Free jQuery prompt Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'prompt' are listed here.
Customizable Confirmation & Prompt Dialog Plugin For Bootstrap 5/4
- LightBox - 406 ViewsImprove user interaction and data collection with Bootstrap's modal component and the Bootstrap Confirmation Modal plugin.
jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap Modal Enhancement - eModal
- LightBox - 11812 ViewseModal is a jQuery modal popup plugin that makes it easy to display AJAX/iframe popup boxes and alert/confirm/prompt dialog boxes using Bootstrap 4/3 modal component.
Customizable Dialog Boxes Using jQuery And Bootstrap - BootPopup
- Other - 5162 ViewsBootPopup is a lightweight jQuery plugin which utilizes Bootstrap's modal component to create highly customizable alert, confirm and prompt dialog boxes in the webpage.
10 Best Dialog Plugins To Replace The Native JS Popup Boxes (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 10722 Views10 best jQuery and Pure JavaScript dialog popup plugins to help web developers create pretty, customizable Alert boxes, Confirm boxes, and Prompt boxes.
Lightweight Alert & Confirmation Popup Plugin - jQuery Stack Alert
- Other - 1283 ViewsA lightweight yet customizable jQuery alert plugin for those who need to display error messages or ask for confirmation on web applications.
Advanced Alert Popup Plugin With Sound Effects - jQuery Pexxalert
- Other - 1939 ViewsA robust and customizable jQuery notification plugin to help create alert/confirm/prompt/progress/incoming call notification popups on websites and web applications.
Custom Modal Dialog Plugin - cxDialog
- Other - 7967 ViewsA simple lightweight yet highly customizable JavaScript plugin used to create modal style dialog popups for alert, confirm and prompt boxes.
Beautiful Responsive Modal Dialog Plugin - jQuery XSAlert
- LightBox - 1602 ViewsA simple but highly customizable plugin for creating beautiful, responsive, themeable Alert/Confirm/Prompt dialog boxes with pretty CSS3 animations.
Beautiful Alert/Prompt/Confirm Dialog Alternative - jQuery.alert.js
- LightBox - 6201 ViewsA JavaScript popup window alternative that helps you create beautiful and customizable popup boxes for reminding something, confirming or denying something, or prompting the user for more information.
Alert, Confirm & Promo Dialog With A Modern Look - jQuery alertX
- Other - 821 ViewsA jQuery-powered custom Alert, Confirm and Prompt plugin that replaces the default browser dialog boxes with enhanced versions.
Animated Popup Box Plugin With jQuery And Animate.css - popup.js
- LightBox - 1724 ViewsA customizable alert/confirm/prompt dialog popup jQuery plugin that uses the well-known animate.css library for awesome popup open/close animations.
Modern Dialog & Modal Plugin With jQuery And Dialog Element - Dialogify
- LightBox - 8947 ViewsDialogify is a jQuery plugin to create modern, customizable dialog/popup boxes and modal windows using the dialog element and HTMLDialogElement API.
Feature-rich Notification & Popup Box Plugin Based On Bootstrap 4
- Other - 4360 ViewsThis is a full-featured jQuery popup plugin that lets you create moveable, mobile-friendly dialog boxes and toast-like notifications using Bootstrap 4 framework.
Programmatically Create Alert/Confirm/Prompt Dialog Boxes Using jQuery - boodal
- LightBox - 2213 ViewsBoodal is a jQuery/Bootstrap plugin which lets you programmatically create customizable alert/confirm/prompt dialog boxes without having to write any HTML markup.
Javascript Replacement For Default Alert & Prompt Boxes - Bootalert
- LightBox - 2431 ViewsA tiny JavaScript (jQuery) plugin that enables you to create responsive, customizable, beautiful alert and prompt dialog boxes using the Bootstrap 4 modal component.
Minimal Bootstrap Modal Creator With jQuery - Bootdialog
- LightBox - 1959 ViewsAn ultra-light jQuery plugin that enables developers to programmatically create Bootstrap modal windows and alert/confirm dialog boxes with ease.
jQuery Plugin To Replace Native JS Popup Boxes - MessageBox
- Other - 10320 ViewsJust another jQuery based JS popup box replacement which enables you to create alert / confirm / prompt dialog boxes with custom styles & animations.
Flat Sliding Top Notification Plugin For jQuery - overHang.js
- Other - 4259 ViewsoverHang.js is a small jQuery plugin that helps you create flat style, sliding notification bars at the top of a given container.
Enhanced Modal Dialog Plugin For Bootstrap 4
- LightBox - 1114 ViewsYet another jQuery/Bootstrap plugin to create flexible, enhanced, customizable alert, confirmation, prompt, and generic dialog popups based on Bootstrap 4 modal component.
Alert/Confirm/Prompt Dialog Based On Bootstrap 4 Modal - Bootstrap Dialog
- Other - 5192 ViewsJust another jQuery wrapper for the Bootstrap 4 modal component that makes it easy to create pretty nice alert, confirmation, and prompt dialog boxes on the webpage.
Creating Beautiful Dialog Boxes With popupWindow Plugin
- Other - 3130 ViewsYet another JavaScript popup box replacement plugin for creating beautiful, animated alert, prompt and confirm dialog windows on the page.
Small Confirm/Prompt Box Plugin With jQuery - jq-prompt.js
- Other - 1380 ViewsThe jq-prompt.js jQuery plugin lets you create a minimal clean popup box which can be used for prompting the user for information or confirming something on the client side.
Minimal Popup Box With CSS3 Animations - jQuery popup-js
- Other - 695 ViewsA lightweight, responsive, configurable, CSS3 animated popup jQuery plugin for creating custom alert, confirmation, prompt dialog boxes on the web page.
Highly Configurable JS Modal & Dialog Box Library - Vex
- LightBox - 5879 ViewsVex is a lightweight and customizable javascript modal library for creating stylish modal box & dialog box with lots of options, animation, skins and APIs.
jQuery Plugin For Nice Dialog Boxes with CSS3 Animations - jConfirm
- Other - 11933 ViewsjConfirm is an easy, customizable jQuery dialog box alternative plugin which enables to create nice alert, confirm, and prompt boxes with cool CSS3 powered animations.
Feature-rich Dialog Modal Popup Plugin For jQuery - Fallr.js
- LightBox - 4129 ViewsFallr.js is a feature-rich jQuery popup plugin which lets you create a variety of dialog boxes and modal windows on the webpage.
Dynamic Bootstrap 4 Dialog & Modal Manager - jQuery bsWindow
- LightBox - 2725 ViewsbsWindow is a simple-to-use Bootstrap 4 modal manager which helps you dynamically create custom popup boxes & modal windows using Bootstrap 4 modal component.
Feature-rich Modal Popup Plugin - jQuery Showcase
- LightBox - 1383 ViewsShowcase is a responsive, powerful jQuery modal popup plugin to showcase any content (e.g. images, videos, text, ajax content) in an elegant way.
Basic Alert/Confirm/Prompt Dialog Plugin With jQuery - qonvex_alert
- LightBox - 1158 Viewsqonvex_alert is a lightweight jQuery dialog plugin which makes it easier to create pretty clean alert, confirmation, and prompt dialog boxes.
Versatile Modal Popup Plugin For jQuery - lis.modal.js
- LightBox - 2346 Viewslis.modal.js is a simple yet robust, multifunctional JQuery modal popup plugin which can be used for notification popups and alert/confirm/prompt dialog boxes.
iOS Inspired Dialog Plugin With jQuery - uiAlertView
- Other - 1215 ViewsuiAlertView is an elegant jQuery dialog plugin that let's you create iOS style alerts, confirm/prompt popup boxes, and actions sheets on your web app.
Dead Simple Alert/Confirm/Prompt Dialog Plugin For jQuery
- Other - 3724 ViewsThe Really Simple Dialog jQuery plugin enables you to create customizable, CSS animated alert, confirmation and prompt dialog popups with custom 'Success' and 'Cancel' callback functions.
Nice Alert, Prompt And Confirmation Dialog Plugin - Dialog.js
- Other - 5094 ViewsJust another jQuery based native JS popup enhancement plugin that lets you create responsive, flexible alert, prompt and confirmation dialog boxes on the web application.
Beautiful Animated Modal Window Plugin With jQuery - SweetModal
- LightBox - 14675 ViewsSweetModal is a simple, sweet, customizable, animated jQuery modal plugin used to replace the default alert / prompt / confirm dialog boxes.
Nice Clean jQuery Alert / Confirm Dialog Plugin - alertable.js
- Other - 6477 Viewsalertable.js is a very small (~2kb) jQuery plugin that lets you create nice, clean, animated, fullscreen alert or confirmation dialog popups.
Minimal Web Dialog Popup Component With jQuery - popWindow
- Other - 2555 ViewsJust another jQuery popup window plugin which helps you create pretty clean info, alert, warning, confirm, error, success, prompt and custom dialog boxes on the webpage.
Feature-rich jQuery Dialog Popup Plugin - addDialog
- Other - 1007 ViewsaddDialog is a jQuery plugin for creating beautiful alert / confirm / prompt / error / modal dialog boxes to replace the default JavaScript popup boxes.
Nice Material Design Modal Dialog Plugin With jQuery - MDL
- LightBox - 8591 ViewsMDL is a lightweight jQuery plugin used for displaying Google Material Design styled modal windows or dialog boxes on the webpage.
Simple Plain Dialog Popup Plugin For jQuery - Alerts.js
- Other - 9711 ViewsAlerts.js is a simple plain jQuery plugin that creates customizable popup boxes to replace the default loading, alert, dialog, confirm and prompt dialog boxes.
Custom Dialog Popup jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap - Bootstrap-popup
- LightBox - 5170 ViewsBootstrap-popup is a jQuery plugin that helps you create custom toast, confirmation, prompt dialog boxes using Bootstrap modal component.
Responsive jQuery Message Box & Notification Plugin - lobibox
- Other - 40804 ViewsLobibox is responsive jQuery dialog box & notification plugin that is divided into two parts: Messageboxes and Notifications. .
Mutlpurpose jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin - mgDialog
- Other - 1558 ViewsmgDialog is a simple, flexible jQuery plugin that helps you create multipurpose, highly customizable modal windows, dialog boxes and toast notifications.
Tiny Feature-rich jQuery Dialog Popup Plugin - ZLDialog
- Other - 1581 ViewsZLDialog is a lightweight yet powerful jQuery plugin which makes it easy to create message / alert / confirm / prompt / preview dialog popups with lots of customization options.
Animated Popup Box Plugin with jQuery and Animate.css - gDialog
- Other - 2329 ViewsgDialog is a jQuery/Zepto plugin used to create CSS3 animated, nice dialog boxes to replace the default JavaScript popup boxes (alert, prompt, confirm).
Advanced Modal Plugin with jQuery - Impromptu
- LightBox - 5074 ViewsImpromptu is an extention to help provide a more pleasant way to spontaneously prompt a user for input.
Animated Multi-purpose Modal Box Plugin For jQuery
- LightBox - 2364 ViewsA tiny and fast jQuery plugin to create animated & highly customizable modal dialog boxes for multiple purposes.
Mobile-first jQuery Notification & Dialog Plugin - mobiDialog
- Other - 981 ViewsmobiDialog is a lightweight jQuery notification plugin which allows you to show mobile-friendly alerts and informative messages to your users.
Simple Animated jQuery Dialog Box Plugin - msgbox
- Other - 1913 Viewsmsgbox is a jQuery plugin that lets you create animated, customizable dialog boxes to replace the native JavaScript alert / prompt / confirm popup boxes.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Javascript Popup Box Replacement - lz-alert
- Other - 3971 Viewslz-alert is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to create custom alert / confirm / prompt dialog popups with multiple CSS3 animations.
Minimal Modal Dialog Box Plugin with jQuery - Dialogbox
- Other - 2167 ViewsDialogbox is a simple yet customizable jQuery plugin to create modal dialogs for alert, confirm, prompt actions and normal, success, warning, error messages.
jQuery UI Based Native JS Dialogs Replacement - Enhanced Alert
- Other - 1091 ViewsEnhanced Alert is a jQuery plugin for replacing the native Javascript alert, prompt and confirm boxes using jQuery UI dialog component.