Free jQuery Dialog Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Dialog' are listed here.
Powerful jQuery Dialog Box Plugin - Zebra_Dialog
- Other - 16851 ViewsZebra_Dialog is a small (4KB minified), compact (one JS file, no dependencies other than jQuery 1.5.2+) and highly configurable dialog box plugin for jQuery.
jQuery Dialog Box Plugin for Bootstrap - Bootbox
- LightBox - 38566 ViewsBootbox is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating alert, confirm and flexible dialog boxes using Twitter's bootstrap framework.
Custom Modal Dialog Plugin - cxDialog
- Other - 7845 ViewsA simple lightweight yet highly customizable JavaScript plugin used to create modal style dialog popups for alert, confirm and prompt boxes.
Lightweight jQuery Confirm Dialog Plugin - Confirm Action
- Other - 2623 ViewsConfirm Action is a jQuery plugin that helps you create a pretty confirm dialog popup to replace the default JS confirm() method.
Customizable jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin with CSS3 Animations - jAlert
- LightBox - 14918 ViewsjAlert is a simple yet feature-rich jQuery plugin used to create fully configurable modals, dialogs and popups with cool CSS3 animations powered by animate.css.
Multifunction Customizable Modal Plugin For jQuery - ssi-modal
- LightBox - 4181 Viewsssi-modal is a simple yet robust jQuery plugin that helps you create highly customizable modal / dialog / notification / gallery popup boxes with one JS call.
jQuery Plugin To Replace Native JS Popup Boxes - MessageBox
- Other - 10272 ViewsJust another jQuery based JS popup box replacement which enables you to create alert / confirm / prompt dialog boxes with custom styles & animations.
Lightweight jQuery Confirmation Tooltip Plugin - jConfirm
- Tooltip - 5373 ViewsjConfirm is a simple jQuery plugin that displays a confirm dialog box in a popup tooltip interface, with callback events support.
Delete Confirmation Dialog Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Other - 37568 ViewsA very small jQuery plugin that utilizes Bootstrap's modal component to show a confirmation dialog before you delete something from DOM elements.
Highly Configurable JS Modal & Dialog Box Library - Vex
- LightBox - 5858 ViewsVex is a lightweight and customizable javascript modal library for creating stylish modal box & dialog box with lots of options, animation, skins and APIs.
jQuery Plugin For Nice Dialog Boxes with CSS3 Animations - jConfirm
- Other - 11894 ViewsjConfirm is an easy, customizable jQuery dialog box alternative plugin which enables to create nice alert, confirm, and prompt boxes with cool CSS3 powered animations.
Fullscreen Confirm Dialog Plugin with jQuery - confirmDialog
- Other - 5428 ViewsA jQuery dialog plugin that helps you create a fully customizable confirmation dialog box sliding out from the top of your screen when triggered.
jQuery Multi-Purpose Popup Modal Plugin - popModal
- LightBox - 45752 ViewspopModal is a powerful and versatile jQuery modal plugin which allows you to create popup windows for multiple purposes like hint modal, notify modal, dialog modal and much more.
Mobile-first jQuery Dialog Popup Plugin - dialog.js
- Other - 2102 Viewsdialog.js is a lightweight jQuery/Zepto plugin which helps you display mobile-friendly, highly-customizable, multi-purpose dialog popups (alert, info, confirm) on the webpage,
Accessible Responsive Modal Window with jQuery and CSS3
- LightBox - 2921 ViewsA jQuery plugin used for creating a responsive, accessible modal window (dialog box) that provides an universal experience on various screen readers and devices.
jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin For Bootstrap 3 - Bootstrap 3 Dialog
- LightBox - 35720 ViewsBootstrap 3 dialog is a jQuery plugin that enhances the Twitter Bootstrap's modal component to make it more interactive, user-friendly and easy-to-implement.
Beautiful Animated Modal Window Plugin With jQuery - SweetModal
- LightBox - 14607 ViewsSweetModal is a simple, sweet, customizable, animated jQuery modal plugin used to replace the default alert / prompt / confirm dialog boxes.
jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin For Material Design Lite
- LightBox - 17533 ViewsA lightweight and multi-functional jQuery plugin used to create modal windows, dialog popups and loading overlays for Material Design Lite (MDL).
Nice Clean jQuery Alert / Confirm Dialog Plugin - alertable.js
- Other - 6413 Viewsalertable.js is a very small (~2kb) jQuery plugin that lets you create nice, clean, animated, fullscreen alert or confirmation dialog popups.
Feature-rich jQuery Dialog Popup Plugin - addDialog
- Other - 1003 ViewsaddDialog is a jQuery plugin for creating beautiful alert / confirm / prompt / error / modal dialog boxes to replace the default JavaScript popup boxes.
Nice Material Design Modal Dialog Plugin With jQuery - MDL
- LightBox - 8568 ViewsMDL is a lightweight jQuery plugin used for displaying Google Material Design styled modal windows or dialog boxes on the webpage.
Sliding Confirm Dialog Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - Confirm
- Other - 3322 ViewsConfirm is a jQuery plugin used to popups an animated and heavily customizable confirm dialog box styled with Bootstrap modal component.
Cross-browser Draggable jQuery Popup Window Plugin - jPopup
- Other - 7568 ViewsjPopup is a cross-browser jQuery plugin which helps you create a highly customizable, drag'n'drop, Material Design-style popup box on your web application.
Draggable & Skinnable jQuery Popup Windows Plugin - Msgbox
- LightBox - 12822 ViewsMsgbox is an versatile jQuery popup plugin for creating modals, dialogs, message boxes that are draggable, themable, resizable and fully customizable.
Customizable jQuery Confirm Dialog Plugin - alexDialog
- Other - 770 ViewsalexDialog is a simple yet heavily customizable jQuery plugin that pops up a dialog box with Yes/No buttons for action confirmation.
Responsive jQuery Message Box & Notification Plugin - lobibox
- Other - 40563 ViewsLobibox is responsive jQuery dialog box & notification plugin that is divided into two parts: Messageboxes and Notifications. .
Mutlpurpose jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin - mgDialog
- Other - 1550 ViewsmgDialog is a simple, flexible jQuery plugin that helps you create multipurpose, highly customizable modal windows, dialog boxes and toast notifications.
Minimal Clean jQuery Modal & Dialog Plugin - tinyLayer
- LightBox - 3406 ViewstinyLayer is a jQuery plugin used to create minimal, clean looking modals and/or dialog boxes that helps display alerts, notifications or content layers on the webpage.
Simple Adaptive Modal Dialog Plugin With jQuery And CSS3
- LightBox - 2589 ViewsA simple, responsive, adaptive jQuery modal & dialog component that uses CSS3 transitions and transforms to smoothly adjust the height & weight to fit within the viewport.
iOS-Style Alert And Confirm Dialog Plugin - alert-confirm.js
- Other - 3569 Viewsalert-confirm.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you create customizable, iOS-style, mobile-friendly alert or confirmation dialog boxes on the webpage.
Performant Mobile-friendly jQuery Modal Plugin - MultiModal
- LightBox - 4548 ViewsMultiModal is a lightweight, flexible jQuery plugin used to create beautiful, performant modal windows & dialog boxes for both desktop and mobile.
Draggable Modal Dialog Plugin For jQuery - dialog.js
- Other - 2856 Viewsdialog.js is a simple, lightweight yet fully configurable jQuery plugin for creating modal-style popups to replace the default alert and confirmation dialog boxes.
Minimalist Flat Confirmation Dialog Plugin With jQuery - confirm.js
- Other - 2988 Viewsconfirm.js is a super tiny jQuery plugin for making a flat style dialog box to confirm some actions with an 'Accept' callback and custom text messages.
Minimalist & Flexible jQuery Modal Plugin - jqModal
- LightBox - 6643 ViewsjqModal is a Minimalist & Flexible plugin for jquery to create dialog boxes, notification boxes, and modal windows in your web page.
Mobile-friendly jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin - sDialog
- Other - 1608 ViewssDialog is a simple yet powerful jQuery plugin that helps you create minimal, clean, responsive modal popups for confirm / alert dialog boxes and popup menus.
Simplest Responsive Modal/Dialog Box Plugin With jQuery - Easy Modal
- LightBox - 2624 ViewsA minimalist jQuery modal plugin for displaying a modal window / dialog box with configurable sizes and animations on the page.
Tiny Feature-rich jQuery Dialog Popup Plugin - ZLDialog
- Other - 1574 ViewsZLDialog is a lightweight yet powerful jQuery plugin which makes it easy to create message / alert / confirm / prompt / preview dialog popups with lots of customization options.
3D Interactive Popup Window With jQuery And CSS3 - 3D Popup
- Other - 2945 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin for showing a CSS3 powered 3D popup window that interacts with mouse movement.
Lightweight Confirm Dialog Plugin For jQuery - YesNoDialog
- Other - 1311 ViewsJust another jQuery confirm dialog plugin that shows a question dialog box with YES / NO buttons on top of your webpage.
Simplest Modal-style Alert Box Plugin With jQuery - Modal Alert
- Other - 3364 ViewsModal Alert is an extremely tiny jQuery plugin for displaying a modal-style alert dialog box with subtle CSS3 transition-timing effects on your screen.
Modal Style Dialog Popup Plugin For jQuery - Dialogx
- Other - 2322 ViewsDialogx is a super tiny jQuery plugin that helps you create modal-style dialog popups to replace the default JavaScript alert and confirmation dialog boxes.
Customizable Dialog Popup Plugin For jQuery - popup.js
- Other - 2287 Viewspopup.js is a highly configurable jQuery popup plugin that helps you create various forms of modal dialog boxes such as alerts, confirm dialog, contact form, etc.
Simple Customizable Modal Dialog Plugin with jQuery - Unmodal
- LightBox - 1046 ViewsUnmodal is a simple, unobtrusive jQuery modal plugin used to create fully customizable modal windows and dialog boxes for web applications.
Customizable Message Box Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - bs.msgbox
- LightBox - 3695 ViewsA tiny jQuery alternative to default alert() box that creates a fully customizable modal dialog box using Bootstrap styles and Glyphicons (or Font Awesome).
Animated Popup Box Plugin with jQuery and Animate.css - gDialog
- Other - 2325 ViewsgDialog is a jQuery/Zepto plugin used to create CSS3 animated, nice dialog boxes to replace the default JavaScript popup boxes (alert, prompt, confirm).
Multifunctional Modal Dialog Plugin with jQuery - spModal
- LightBox - 950 ViewsspModal is a simple yet multipurpose jQuery modal plugin which helps you create loading modal dialogs, message dialog boxes and modal windows with ease.
Minimal Alert / Confirm Dialog Plugin with jQuery and Animate.css - dialog.js
- Other - 3205 Viewsdialog.js is an extremely simple jQuery plugin for creating a modal-like alert / confirm dialog box with support for callback function and CSS3 animations.
Easy Cross-browser jQuery Dialog Popup Plugin - Vmc Dialog
- Other - 451 ViewsVmc Dialog is a highly configurable jQuery plugin that helps you to create modals, iframe popups, confirm / alert / information dialog boxes on the webpage.
Basic Cross-browser jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin - xDialog
- LightBox - 2879 ViewsxDialog is an ultra-light jQuery plugin for displaying a modal window & dialog popup on the webpage, with (or without) a fullscreen background overlay.
Simple Flexible jQuery Dialog Popup Plugin - dialogBox
- LightBox - 26902 ViewsJust another jQuery dialog box plugin which provides a simple way to display popup / modal windows with a plenty of options for animations and custom styles.
Minimal JavaScript Alert Replacement Plugin - jQuery Alert.js
- LightBox - 1853 ViewsAlert.js is a dead simple jQuery plugin which creates a modal-style dialog popup to replace the ugly native JavaScript alert() method.
jQuery Plugin To Create Static or Dynamic Modal Windows - dialog.js
- LightBox - 4047 Viewsdialog.js is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin used to create animated modal dialog popups that supports both static and dynamic html content.
Custom Fullscreen Dialog Popup Plugin For jQuery - protoDialog
- Other - 1173 ViewsprotoDialog is a simple, flexible jQuery plugin used to help you create fullscreen, responsive dialog boxes with custom actions & callbacks on the web page.
Animated Multi-purpose Modal Box Plugin For jQuery
- LightBox - 2359 ViewsA tiny and fast jQuery plugin to create animated & highly customizable modal dialog boxes for multiple purposes.
Mobile-first jQuery Notification & Dialog Plugin - mobiDialog
- Other - 977 ViewsmobiDialog is a lightweight jQuery notification plugin which allows you to show mobile-friendly alerts and informative messages to your users.
Minimal Confirm Dialog Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Other - 2471 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that make it simple to create nice, clean confirmation dialog boxes with specified messages using Bootstrap 3 modal styles.
Versatile jQuery Modalbox / Lightbox Plugin - MultiDialog
- LightBox - 1893 ViewsMultiDialog is a powerful and touch-enabled plugin that takes advantage of jQuery and jQuery UI Dialog Widget for creating full featured Modalbox / Lightbox on your web page.
Mobile-first Alert Dialog Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Mobile Alert
- Other - 2443 ViewsMobile Alert is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that lets you create responsive, mobile-friendly alert / confirm dialog boxes with CSS3 powered open / close animations.
Native JS Dialog Replacement Plugin For jQuery - wAlert
- LightBox - 1180 ViewswAlert is a jQuery replacement for native JS alert() that allows you to create highly customizable modal-style message, alert, confirm and prompt dialog boxes.
Responsive jQuery Modal & Dialog Popups with CSS3 Animations
- LightBox - 2615 ViewsA jQuery plugin to display responsive, fully customizable modal windows and dialog boxes with CSS3 animations on your webpages.
Responsive & CSS3 Animated jQuery Modal Plugin - JSModal
- LightBox - 1144 ViewsJSModal is a simple yet feature rich jQuery plugin for creating beautiful, flexible, responsive modal windows with fancy CSS3 animations.
Customizable Confirm Dialog Box For jQuery - Jdialog
- Other - 5068 ViewsJdialog is a simple yet fully customizable jQuery plugin that creates an animated, programmatic dialog box with confirm / cancel buttons.
Simple Animated jQuery Dialog Box Plugin - msgbox
- Other - 1904 Viewsmsgbox is a jQuery plugin that lets you create animated, customizable dialog boxes to replace the native JavaScript alert / prompt / confirm popup boxes.
Responsive Modal Dialog Plugin with jQuery - Popelt
- LightBox - 2303 ViewsPopelt is a highly configurable jQuery popup plugin to create responsive modal windows & dialog boxes that support both dynamic and static html content.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Javascript Popup Box Replacement - lz-alert
- Other - 3964 Viewslz-alert is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to create custom alert / confirm / prompt dialog popups with multiple CSS3 animations.
Simple Themable Dialog Popup Plugin For jQuery - basicPopup
- LightBox - 4106 ViewsA basic jQuery popup plugin used to display a responsive, fullscreen, full styleable and ajax-enabled dialog/modal box on your web project.
jQuery Plugin To Pop To Another URL On Page Exit - Exitpop
- Other - 2953 ViewsExitpop is a jQuery plugin that popups a native confirm dialog on page exit (onbeforeunload) and jumps to another specific URL when you click 'stay on the current page'.
Simple Pretty jQuery Message Box Plugin - messageBox
- Other - 16507 ViewsmessageBox is a simple and small jQuery plugin that creates pretty dialog popups to show alert messages on your webpage.
CSS3 Animated Custom Alert Box Plugin For jQuery - WOW Alert
- Other - 12472 ViewsWOW Alert is a jQuery based alert() replacement used to create CSS3 animated, good-looking, modal-style dialog popup that can alert a user of anything you choose.
Simple Alert Dialog Box Plugin For jQuery - al.js
- Other - 3179 Viewsal.js is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery modal dialog plugin to create notification popups that can alert a user of anything you choose.
Minimal Modal Dialog Box Plugin with jQuery - Dialogbox
- Other - 2157 ViewsDialogbox is a simple yet customizable jQuery plugin to create modal dialogs for alert, confirm, prompt actions and normal, success, warning, error messages.
Stylish jQuery Alert Dialog Box Plugin - jAlerts
- Other - 4739 ViewsjAlerts is a jQuery plugin for creating animated, responsive and fully customizable alert popup to replace default JS alert() dialog.
Modal Style Alert Dialog Plugin For jQuery - c_alert
- Other - 585 Viewsc_alert is a very simple jQuery plugin that provides modal-style alert dialog boxes for your webpage & web applications.
Old iOS Style Dialog Box Plugin For jQuery
- Other - 1090 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows to create custom confirm/alert dialog boxes on your website / web app, as you seen on iOS 5/6.
jQuery UI Based Native JS Dialogs Replacement - Enhanced Alert
- Other - 1084 ViewsEnhanced Alert is a jQuery plugin for replacing the native Javascript alert, prompt and confirm boxes using jQuery UI dialog component.
Simple Custom Dialog Popup Plugin With jQuery
- Other - 16420 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin for creating draggable dialog windows to replace the default Javascript popup boxes (alert, confirm and prompt boxes).
jQuery Plugin For Collapsible jQuery UI Dialogs
- Other - 959 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin which extends the default jQuery UI dialog widget to create a collapsible/extendable dialog window with a collapse button.
jQuery Plugin To Extend jQuery UI Dialog Widgets
- Other - 2392 ViewsJust another jQuery UI dialog widget enhancement plugin that extends original jQuery UI dialogs with lots of extra options, methods, and custom events.
Easy jQuery Modal Dialog Box Plugin - dialog.js
- LightBox - 8211 Viewsdialog.js is a jQuery dialog box plugin which enables you to create beautiful and clean alert box, confirm box, contact/login form with ease.
Draggable Dialog Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI - dAlerta
- Other - 854 ViewsdAlerta is a minimal jQuery & jQuery UI plugin for creating draggable, resizable and themeable dialog boxes on your web page.
Lightweight Modal Dialog Plugin For jQuery - quickModal
- LightBox - 871 ViewsquickModal is a fast and lightweight jQuery plugin that creates a modal dialog from a div on the page.
Basic Responsive jQuery Popup Winwos Plugin - maskui
- LightBox - 3772 Viewsmaskui is a lightweight yet powerful jQuery plugin which helps you create responsive clean dialog/alert/confirm boxes or modal windows with ease.
Fully Responsive & Customizable jQuery Modal Plugin - PgwModal
- LightBox - 2920 ViewsPgwModal is a simple clean jQuery plugin for creating responsive modal windows (dialog boxes) with full page overlay on your web page.
Minimalist jQuery Dialog Popup Plugin - Poptuk
- LightBox - 4057 ViewsPoptuk is a jQuery plugin that allows you to embed any Html content in a nice clean dialog popup with few lines of Javascript code.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Opening A Popup Window On Page load
- LightBox - 298807 ViewsA tiny and easy jQuery plugin that automatically opens a dialog pop-up with cool transition effect when the web page loads.
Customizable jQuery Dialog Box Plugin - trumpet.js
- Other - 645 Viewstrumpet.js is a responsive jQuery dialog box plugin for creating customizable alert, confirm and active confirm boxes on your web page.
jQuery & jQuery UI Dialog Enhancement Plugin - dialogextend
- Other - 15789 Viewsdialogextend is a jQuery plugin for extending jQuery UI dialog widget that allows you to create resizable and draggable dialog boxes with some additional features and custom events support.
Clean jQuery Confirmation Dialog Plugin with Bootstrap Popovers - Bootstrap Confirmation
- Other - 24074 ViewsBootstrap Confirmation is a jQuery plugin to toggle a YES and NO confirmation dialog box in a Bootstrap Popover.
Simple jQuery Draggable Dialog Box Plugin - Honey Dialog
- LightBox - 3459 ViewsHoney Dialog is a very simple jQuery plugin to create a draggable dialog box without jQuery UI drag & drop component.
Lightweight & Easy jQuery Lightbox Plugin - WS Lightbox
- LightBox - 2520 ViewsA very simple and lightweight jQuery lightbox plugin which helps you create modals, dialog boxes, and popup windows with ease.
jQuery Plugin For Facebook Style Dialog Box - FBDialog
- Other - 2905 ViewsFBDialog is a very simple jQuery plugin to create a custom Facebook style dialog box that has popup animations and callback events support.
Clean Customizable jQuery Alert & Dialog Plugin - ClassyPopup
- Other - 2964 ViewsClassyPopup is a small yet highly configuration jQuery plugin that popups alert & dialog windows to display important messages for your website/app.
Animated jQuery Popup Dialog Plugin with CSS3 - animateDialog
- Animation - 3828 ViewsanimateDialog is a lightweight jQuery plugin that displays any html elements in a popup dialog box with CSS3 animations like fade, zoom, rotate, skew, and much more.
Simple jQuery Modal & Dialog Box Plugin - Dialog
- LightBox - 10758 ViewsDialog is a simple yet robust modal & dialog box plugin built with jQuery and CSS3 that is fully customizable, responsive-aware, and easily stylable.
Flexible & Draggable jQuery Popup Window Plugin - Dialog
- LightBox - 13804 ViewsDialog is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that allows to popups a draggable and closable modal dialog with amazing transitions on page load or on demand.
Easy jQuery Popup Window Dialog Box Plugin - Message Box
- LightBox - 22026 ViewsMessage Box is an easy and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to create customizable popup window message boxes with many implement options and callback events support.
Stylish jQuery Notification & Alert Plugin - Smart Alert
- Other - 18912 ViewsSmart Alert is an alternative to the standard javascript alert box that makes it easy to create fully configurable and stylish lightbox-like notification & Alert box using jQuery and jQuery UI.
jQuery Enhanced Confirm Dialog Plugin - Confirm Action
- Other - 1902 ViewsConfirm Action is a simple but useful jQuery plugin that enhances the default confirm dialog that makes it has callback support and can be configured for each element through data attributes.
Modern Modal Dialogs - ModalBox
- LightBox - 2370 ViewsModalBox is built with Prototype JS framework and toolkit that helps you create modal interaction processes in your web-application.
Modal Dialog Windows Plugin - leanModal
- Other - 9112 ViewsleanModal is a simple and useful jQuery plugin for adding Bare bones modal dialog windows to your website. It is great for login, sign up & alert panels, etc.