls on the same row
  • Remove the columns option
  • Fixes: The error messages aren't shown if the form field doesn't have label
  • Fixes: submitHandler or default submission isn't called after remote validation completes


  • Rewrite entirely using Deferred
  • Add choice validator
  • The remote validator supports dynamic data
  • Add method to validate form manually
  • Disable submit button on successful form submit
  • Add submit button to submitHandler() parameter
  • Add optional feedback icons
  • Support Danish zip code
  • Support Sweden zip code
  • Support custom grid columns
  • Show all errors
  • Add resetForm() method


  • update


  • fixed validation for checkboxes


  • Fixed: Don't validate disabled element
  • Fixed: Callback validator does not process if the field is empty


  • bugs fixed.


  •  Fix the issue when the form label doesn't have class

v0.2.2 (2014-01-17)

  • Focus to the first invalid element
  • remote validator: Allow to set additional data to remote URL
  • Avoid from calling form submit recursively
  • Validate existing fields only

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by formvalidation. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.