Minimal Alert & Confirm Modal Dialog Plugin - jQuery voverlay

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License: MIT
Minimal Alert & Confirm Modal Dialog Plugin - jQuery voverlay

voverlay is a lightweight modal dialog plugin for displaying simple alerts and confirmations on your website. 

Designed for developers who are looking for a powerful and elegant solution for displaying important information in a pop-up modal window without interfering with the rest of the page's functionality.

How to use it:

1. Load jQuery library and the voverlay plugin's files in the document.

<link href="/path/to/voverlay.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/voverlay.js"></script>

2. Create a basic alert dialog and fetch content from the existing DOM element within the document.

<div class="example">
  <p>Modal Content Here</p>
.example1 {
  /* hide the elemnt on page load */
  display: none;
  /* your own styles here */
$('.example').voverlay('show', { 
  title: "Basic Modal"

3. Create a confirm dialog in JavaScript.

  title: "Confirm Dialog",
  html: "Are you sure to delete this entry?",
  modalMode: true,
  modalButtonsToShow: ["yes", "no", "cancel"],
  // callbacks
  onModalYes: function () { return true; },
  onModalNo: function () { },
  onModalCancel: function () { },

4. More customization options.


  // opacity from 0 to 1
  maskOpacity: '0.25',

  // callbacks
  onOpen: function () { },
  onClose: function () { },

  // close the modal by clicking on background overlay
  onMaskClickClose: false,

  // min spacing in px
  minSpacing: 40,

  // additional styles
  style: {},
  // shows close button
  showClose: true,

  // attach the modal to the element
  contextMode: false,
  // customize action buttons here
  modalYesButtonTemplate: function () { return '<input value="Yes" type="button" />'; },
  modalNoButtonTemplate: function () { return '<input value="No" type="button" />'; },
  modalCancelButtonTemplate: function () { return '<input value="Cancel" type="button" />'; },
  // x/y offsets
  clientX: "",
  clientY: "",

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by svivekvarma. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.