Easy Cross-browser jQuery Dialog Popup Plugin - Vmc Dialog
File Size: | 15.2 KB |
Views Total: | 450 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
Vmc Dialog is a simple, cross-browser and highly configurable jQuery plugin that helps you to create modals, iframe popups, confirm / alert / information dialog boxes on the webpage.
How to use it:
1. Include the JavaScript file dialog.js
after you have jQuery installed.
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script src="dialog.js"></script>
2. Include a theme CSS of your choice on the web page.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="theme/default/style.css">
3. Create a normal dialog popup using $.vmc.dialog()
4. Create an information dialog.
$.vmc.msg('Message here');
4. Create an alert dialog.
$.vmc.alert('Alert!', function() { $.vmc.msg('Okey'); });
5. Create a confirm dialog.
$.vmc.confirm('Are You Sure?', function() { $.vmc.msg('Success'); }, function() { $.vmc.msg('Failure'); });
6. All configuration options with default values.
var options = { // theme theme: 'default', // is fullscreen full: false, // disable scroll bar fix: false, // message type: text|html|dom|frame type: 'text', // iframe url body: '', // dialog title title: 'New Dialog', // close button titleClose: true, // draggable draggable: true, // range limit range: true, // enable buttons: // false|[{text:(string),click:(function)},{text:(string),click:(function)}] button: false, // timeout for auto dismiss // 0 = disable auto dismss time: 0, // size size: ['auto', 'auto'], // minimum size minSize: [180, 30], // position pos: ['auto', 'auto', 1], // z-inde zIndex: 99999, // background color backgroundColor: '#FFF', // border width borderWidth: 1, // border color borderColor: '#444', // enable shade shade: true, // shade borader shadeBorder: 4, // shadow shadeColor: '#000', // shade opacity shadeOpacity: 0.3, // modal mode modal: true, // overlay color overlayColor: '#000', // overlay opacity overlayOpacity: 0.3, // click the overlay to close overlayClose: true, // Completely close closeTrue: false, // callback functions create: function(vui) {}, destroy: function(vui) {}, beforeClose: function(vui) {}, close: function(vui) {}, beforeOpen: function(vui) {}, open: function(vui) {} };
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by vomoc. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.