Simple Animated jQuery Dialog Box Plugin - msgbox

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License: MIT
Simple Animated jQuery Dialog Box Plugin - msgbox

msgbox is a jQuery plugin that lets you create animated, customizable dialog boxes to replace the native JavaScript alert / prompt / confirm popup boxes.

How to use it:

1. Add references to jQuery library and the jQuery msgbox plugin's Javascript / Stylesheet in the document.

<link href="msgbox.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="msgbox.js"></script>

2. Create a basic confirm dialog box with custom message that slides down from the top of the web page.

  'message':'Confirm message goes here'

3. Create a confirm dialog box with custom message and buttons.

  'message' : 'Are you sure that you want to permanently delete the selected element?', 
  'type'  : 'confirm', 
  'buttons'  : [{'type' : 'yes', 'value': 'Yes'}, {'type' : 'no', 'value': 'No'}, {'type' : 'close', 'value': 'Cancel' }],

4. Create a prompt dialog box with multiple inputs.

  'message'  : 'In order to process your request you must provide the following', 
  'type' : 'prompt', 
  'inputs' : [{'type' : 'text', 'label' : 'Insert your Name:', 'name' : 'user_name', 'value' : "George" }, {'type' : 'password', 'label' : 'Insert your Password:','name' : 'password'}], 
  'buttons' : [{'type' : 'yes', 'value' : 'OK'},{'type' : 'close', 'value' : 'Exit'}], 
  'callback' : function(result){ for(var i in result) { alert( result[i].name + ':' + result[i].value ); } } 

5. Full configuration options.


  // your message text goes here
  'message'  : '', 

  // info, error, prompt or confirm
  'type' : 'confirm', 

  // an array of inputs for prompt box
  'inputs' : [], 

  // an arrary of action buttons
  'buttons' : [], 

  // callback function
  'callback' : function(){} 

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by jcy787211820. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.