Free jQuery Password Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Password' are listed here.
Reveal Hidden Password In Bootstrap Input - show-hide-password.js
- Form - 1818 ViewsA show/hide password plugin for Bootstrap that allows the user to reveal the hidden password by clicking on the toggle icon in the password field.
Strong Yet Easy To Remember Password Generator - Diceware
- Form - 788 ViewsA jQuery based high-entropy yet easy to remember password generator that uses ordinary dice to select words at random from a Diceware Word List.
Customizable One-time Password Input Plugin - jQuery OTP Designer
- Form - 3190 ViewsA lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin to help generate customizable one-time password (OTP) input fields to your web apps and websites.
One-Click Password Visibility With jQuery - Toggle Password
- Form - 354 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that enables a password visibility toggle button to easily switch between hiding and showing passwords while entering.
Show/Hide Password Field Text with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Form - 59790 ViewsBootstrap Show Password is a jQuery plugin that allows the visitor to toggle the password input field text visibility by clicking the toggle icon/checkbox.
10 Best Password Strength Checkers In JavaScript (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 64528 ViewsA hand-crafted list of 10 best JavaScript or jQuery based password strength checkers from which you can choose to strengthen your users' passwords and protect your users' accounts.
10 Best Secure Password Generator Tools In JavaScript (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 1742 Views10 best JavaScript/jQuery-powered password generator apps for generating strong passwords that are sufficiently long to prevent brute-force attacks.
Quickly Toggle Password Visibility with Bootstrap5-togglepassword Plugin
- Form - 3479 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin to control the visibility of password text in your Bootstrap 5 project.
Password Strength Meter & Visibility Toggle Plugin - jQuery strength-meter
- Form - 555 ViewsA powerful, customizable, and multilingual password strength meter/visibility toggle jQuery plugin created to improve the security of websites and applications.
Show And Hide Passwords Using jQuery - password-field.js
- Form - 916 ViewsA lightweight and fast jQuery plugin that adds a password visibility toggle button to password fields, allowing users to display the password they've just typed in.
Feature-rich Password Generator & Strenth Indicator - passfield.js
- Form - 520 ViewsA JavaScript plugin that helps generate strong password strings, indicate the strength of the password the user typed, and reveal hidden passwords behind asterisks in a password field.
Delayed Password Masking jQuery Plugin - jQuery mask-password.js
- Form - 687 ViewsA jQuery Delayed Password Masking plugin that hides the user password after a configurable delay while typing in a password field.
Secure Password Generator With Strength Indicator
- Form - 541 ViewsThis online tool enables you to generate random password strings, in a completely secure manner. The generated password is as random as humanly possible and can be used for various application including but not limited to, identities and acc
Check If Password Meets Complexity Requirements - passwordStrengthForcer.js
- Form - 1022 ViewsA jQuery based client-side password strength checker that lets you check if a password meets complexity requirements in an HTML form.
Random String (Password) Generator In jQuery
- Form - 497 ViewsA jQuery powered random string generator that can be useful in generating random passwords of specified length and strength.
Minimalist Strong Password Generator - Password Builder
- Other - 404 ViewsA super tiny (less than 1kb) jQuery-based password generator for generating strong and secure passwords of specified length.
jQuery Plugin For Generating Strong Passwords
- Form - 717 ViewsJust another jQuery-driven password generator for generating random strong passwords with digits and/or letters and/or symbols (special characters).
Strong Random Password Generator In jQuery
- Form - 780 ViewsA simple and configurable password generator app for generating strong random passwords based on sets of password strength rules selected by the user.
Check If Passwords Meet Complexity Requirements - password.js
- Form - 918 ViewsCheck whether the password you typed meets the complexity requirements and display a summary in the Bootstrap popover component while typing.
Check The Strength Of A Password - password-strength.js
- Form - 1981 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that checks the strength of the password you input and indicates whether it meets the minimal password requirements.
Minimal Password Strength Indicator In jQuery
- Form - 916 ViewsCalculates the strength of a password based on certain criteria and displays the quality of the password in a visual indicator tooltip with custom messages.
Customizable Password Strength Meter With jQuery And zxcvbn.js - strengthify
- Form - 7858 ViewsJust another password strength meter plugin which provides visual feedback to display the strength of the password using the dropbox's zxcvbn library.
Simple Password Strength Checker With jQuery - Password Validator
- Form - 4853 ViewsPassword Validator is a simple, easily themeable, drop-in jQquery solution for helping users meet burdensome password requirements.
Validate Password Complexity With jQuery Password Requirements
- Form - 17226 ViewsA small yet configurable password complexity validation jQuery plugin to enforce strong passwords on the web application.
User-friendly Telephone & Pincode Input Plugin - Input Lettering
- Form - 2810 ViewsInput Lettering is a jQuery plugin to create a user-friendly telephone, one-time password or PIN/ZIP code input from a group of text fields.
Inform Users Of Password Strength With passwordStrength Plugin
- Form - 731 ViewsA jQuery plugin that calculates the password score and informs users of the current password strength while typing in a password field.
Slim Password Strength Meter Plugin For jQuery
- Form - 4781 ViewsJust another Password Strength Meter built with jQuery that visualizes the strength of a password your user enters into a password field.
Toggle Password Visibility With jQuery - hideShowPassword
- Form - 33017 ViewsjQuery hideShowPassword is a cross-browser and touch-friendly jQuery plugin that allows your user to toggle password field text visibility on click.
Simple Password Strength Meter For Bootstrap
- Form - 13871 ViewsThis is a Bootstrap Password Meter plugin which utilizes Password Score library to validate the visualize the strength of your password when typing.
Reveal/Unmask/Copy Password Strings In Bootstrap - Peeper
- Form - 1197 ViewsThe Peeper jQuery/Bootstrap plugin adds masks and toggle/copy buttons to password fields that allow the visitor to unmask, show/hide, and copy password strings.
Measure Password Strength With Zxcvbn Library - Bootstrap 4 Zxcvbn
- Form - 1591 ViewsA jQuery password strength estimation plugin that measures the strength of the password using Dropbox's zxcvbn library and Bootstrap 4's progressbar component.
Mask Password With Asterisk (*) While Typing - Passwordify.js
- Form - 9087 ViewsPasswordify.js is a password masking jQuery library that automatically masks password characters with asterisks (***) while typing.
Create Musical Passwords Using jQuery - musicalPassword.js
- Form - 369 ViewsThe musicalPassword.js jQuery plugin allows the user to insert password characters into a password field using musical notes from a virtual keyboard while typing.
Multi-language Strong Password Generator With jQuery
- Form - 2184 ViewsThis is a multi-language password generate web app that dynamically generates strong random password strings using jQuery, zxcvbn.js, jQuery lang.js, Bootstrap framework and Bootstrap Toggle plugin.
SVG Based Pattern Lock Library - pattern-lock-js
- Other - 3038 ViewsYet another Android-style animated pattern lock library implemented in jQuery and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).
Password Strenth Checker Plugin For Bootstrap - Password Validator
- Form - 4554 ViewsA user-friendly password strength validator for password fields that shows an interactive feedback to indicate whether or not the password meets the requirements.
Show And Hide Passwords With Bootstrap 4
- Form - 36231 ViewsYet another Bootstrap plugin that enables the user to toggle the password visibility by clicking the Show/Hide icons inside a password field. Fully compatible with Bootstrap 4.
jQuery Password Visibility Toggler For Bootstrap 4
- Form - 7764 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin to generate a Password Visibility Toggler inside your Bootstrap 4 password field that allows you to display password as plain text when toggled.
Easy Password Strength Meter Widget For jQuery UI
- Form - 1685 ViewsYet another jQuery based Password Strength Meter widget that displays an auto-update progressbar under the password input to visualize the current password strength you typed.
Enable Caps Lock Notification In Password Field - jQuery ls-capslock
- Other - 1508 Viewsls-capslock is a JavaScript (jQuery) plugin that displays a custom warning message when the user types Caps Lock in an input field (typically a password input).
Validate If A Password Meets Certain Requirements - PassRequirements
- Form - 12501 ViewsPassRequirements is a jQuery plugin that uses Bootstrap's tooltip component to provides an instant feedback when an input field (typically password field) meets certain requirements.
Password Strength Checker & Visible Toggle Plugin - jQuery strength.js
- Form - 1619 ViewsThe jQuery strength.js plugin lets you measure the strength of password you typed in a text field, and toggle the password field between plain text and password by click.
Password Strength Checker With jQuery - Pass-Meter.js
- Form - 1774 ViewsPass-Meter.js is a lightweight jQuery password scoring plugin used for estimating the password security/strength as you type text in a password input field.
Minimal Password Strength & Match Validation Plugin For jQuery
- Form - 18664 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin password validation plugin that validates the strength of a password and provides an instant feedback whether the password meets the requirements you specify.
Easy Password Visibility Toggle Plugin For jQuery - password-toggle-input.js
- Form - 1384 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin for display a customizable toggle button next to the password field that allows to show/hide the password text entered by the user.
Bootstrap Password Strength Meter Plugin With jQuery And Zxcvbn
- Form - 3268 ViewsA small yet customizable jQuery plugin which uses zxcvbn's algorithm and Bootstrap progress bar component to indicate the password strength while typing.
jQuery Password Generator Plugin - pGenerator
- Form - 2898 ViewspGenerator is a jQuery plugin that helps you create a Password Generator for your accounts forms that generates a secure password and display it to your user.
Strong Password Generator With Custom Rules - Password.js
- Form - 4038 ViewsA lightweight (2kb) and easy-to-use jQuery plugin used for randomly generate strong, complex password strings that match sets of rules you specify.
jQuery Plugin To Show Hidden Password In Password Field - inputShowPwd
- Form - 2611 ViewsinputShowPwd is a cross-browser jQuery plugin used to reveal the hidden password in your password input field. Supports any web/mobile browsers.
jQuery Based Strong Password Generator - PasswordGenerator
- Form - 939 ViewsA customizable jQuery based password generator used to dynamically generate random complex strong passwords that follow special rules or certain conditions.
Slim Password Strength Indicator Bar Plugin For jQuery - passwordStrength.js
- Form - 3573 ViewspasswordStrength.js is a jQuery plugin to shows a progress bar below the password filed that auto fills and changes background color depending on the password strength.
Visual Password Strength Indicator Plugin For jQuery - Passtrength.js
- Form - 15910 ViewsPasstrength.js is a responsive jQuery password strength checker plugin that measures the strength of the password and displays a progress-style visual indicator at the bottom of the password input.
Minimal jQuery Password Strength Indicator - PasswordRulesHelper
- Form - 2788 ViewsPasswordRulesHelper is a simple, tiny jQuery plugin that provides a visual feedback to help users meet your minimum password requirements.
jQuery Plugin To Show / Hide Password In The Form
- Form - 2221 ViewsJust another jQuery password visibility toggle script which allows the user to show / hide password by clicking on a checkbox.
Easy jQuery Password Strength Indicator Plugin For Bootstrap
- Form - 3857 ViewsA jQuery plugin that creates a progress bar to indicate the password strength and displays error messages to prompt user with correct password requirements.
jQuery Plugin To Reveal Hidden Passwords - inputShowPwd
- Form - 1651 ViewsinputShowPwd is a jQuery plugin to create a 'reveal' button inside the password filed that allows your user to show, hide or toggle the visibility of the password text.
Caps Lock Notification Plugin For jQuery - Caps-lock
- Form - 2197 ViewsCaps-lock is an extremely simple yet useful jQuery plugin that provides Caps lock notification for password fields.
jQuery Plugin For Password Strength Checker and Indicator - Password-Strength
- Form - 19647 ViewsPassword-Strength is a jQuery based password strength checker and indicator that helps users meet your minimum password requirements.
jQuery Plugin To Show / Hide Passwords - PassPeek
- Form - 3308 ViewsPassPeek is a jQuery plugin that automatically generate a toggle link next to the password field that allows the users to easily hide and show the characters in their passwords.
Real Time Password Generation and Validation Plugin For jQuery - Passy
- Form - 4012 ViewsPassy is an useful jQuery plugin that analizes and validates a password real-time as well as generating a password with lowercase, uppercase, numbers, punctiation and foreign characters.
Easy Random Password Generator For jQuery Mobile
- Mobile - 1759 ViewsA password generator web app built with jQuery and jQuery mobile which allows the visitor to generate a secure password with custom patterns for mobile.
Minimal Password Match Validation Plugin with jQuery
- Form - 6104 ViewsA jQuery plugin designed for user register form that displays a validation hint if the "Confirm Password" doesn't matches the "Password" field while the user it typing.
Random Secure Password Generator with jQuery - passGen
- Form - 4394 ViewsJust another jQuery based password generator plugin that helps you generate random, highly secure passwords with custom patterns.
Slick Password Strength Indicator with jQuery and Bootstrap - BootstrapStrength.js
- Form - 2284 ViewsBootstrapStrength.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin to generate a highly customizable strength indicator for your password field using Bootstrap progress bar component.
Android Style Pattern Lock with jQuery - gesture.password.js
- Other - 3673 ViewsJust another jQuery implementation of a highly customizable pattern lock as you seen on Android lock screen.
Password Strength Validatior with jQuery - PassStrength
- Form - 3529 ViewsPassStrength is a jQuery password strength validation plugin to keep your passwords strong and a visual representation of password strength.
Password Strength Indicator with jQuery - Complexify
- Form - 4321 ViewsComplexify is a jQuery password strength meter plugin that calculates a rating for the password based on how difficult it would be to brute-force it.
jQuery Based Strong Secure Password Generator
- Form - 1400 ViewsA jQuery based password generator that enables you to generate a complex, random password with very high level of security.
jQuery Plugin For Password Input Enhancement - Strength.js
- Form - 3085 ViewsStrength.js is an useful jQuery password input enhancement that validates/indicates the password strength and provides a function to show/hide password your user input.
Animated Password Strength Meter with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Form - 26493 ViewsPwstrength is a jQuery plugin works with Twitter's bootstrap for creating an animated bar attached to the password input filed to display a real-time Password Strength Meter.
jQuery Plugin To Mask/Unmask Password On Demand
- Form - 6959 ViewsA super simple jQuery plugin which allows you to reveal the password text on demand by clicking the toggle button in a password input.
Tiny jQuery Password Strength Checker - passwordstrength.js
- Form - 3609 ViewsA minimal jQuery plugin that displays a password checker in a hint box to indicate the strength of your password.
jQuery Password Strength Checker Plugin - pStrength
- Form - 3286 ViewspStrength is a simple and easy-to-use jquery plugin which is developed to help check the password strength and then display the strength percentage.
iOS-Like Plain Text Input of Password with jQuery mobilePassword Plugin
- Form - 4930 ViewsmobilePassword is a jQuery plugin used to show the last character of password in plain text while typing.
jQuery Plugin For Previewing Password Field Values - Prevue
- Form - 2943 ViewsPrevue is a jQuery plugin that adds a clickable preview button attached to your password input filed to reveal the password as typing.
Animated Password Strength Indicator with jQuery Passtest Plugin
- Form - 3029 ViewsPasstest is a jQuery plugin that displays an animated bar to indicate the strength of the password the users input.
jQuery Text Field Notes with Regular Expressions - Input Notes
- Form - 2071 ViewsInput Notes is a jQuery form plugin used to add real-time notes attached to textareas and input fields based on regex patterns.
Minimal jQuery Password Strength Meter - YAPSM
- Form - 1282 ViewsYAPSM is an extremely simple jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create a real-time password strength meter attached to your password input field.
Minimal jQuery Password Strength Indicator - Hippo Password Strength
- Form - 841 ViewsHippo Password Strength is a fancy jQuery plugin that checks and indicates the strength level of password user input using custom images.
jQuery Plugin for Enhanced Password Field - Pass Field
- Form - 2328 ViewsPass Field is a powerful jQuery plugin that enhances and beautifies your password field with bootstrap and CSS.
jQuery Plugin For Windows 8 Password Reveal Feature - Sauron
- Form - 1257 ViewsSauron is a simple jQuery plugin inspired by windows 8 password reveal options that adds a password reveal button to existing password input field.
Simple jQuery Password Strength Indicator Plugin - passMeter
- Form - 2297 ViewspassMeter is a jQuery plugin that attaches a simple Password Strength Indicator to the input field for telling the user how good the password is.
Simple jQuery Plugin To Show Hidden Password - preventPassTypo
- Form - 1790 ViewspreventPassTypo is a super simple jQuery plugin for showing hidden password user input by pressing a custom shortcut key or clicking a checkbox.
jQuery Password Checking and Notification Plugin
- Form - 3015 ViewsjQuery Password is a jQuery based plugin that checks/scores the password strength your user input, and then shows the strength problem of the password.
Simple Password Strength Notification Plugin
- Form - 1425 ViewsA simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that shows the strength of you passwords by telling you how long time it would take to brute force them.
Naked Password Strength Plugin with jQuery
- Form - 2469 Viewsnaked password is a jQuery Password Strength Plugin to encourage your visiters to enter stronger passwords. The beautiful model Sally (or David) tastefully removes items of clothing as the password grows stronger.
Beautiful Password Strength Meter
- Form - 3184 ViewsA Beautiful Password Strength Meter that determine the complexity of a password and move a meter accordingly. Only when a sufficiently complex password is entered, will the user be able to continue with their registration.