Free jQuery form validation Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'form validation' are listed here.
10 Best Form Validation JavaScript Plugins (2025 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 37390 Views10 Best JavaScript and jQuery form validation plugins to validate form fields in a simple way. Feel free to download and use it in your next project.
Powerful Multi-Functional Form Validation Plugin - jQuery Validation
- Form - 21381 ViewsjQuery Validation is a javascript based plugin that helps you implement a powerful client side validator to your form elements that validate the value ( name, email, address, etc..) your user input when submitting.
Versatile Form Validation And AJAX Submit Plugin - jQuery VaSe
- Form - 5459 ViewsVaSe is a versatile form manipulation plugin for jQuery that validates the form fields and send the valid form data to the server using AJAX post.
Minimal Form Field Validation Plugin For jQuery - Validin
- Form - 5580 ViewsValidin is a lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin used to validate various types of form fields using regular expressions.
Dynamic Feature-rich Form Validation Library For jQuery - Parsley.js
- Form - 5111 ViewsParsley.js is a powerful, feature-rich jQuery form validation plugin which can be used to dynamically validate form fields on client side before submitting.
Powerful HTML5 Form Validation Plugin - jQuery DjValidator
- Form - 5957 ViewsDjValidator is a simple, flexible, powerful jQuery based HTML5 form validator that comes with 20+ built-in validation rules and is easy to extend using your own validations.
Client-side Form Input Validation with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Form - 17559 ViewsA simple lightweight Javascript library that validates the form inputs and displays the error messages in the Bootstrap modal dialog.
Credit Card Validator Plugin with jQuery
- Other - 12299 ViewsAn easy, fast Query Plugin for detecting and validating credit card numbers in your checkout form.
Tiny Animated Form Validation Plugin - jQuery formValid
- Form - 4516 ViewsA lightweight (3kb) jQuery form validation plugin used for validating your form fields on keyup and/or submit.
jQuery Widget For Date Entry and Validation - datetextentry
- Form - 6427 Viewsdatetextentry is a jQuery based date input widget that separates the standard text input field for day, month and year, and performs a real-time date validation while the user typing.
HTML5 Validity Based Form Validation Plugin - jQuery validity.js
- Form - 7795 Viewsvalidity.js is a small jQuery HTML5 form validation plugin used to validate the values of any form fields using the HTML validity property.
Accessible Form Validation Plugin For jQuery - Aria Form Validation
- Form - 2146 ViewsA lightweight and accessible jQuery form validation plugin which has the ability to validate the form fields using aria attributes.
Powerful jQuery Form Validation Plugin - Validation Engine
- Form - 36932 ViewsValidation Engine is a jQuery plugin aimed at the validation of form fields in the browser.
Flexible HTML5 Form Field Validation Plugin With jQuery - xvalidation
- Form - 5911 ViewsValidati is a flexible jQuery form validation plugin which highlights invalid form fields and displays custom error messages using CSS classes and HTML5 data attributes.
Mobile First Form Validation Plugin With jQuery - mobileValidate
- Form - 4361 ViewsmobileValidate is a highly customizable jQuery form validation plugin optimized for mobile devices.
Convenient Bootstrap 4 Form Validator - jQuery validator.js
- Form - 34823 ViewsA lightweight and simple to use Bootstrap 4 validator that validates commonly used form field and display custom validation errors in an HTML form. Works with native HTML5 form attributes.
Robust Modular HTML5 Form Validation Plugin - Form Validator
- Form - 4067 ViewsA robust, flexible, customizable and modular form validator that supports both native HTML5 form validation features and custom validation rules.
jQuery Plugin To Format & Validate Credit Card Forms - payform
- Form - 9670 ViewsPayform is a jQuery-free JavaScript library used to format and validate form inputs related to credit card payments.
Full-featured jQuery Form Validation Plugin - Prove.js
- Form - 3432 ViewsProve.js is a robust jQuery plugin that provides modular, event-based, synchronous or asynchronous validators and decorators for your existing form fields.
Credit Card Number Generator & Validator With jQuery - ValidMYCard
- Form - 7597 ViewsValidMYCard is a Credit Card Generator & Validator built with jQuery that generates random credit card numbers and checks you type the right numbers (card type, length, luhn).
Simplest HTML5 Form Validation Plugin - jQuery Simple Validator
- Form - 7689 ViewsThis is a super simple and lightweight jQuery plugin to provide client-side form validation without writing any JavaScript codes.
Validate If A Password Meets Certain Requirements - PassRequirements
- Form - 12500 ViewsPassRequirements is a jQuery plugin that uses Bootstrap's tooltip component to provides an instant feedback when an input field (typically password field) meets certain requirements.
Tiny Form Validator With jQuery And Bootstrap - smValidator
- Form - 3125 ViewssmValidator is a lightweight jQuery form validator styling with Bootstrap that can be used to validate various types of input fields with custom error messages.
jQuery Plugin For Form Validation & AJAX Submission - ssd-form
- Form - 4425 Viewsssd-form is a lightweight, configurable jQuery plugin which adds form field validation and ajax submission functionalities to your existing html form.
Auto Format Form Fields When Typing - jQuery Smart Formatter
- Form - 2346 ViewsSmart Formatter is a jQuery form formatter plugin which automatically formats form fields (e.g. input fields, textarea elements) while typing.
Easy Configurable Form Validator For jQuery - fm.validator.jquery.js
- Form - 1340 Viewsfm.validator.jquery.js is an easy-to-implement yet fully configurable jQuery form validation plugin to help you validate input, textarea, checkbox, select, and radio button on client side.
A Basic jQuery Validation Engine For Bootstrap Forms - Validator.js
- Form - 3216 ViewsValidator.js is a lightweight jQuery validation plugin for Bootstrap that creates and displays error messages for invalid form fields before submitting.
Real-time Form Validation & Auto Formatting Plugin - field-validator.js
- Form - 3470 Viewsfield-validator.js is a simple, powerful jQuery form validation plugin which enables you to validate and auto-format form fields on the client side.
Accessible Client Side Form Validation Plugin - jQuery aria-validate
- Form - 1233 Viewsaria-validate is a simple, accessible, client side form field validation plugin for jQuery that uses Aria attributes and roles for keyboard and screen reader accessibility.
Custom HTML5 Form Validation Messages - jQuery prettyFormError
- Form - 2060 ViewsprettyFormError is a lightweight jQuery plugin which provides custom CSS styles for the regular HTML5 form validation error messages as shown in the demo page.
Extendable Form Validation Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - vindicate
- Form - 12589 Viewsvindicate is a extendable and customizable jQuery form validation plugin for Bootstrap 4 that provides visual feedback as the users are typing something in the form fields.
Easy Form Validation Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - jQuery s-validatejs
- Form - 16794 Viewss-validatejs is a super tiny jQuery plugin that provides the client-side form field validation for the latest Bootstrap 4 framework.
Easy Number Input Validation Plugin For jQuery - numberValidation
- Form - 7562 ViewsnumberValidation is a simple, easy-to-use jQuery plugin that provides the real-time validation functionality for your numeric input fields.
Lightweight Form Validator For Bootstrap - jQuery validator.js
- Form - 2204 Viewsvalidator.js is a small jQuery form validation plugin for Bootstrap framework that currently comes with 6 validators: 'required', 'length', 'or', 'equals', 'callback' and custom REGEX patterns.
Flexible Full-featued Form Validation Plugin - jQuery Validaty
- Form - 1575 ViewsValidaty is a simple, flexible jQuery form validation plugin which applies most commonly used validators to your existing form fields using HTML5 data attributes.
Minimal Password Strength & Match Validation Plugin For jQuery
- Form - 18664 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin password validation plugin that validates the strength of a password and provides an instant feedback whether the password meets the requirements you specify.
Lightweight Form Validation Plugin For jQuery - isform.js
- Form - 2382 Viewsisform.js is a really small (~3kb minified) jQuery plugin that makes it easy to validate form fields and display custom error messages before submitting.
Basic jQuery Form Validator Using Regular Expressions - validex.js
- Form - 3002 Viewsvalidex.js is a really small jQuery form validation plugin which highlights the form fields when the values typed by the user are invalid.
Easy Credit Card Input Plugin With jQuery - creditCardValidator
- Form - 4144 ViewsA jQuery plugin to create an user-friendly credit card input that has the ability to detect the credit card type and validate the credit card number you typed.
HTML5 Form Validation Plugin For Bootstrap - Bootstrap Validator
- Form - 40638 ViewsBootstrap Validator makes uses of jQuery and HTML5 attributes to provide flexible, customizable and AJAX-enabled validation functionalities for your Bootstrap forms.
Minimal HTML5 Form Field Validation Plugin For jQuery - validate
- Form - 2954 Viewsvalidate.js is a lightweight client-side form validation plugin for jQuery that allows to validate and mask form fields using HTML5 data attributes and/or regular expressions.
Easy HTML5 Form Validation Plugin For Bootstrap - Valid8
- Form - 1647 ViewsValid8 is a jQuery form validation plugin which applies a bunch of pre-defined validation rules to your form fields without writing any JavaScript.
Simple jQuery Input Validator For Bootstrap Forms - bsValidate
- Form - 14802 ViewsbsValidate is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin used to validate required/email/character text fields for your Bootstrap forms before submitting.
Small jQuery Real-Time Form Validation Plugin - Validetta
- Form - 10220 ViewsValidetta is a clean and simple jQuery client-side and real-time form validation plugin that checks the required field, email, number, credit card, and more other input fields while submitting.
A Super Tiny Form Validator With jQuery - validate.js
- Form - 2045 ViewsAn ultra-light, AJAX-enabeld, jQuery based form validator which can be used to validate required form fields and email addresses on client side.
Minimalist HTML5 Form Validation Plugin For jQuery - validateMe
- Form - 970 ViewsvalidateMe is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to validation form fields on client side that currently supports required fields, email addresses and telephone numbers.
Easy Client-side Form Validation Plugin For jQuery - valida
- Form - 1752 ViewsValida is an easy yet fully configurable jQuery form validation plugin which checks form fields and alert users about errors when they fill in a form.
Micro HTML5 Form Validator With jQuery - Snapkit Validation
- Form - 1282 ViewsSnapkit Validation is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin which applies most commonly used validation rules to your html form fields.
Minimal jQuery Validation Plugin For Empty Input Fields - denetmen.js
- Form - 1507 Viewsdenetmen.js is a minimal jQuery form validation plugin which checks if text fields are empty with custom alert messages and optional lightbox integration.
jQuery Credit Card Form Formatting Plugin - Payment
- Form - 13756 ViewsjQuery Payment is an useful and simple jQuery plugin for E-commerce website to format and validate credit card form input field.
Minimal Date And Time Input Mask / Validation Plugin For jQuery
- Time & Clock - 9846 Viewsalex-date-time.js is a lightweight and convenient jQuery input mask plugin which automatically formats and validates date & time inputs in "DD/MM/YYYY" and "HH:MM" formats.
Cross-browser HTML5 Form Validation Plugin For jQuery - Attrvalidate
- Form - 1151 ViewsAttrvalidate is a jQuery form validator plugin which allows to validate your form fields using HTML5 input attributes such as 'required', min/max length, email, tel, etc.
Simplest jQuery Form Validator For Bootstrap - Validate Bootstrap
- Form - 10031 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows to validate form controls with custom error messages and styles using Bootstrap styling, HTML5 attributes and regular expressions.
Simple Fast Form Validation Plugin For jQuery - jqueryValidate
- Form - 2397 ViewsA simple, easy, fast jQuery plugin that adds client-side form validation functionality to existing form fields.
Convenient HTML5 Form Validation Plugin For jQuery - validation.js
- Form - 1648 ViewsA convenient form validation plugin that provides a convenient means to implement client-side validation on common HTML input fields.
Simple Client-side Form Validation Plugin For jQuery - Validator
- Form - 9559 ViewsValidator is a brand new jQuery form validation plugin that that makes it easy to add validation to existing form elements.
jQuery Plugin For Form Validation Animations Using Animate.css
- Form - 5071 ViewsForm Animation is a super tiny jQuery plugin which uses Animate.css to add cool CSS3 animations to your invalid form when submitting.
Accessible jQuery Form Validation Plugin - ADA Validation
- Form - 2678 ViewsADA Validation is a jQuery based form validator that provides ADA compliant, client-side validation on existing form fields using REGEX, required, or custom validation functions.
Basic Login/Signup Form Validation Plugin With jQuery - Validatr
- Form - 7156 ViewsValidatr is a simple to use jQuery plugin which provides basic form validation functionality for required, email and zip input fields.
jQuery Form Auto-correct & Validation Plugin - iForm
- Form - 1857 ViewsiForm is a jQuery plugin that automatically corrects any user input, performing validation routines behind the scene.
Simple Automatic Form Validation Plugin with jQuery - Validify.js
- Form - 2643 ViewsValidify.js is a very small jQuery plugin which provides real-time, client side input field validation on your login form.
jQuery Plugin To Identify and Validate Credit Cards - Cardcheck.js
- Form - 5473 ViewsCardcheck.js is a very small jQuery plugin for e-commerce website that validates the credit card numbers as well as telling you the detected credit card type.
Minimal Password Match Validation Plugin with jQuery
- Form - 6104 ViewsA jQuery plugin designed for user register form that displays a validation hint if the "Confirm Password" doesn't matches the "Password" field while the user it typing.
Minimal Inline Form Validation Plugin For jQuery - Valideater
- Form - 2472 ViewsValideater is a lightweight jQuery/HTML5 form validator that displays custom erro messages next to the invalid form elements when typing or clicking on the submit button.
jQuery Plugin For Custom HTML5 Form Validation Messages - html5cvm
- Form - 3387 Viewshtml5cvm is a lightweight jQuery plugin for replacing the default HTML5 form validation messages that supports numerious validation types.
Easy Real-time Form Validation Plugin With jQuery - walidate
- Form - 6730 Viewswalidate is a powerful and user-friendly jQuery plugin that quickly adds form validation functionalities to your form elements, without changing any existing code of your web page.
Simple Flexible jQuery Powered Form Validator
- Form - 1564 ViewsA jQuery form validator for validating your HTML form fields against required field, string, email, password, regular expression, and many more.
Form Address Verification Plugin for jQuery - liveaddress
- Form - 6903 Viewsliveaddress is a jQuery plugin which takes advantage of LiveAddress API to add a powerful and real-time address verification to your form when submitting.
Powerful Form Validation Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap 3
- Form - 243715 ViewsYet another jQuery and Bootstrap 3 powered form validation plugin to validate form values your user input with 16+ built-in validators.
Minimal Form Input Validation Plugin with jQuery - validate.js
- Form - 3337 Viewsvalidate.js is a small jQuery client-side form validation plugin that utilizes RegEx patterns to add validation with custom error messages to existing form inputs.
Customizable Card Number Validation Plugin with jQuery - ForceCardNumber
- Form - 3415 ViewsForce Card Number is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin helps you create an user-friendly debit/credit card input with card number validation.
jQuery Plugin For Easy Client Side Form Validation - bValidator
- Form - 12214 ViewsbValidator is a simple jQuery plugin for executing client side validation as you submit a form, displaying error & hint messages next to the invalid inputs.
Flexible Validation Plugin For jQuery - Pliant
- Form - 2053 ViewsPliant is a small jQuery validation plugin that allows easy extending/overriding of rules, as well as defining field validation by html comments.
Login Form Validation Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Form - 49319 ViewsA basic jQuery & Bootstrap 3 based form validation plugin to validate login form controls such as email address, required fields, password fields, etc.
jQuery Plugin For User-Friendly Credit Card Input Field
- Form - 4546 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin to check and display the credit card type as the user types, and to provide Bootstrap validation classes for Luhn check once the correct length has been verified.
jQuery Form Slider Plugin with Input Validation - jFormslider
- Form - 9685 ViewsjFormslider is a jQuery plugin that converts a large form into a form slider/wizard with input validation, styling with Twitter's Bootstrap 3.
Simple jQuery Step By Step Form Wizard Plugin - Minimal Form
- Form - 4817 ViewsMinimal Form is a simple jQuery plugin that generates a step-by-step form wizard with custom form validation rules via REGEX.
Lightweight Form Validation Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap - jbootvalidator
- Form - 8648 Viewsjbootvalidator is a lightweight and simple to use jQuery & Boostrap plugin for validating form fields users input using custom data validation patterns.
Simple jQuery Form Wizard with Input Validation - Simple Form
- Form - 27908 ViewsSimple Form is a jQuery plugin that turns a form into a multi-step wizard with support for form validation and progress indication.
Stylish Editable Table Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap 2/3 - Editable Table
- Table - 47767 ViewsEditable Table is a table manipulation plugin that turns a standard Html table into a responsive in-place editable spreadsheet with input validation based on jQuery and bootstrap 2/3.
Lightweight jQuery Form Validation Plugin - Goodness
- Form - 1465 ViewsGoodness is a light jQuery form validation plugin. When the form is validated, classes will be added or removed from your markup to match your defined styles and animation.
Minimal jQuery Real-Time Form Validation Plugin - senp validate
- Form - 1067 Viewssenp validate is yet another jQuery form validation plugin that checks and validates users input based on regexp names or javascript functions.
jQuery Plugin For Easy Credit Card Inputs - Creditly.js
- Form - 14319 ViewsCreditly.js is a jQuery plugin for creating an input masked form with input validation for your customers that makes it easier to input credit card information.
Super Simple jQuery Form Validation Plugin
- Form - 1917 ViewsAn easy yet useful jQuery plugin used to validate the form values your users input when clicking the submit button.
Highly Customizable jQuery Form Validation plugin - validVal
- Form - 1490 ViewsvalidVal is a highly customizable and feature rich jQuery plugin that adds client side or server side form validation functionality to your existing form elements.
Powerful & Responsive jQuery Step-By-Step Form Plugin - Ideal Forms 3
- Form - 47956 ViewsIdeal Forms 3 is a form plugin for jQuery and jQuery UI that makes it easy to create a beautiful, responsive and extendable HTML5 step-by-step form for your project.
Easy jQuery Form Validation Plugin - valideasy
- Form - 1898 Viewsvalideasy is a simple and easy jQuery plugin that adds form validation functionality to your input fields just by adding rule class attributes to your form fields.
Useful and Multi Functional jQuery Plugin - liga.js
- Other - 1714 Viewsliga.js is an Useful and Multi FunctionaljQuery Plugin that brings together a number of common features in web applications such as windows, messages, notification, form validation, AJAX history and more.
jQuery Plugin For Formatting and Validating Bank Account Forms - Bank
- Form - 6962 ViewsBank is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that provides 2 APIs to format and validate bank account form inputs.
HTML5 Form Validation Plugin For jQuery - formvalidate
- Form - 11162 Viewsformvalidate is a powerful and useful jQuery plugin that helps validate your HTML forms.
Powerful jQuery Form Wizard Plugin - formwizard
- Form - 15094 Viewsformwizard is a powerful and useful jQuery plugin that turns the standard html form into wizard like step-by-step page flows without having to reload the page in between wizard steps.
Simple jQuery Form Validation Plugin with jQuery UI and Bootstrap - ETFormValidation
- Form - 3748 ViewsETFormValidation is a simple and fast jQuery plugin that helps you to add a real time info validator to your form when users input.
Event Based Bootstrap Form Validation Pluin with jQuery - formalerts
- Form - 3828 Viewsformalerts is an event based form validation plugin that displays bootstrap form alerts attached to the input field when your user clicks the submit button.
Customizable jQuery Client Side Validation Plugin - Verify.js
- Form - 2651 ViewsVerify.js is a highly-customizable jQuery plugin that helps you implement extendable client side validation with asynchronous rules to your form elements.
jQuery Plugin for Easy HTML5 Form Validation - Validatr
- Form - 1780 ViewsValidatr is a simple, easy-to-use and Cross Browser jQuery plugin for native form validation by using modern HTML5 input attributes.
Simple Form Validation Plugin with HTML5 and jQuery
- Form - 1971 ViewsA simple and easy to use jQuery Form Validation plugin for validating data in HTML forms using HTML5 data- attribute before submitting.
Lightweight JS Form Validation Library - validate
- Form - 2010 Viewsvalidate is a lightweight (~1kb gzipped ) javascript librabry for validating form fields using over a dozen rules and set custom messages.
jqBootstrapValidation - Validation Framework For Bootstrap Form
- Form - 17504 ViewsjqBootstrapValidation is a jQuery plugin that make it easy to create a validation framework for bootstrap forms.
Sliding Form Validation Plugin
- Form - 4176 ViewsA stunning Form Plugin that shows some validation feedback to the user after each step.
nextVal - jQuery Form Validation Plugin
- Form - 4577 ViewsnextVal is a jQuery Form Validation Plugin written by John Norton for creating an easy to use, flexible and robust form with validation.