jQuery Password Strength Checker Plugin - pStrength
File Size: | 4.85 KB |
Views Total: | 3286 |
Last Update: | |
Publish Date: | |
Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
pStrength is a simple and easy-to-use jquery plugin which is developed to help check the password strength and then display the strength percentage.
Basic Usage:
1. Include both pStrength.js and the latest jQuery library in your header
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="pStrength.jquery.js"></script>
2. Markup
<input type="password" id="myElement" /> <div></div>
3. Call the plugin with options
<script> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#myElement').pStrength({ 'changeBackground' : true, 'onPasswordStrengthChanged' : function(passwordStrength, percentage) { $('#myElement').next('div').html('Your password strength is ' + percentage + '%.'); }, 'onValidatePassword': function(percentage) { $('#myElement').next('div').html($('#myElement').next('div').html() + ' Great, now you can continue to register!'); } }); }); </script>
4. More Options
$('#myElement').pStrength({ 'bind': 'keyup change', // When bind event is raised, password will be recalculated; 'changeBackground': true, // If true, the background of the element will be changed according with the strength of the password; 'backgrounds' : [['#cc0000', '#FFF'], ['#cc3333', '#FFF'], ['#cc6666', '#FFF'], ['#ff9999', '#FFF'], ['#e0941c', '#FFF'], ['#e8a53a', '#FFF'], ['#eab259', '#FFF'], ['#efd09e', '#FFF'], ['#ccffcc', '#FFF'], ['#66cc66', '#FFF'], ['#339933', '#FFF'], ['#006600', '#FFF'], ['#105610', '#FFF']], // Password strength will get values from 0 to 12. Each color in backgrounds represents the strength color for each value; 'passwordValidFrom': 60, // 60% // If you define a onValidatePassword function, this will be called only if the passwordStrength is bigger than passwordValidFrom. In that case you can use the percentage argument as you wish; 'onValidatePassword': function(percentage) { }, // Define a function which will be called each time the password becomes valid; 'onPasswordStrengthChanged' : function(passwordStrength, percentage) { } // Define a function which will be called each time the password strength is recalculated. You can use passwordStrength and percentage arguments for designing your own password meter });
Change Log:
v1.0.6 (2014-03-02)
- Updated plugin to use multiple elements
v1.0.3 (2013-03-06)
- Added bind option
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by M1Sh0u. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.