Password Strength Checker With jQuery - Pass-Meter.js

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License: MIT
Password Strength Checker With jQuery - Pass-Meter.js

Pass-Meter.js is a lightweight jQuery password scoring plugin used for estimating the password security/strength as you type text in a password input field.

Basic usage:

1. Download and insert the minified version of the Pass-Meter.js plugin after jQuery JavaScript library.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="src/pass-meter.js"></script>

2. Just call the function on the password field you specify and done.

$('input[type="password"]').passMeter(function (score) {
  alert('Your password is ' + score + '% strong.')

3. Setup the trigger event in the JavaScript.

  event: 'change', // default: keyup
  afterTest: function (score) {
    alert('Your password is ' + score + '% strong.')

4. The default weak passwords

  event: 'change', // default: keyup
  afterTest: function (score) {
    alert('Your password is ' + score + '% strong.')
  commonPasswords: [

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by syntaqx. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.