Minimal Password Strength & Match Validation Plugin For jQuery

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License: MIT
Minimal Password Strength & Match Validation Plugin For jQuery

A lightweight jQuery plugin password validation plugin that validates the strength of a password and provides an instant feedback whether the password meets the requirements you specify.

How to use it:

1. Create two password text fields on the webpage.

<input id="myPassword" type="password">
<input id="myConfirmPassword" type="password">

2. Create an element to place the password requirements.

<div id="errors"></div>

3. Put jQuery library and the jQuery PasswordValidation plugin's script at the bottom of the webpage.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.password-validation.js"></script>

4. The JavaScript to activate the password validation plugin.

$("#myPassword").passwordValidation({"confirmField": "#myConfirmPassword"}, function(element, valid, match, failedCases) {
  $("#errors").html("<pre>" + failedCases.join("\n") + "</pre>");
   if(valid) $(element).css("border","2px solid green");
   if(!valid) $(element).css("border","2px solid red");
   if(valid && match) $("#myConfirmPassword").css("border","2px solid green");
   if(!valid || !match) $("#myConfirmPassword").css("border","2px solid red");

5. Override the default validation rules in the JavaScript.


  // Minimum Length of password 
  minLength: 12,      

  // Minimum number of Upper Case Letters characters in password
  minUpperCase: 2,    

  // Minimum number of Lower Case Letters characters in password
  minLowerCase: 2,    

  // Minimum number of digits characters in password
  minDigits: 2,     

  // Minimum number of special characters in password
  minSpecial: 2,      

  // Maximum number of repeated alphanumeric characters in password dhgurAAAfjewd <- 3 A's
  maxRepeats: 5,      

  // Maximum number of alphanumeric characters from one set back to back
  maxConsecutive: 3,    

  // Disallow Upper Case Lettera
  noUpper: false,     

  // Disallow Lower Case Letters
  noLower: false,     

  // Disallow Digits
  noDigit: false,     

  // Disallow Special Characters
  noSpecial: false,   

  // Disallow user to have x number of repeated alphanumeric characters ex.. ..A..a..A.. <- fails if maxRepeats <= 3 CASE INSENSITIVE
  failRepeats: true,  

  // Disallow user to have x number of consecutive alphanumeric characters from any set ex.. abc <- fails if maxConsecutive <= 3  
  failConsecutive: true,

  // selector of confirm field
  confirmField: undefined

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by carreath. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.