Alert, Confirm & Promo Dialog With A Modern Look - jQuery alertX

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Alert, Confirm & Promo Dialog With A Modern Look - jQuery alertX

Save time and enhance your user experience by replacing your standard JavaScript popup boxes with the alertX JavaScript library.

alertX is a jQuery-powered custom Alert, Confirm and Prompt plugin that replaces the default browser dialog boxes with enhanced versions.

They have a modern look and feel, and come packed with tons of options letting you create complex diaglogs for your users.

More Features:

  • Easy to use.
  • Supports HTML content.
  • 7 awesome animations.
  • 5 pretty cool themes.
  • Custom popup icons.
  • Confirm/Cancel callbacks.
  • Custom background image.
  • Blur the main content when activated.
  • Auto dismiss like a toast notification.
  • And much more.

How to use it:

1. To get started, include the jQuery alertX plugin's JavaScript and Stylesheet on the page.

<!-- jQuery -->
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>

<!-- jQuery alertX plugin -->
<script src="js/alertx.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/alertx.css" />

2. Display a basc alert dialog on the page.

  title:'Title Is Optional',
  message:'This is the message.',

3. Apply an animation of your choice to the dialog:

  • fade
  • fall
  • rise
  • bounce
  • zoomin
  • zoomout
  • shake
  title:'Title Is Optional',
  message:'This is the message.',

4. Apply a theme of your choice to the dialog:

  • simple (default)
  • dark
  • letter
  • glass
  • neon
  title:'Title Is Optional',
  message:'This is the message.',

5. Or create your own themes using the following parameters:

  title:'Title Is Optional',
  message:'This is the message.',

6. Add an icon to the dialog:

  • info
  • danger
  • success
  • warning
  • question
  title:'Title Is Optional',
  message:'This is the message.',

7. Add a custom background to the dialog so that it appear like a modal:

  title:'Title Is Optional',
  message:'This is the message.',
  bgpic:false, // bg image
  bgblur:true, // blur the main content

8. Add a custom background to the dialog so that it appear like a modal:

  title:'Title Is Optional',
  message:'This is the message.',
  bgpic:false, // bg image
  bgblur:true, // blur the main content

9. Create a confirmation dialog instead:

  title:'Title Is Optional',
  message:'This is the message.',
  confirmed:function(){ $.alertX('You confirmed it!'); },
  cancelled:function(){ $.alertX('You cancelled it!'); }

10. Control the position of the dialog.

  title:'Title Is Optional',
  message:'This is the message.',

11. Create a toast-like notification popup that automatically dismisses itself after a timeout.

  title:'Title Is Optional',
  message:'This is the message.',

12. Add a footer to the dialog.

  title:'Title Is Optional',
  message:'This is the message.',
  footer:'Custom Footer Here',

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by phploaded. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.