jQuery Plugin To Identify and Validate Credit Cards - Cardcheck.js

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jQuery Plugin To Identify and Validate Credit Cards - Cardcheck.js

Cardcheck.js is a very small jQuery plugin for e-commerce website that validates the credit card numbers as well as telling you the detected credit card type.

How to use it:

1. Include the jQuery cardcheck.js plugin after loading jQuery library and we're ready to go.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="src/jquery.cardcheck.js"></script> 

2. The html structure for the credit card input.

<div class="field card">
  <label for="card_number">Enter Card Number:</label>
    <input name="card_number" type="text" value="">
    <span class="card_icon"></span> </p>
  <p class="status"> 
    <span class="status_icon"></span> 
    <span class="status_message"></span> 

3. When the user focuses on the credit card input field, hide the status.

$('.card input').bind('focus', function() {
  $('.card .status').hide();

4. When the user tabs or clicks away from the credit card input field, show the status.

$('.card input').bind('blur', function() {
  $('.card .status').show();

5. Active the plugin.

$('.card input').cardcheck({
  callback: function(result) {
      var status = (result.validLen && result.validLuhn) ? 'valid' : 'invalid',
          message = '',
          types = '';
      // Get the names of all accepted card types to use in the status message.
      for (i in result.opts.types) {
          types += result.opts.types[i].name + ", ";
      types = types.substring(0, types.length-2);
      // Set status message
      if (result.len < 1) {
          message = 'Please provide a credit card number.';
      } else if (!result.cardClass) {
          message = 'We accept the following types of cards: ' + types + '.';
      } else if (!result.validLen) {
          message = 'Please check that this number matches your ' + result.cardName + ' (it appears to be the wrong number of digits.)';
      } else if (!result.validLuhn) {
          message = 'Please check that this number matches your ' + result.cardName + ' (did you mistype a digit?)';
      } else {
          message = 'Great, looks like a valid ' + result.cardName + '.';
      // Show credit card icon
      $('.card .card_icon').removeClass().addClass('card_icon ' + result.cardClass);
      // Show status message
      $('.card .status').removeClass('invalid valid').addClass(status).children('.status_message').text(message);

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by unruthless. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.