Slim Password Strength Meter Plugin For jQuery

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Slim Password Strength Meter Plugin For jQuery

Just another Password Strength Meter built with jQuery that visualizes the strength of a password your user enters into a password field.

Key Features:

  • Displays a password strength indicator below the password field.
  • Custom error short/bad/good/strong messages.
  • Custom events supported.
  • Licensed under a GPL 3.0 license.


$ npm install password-strength-meter

# Bower
$ bower install password-strength-meter

How to use it:

1. Load the Password Strength Meter's JavaScript and CSS files in the webpage which has jQuery library loaded.

<script src="//"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="password.css">
<script src="password.js"></script>

2. Call the main function password() on the password input field and done.


3. Config the Password Strength Meter with the following options.


  // custom messages
  enterPass: 'Type your password',
  shortPass: 'The password is too short',
  containsField: 'The password contains your username',
  steps: {
    13: 'Really insecure password',
    33: 'Weak; try combining letters & numbers',
    67: 'Medium; try using special characters',
    94: 'Strong password',

  // show percent
  showPercent: true,

  // show text
  showText: true,

  // enable animation
  animate: true,
  animateSpeed: 'fast',

  // select the match field for better password checks
  field: false,

  // whether to check for partials in field
  fieldPartialMatch: true,

  // minimum length
  minimumLength: 4,

  // closest selector
  closestSelector: 'div',

  // use the old colorbar image
  useColorBarImage: false,

  // set custom rgb color ranges for colorbar
  customColorBarRGB: {
    red: [0, 240],
    green: [0, 240],
    blue: 10

4. Custom events.

$('#events').password().on('password.score', function (e, score) {
  if (score > 75) {
  } else {
    $('#submit').attr('disabled', true);

$('#events').on('password.text', (e, text, score) => {
  console.log('Called every time the text is changed (less updated than password.score)')
  console.log('Current message is %s with a score of %d', text, score)


v2.1.0 (2020-03-24)

  • Custom steps
  • Custom color bar
  • Allow setting closest selector (to add compatibility to any css framework, like bootstrap)
  • Other minor fixes


  • v1.2.2: Added 'closestSelector' option.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by elboletaire. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.