jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap Modal Enhancement - eModal

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License: MIT
jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap Modal Enhancement - eModal

eModal is a jQuery modal popup plugin that makes it easy to display AJAX/iframe popup boxes and alert/confirm/prompt dialog boxes using Bootstrap 4/3 modal component.

How to use it:

1. Load the necessary jQuery library and Bootstrap framework in the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/cdn/bootstrap.min.css" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/cdn/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

2. Load the jQuery eModal plugin after jQuery library.

<script src="dist/eModal.js"></script>

3. Create dialog boxes as follows:

var message = "Custom message here";
var title = "Hello World!";

// alert dialog
.alert(message, title)
.then(function () { 
  // do something

// confirm dialog
.confirm(message, title)
  function (/* DOM */) { 
    // Confirm
  function (/*null*/) { 
    // Cancel

// prompt dialog
  size: eModal.size.sm, 
  message: 'What\'s your name?', 
  title: title 
  function (input) { 
    // message: 'Hi ' + input + '!', title: title, imgURI: 'https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/4276775?v=3&s=89' 
  function () { 
    // error

// ajax popup
var params = {
    buttons: [
     { text: 'Close', close: true, style: 'danger' },
     { text: 'New content', close: false, style: 'success', click: ajaxDemo }
    size: eModal.size.lg,
    title: title,
    url: 'https://example.com/api/'
.then(function () { 
  // do something

// embed popup
// ideal for Google Maps, Youtube Videos, etc
params = {
  async: true,
  iframe: {
    url: 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/s8Iar_t7CW4',
    attributes: {
      'id': 'youtube',
      'allow': 'autoplay; encrypted-media',
      'allowfullscreen': true
  buttons: [
      close: true,
      text: 'Close'
  onHide: hiddenModal,
  useBin: true,
  binId: 'youtube-demo'
.embed(params, title)
  console.info('Video is visible.');

4. Full plugin options.

var options = {

  // animation type
  animation: 'fade',

  // returns a Promise, that is resolved when the modal is closed
  async: false,

  // ajax options
  ajax: {
    'dataType': false, // string
    'error': false, // function
    'loading': false, // boolean
    'loadingHtml': LOADING, // string
    'success': false, // function
    'url': false, // string
    'xhr': {} // object

  // unique identifier of the content saved in the recycle bin
  binId: false,
  // inline CSS styles
  bodyStyles: false,

  // custom buttons
  // Array, String, false, null
  buttons: [
    {text: 'Ok', style: 'info',   close: true, click: eventA },
    {text: 'KO', style: 'danger', close: true, click: eventB }

  // confirm options
  confirm: {
    'label': Object.keys(LABELS)[0],
    'style': []

  // additional CSS classes
  cssClass: false,

  // shows footer
  footer: true,

  // shows header
  header: true,

  // shows close button in the header
  headerClose: true,
  headerCloseHtml: '<button type="button" class="x close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">' +
    '<span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>' + 
    '</button>', // string

  // height
  height: false, 
  id: false,

  // unique ID
  iframe: {
    'attributes': {},
    'loadingHtml': LOADING,
    'url': false

  // message
  message: false,

  // Bootstrap modal options
  modalOptions: {},

  // close by clicking the overlay
  overlayClose: true,

  // onHide function
  onHide: false,

  // position
  position: ['top', 'center'],

  // prompt options
  prompt: {
    'autocomplete': false, // boolean
    'autofocus': false, // boolean
    'checkValidity': false, // boolean
    'label': Object.keys(LABELS)[0], // string
    'pattern': false, // string
    'placeholder': false, // string
    'required': true, // boolean
    'style': [], // array
    'type': 'text', // string
    'value': false // string

  // small (sm), large (lg) and extra large (xl)
  size: EMPTY, 

  // subtitle
  subtitle: false,

  // title
  title: 'Attention',

  // If set to true, $.eModal keeps the content uploaded in the body element of the modal in a recycle bin can
  // So that it can be recalled without a new upload from the web
  useBin: false,

  // width
  width: false,

  // custom wrapper element
  wrapSubtitle: '<small>',
  wrapTitle': '<h5>', 


5. API methods.

// close

// add new labels
// it takes two arguments: confirm button label and reject button label

// return the jQuery object of the modal dialog

// return the Promise to be able to perform a resolve or reject.

// add a size to those provided by Bootstrap (sm, lg, xl)

// empty the recycle bin


v2.1.3 (2024-04-19)

  • Bugfixes

v2.1.2 (2023-09-23)

v2.1.1 (2023-09-14)

  • Update

v2.1.0 (2022-05-19)

  • Update

v2.0.0 (2022-05-17)

  • Completely reengineered

v1.2.69 (2020-04-15)

  • Fixed for Bootstrap 4.


  • Update


  • fixed for jQuery 3+.
  • fix default settings size


  • use ajax.done instead success



  • Set Q as option to AMD modules


  • Fix $modal not defined issue on first load


  • eModal Deferred from jQuery

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Reload-Lab. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.