Twitter-Like Text Box Character Counter with jQuery and Bootstrap

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Twitter-Like Text Box Character Counter with jQuery and Bootstrap

In this tutorial we're going to create a twitter-like text box that displays the remaining characters count as well as limiting the max length of input text, by using jQuery Character Counter plugin and Bootstrap framework.

The plugin also has the ability to limit the maximum length of the text box where the user is inserting text.

See also:

How to use it:

1. Include jQuery javascript library and jQuery Character Counter plugin in the page.

<script src="jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script src="jquery.charactercounter.js"></script> 

2. Include Twitter's Bootstrap framework in the page. (Not required but recommended.)

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.min.css">
<script src="bootstrap.min.js"></script>

3. Create a standard textarea element on your web page.

  <textarea rows="8" class="form-control" id="demo"></textarea>
  <button type="submit" class="btn btn-info">Submit</button>

4. Call the plugin on this textarea and specify the maximum number of characters allowered to be entered in the textarea.

    limit: 140

5. Full customization options to customize the character counter.


  // shows total characters
  renderTotal: false,

  // increase counting
  increaseCounting: false,

  // characters limit
  limit: 150, 

  // allow one or more counters to be specified by a jQuery selector
  counterSelector: false, 

  // the element you wish to wrap your counter in.
  counterWrapper: 'span', 

  // the CSS class to apply to your counter.
  counterCssClass: 'help-block', 

  // the format of your counter text where '%1' will be replaced with the remaining character count.
  counterFormat: 'Characters Remaining: %1', 

  // the CSS class to apply when your limit has been exceeded.
  counterExceededCssClass: 'exceeded', 

  // key value pairs of custom options to be added to the counter such as class, data attributes etc.
  customFields: {}


6. Callback functions which will be fired on Exceed & Deceed.


  onExceed: function(count) {},
  onDeceed: function(count) {},





  • add IE8 support


  • Updating counter to listen for input and change events


  • Using .siblings() instead of next()


  • Parse HTML5 attributes for max length


  • counterSelector option to allow one or more counters to be specified by a jQuery selector

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by dtisgodsson. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.