Free jQuery alert Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'alert' are listed here.
jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap Modal Enhancement - eModal
- LightBox - 11818 ViewseModal is a jQuery modal popup plugin that makes it easy to display AJAX/iframe popup boxes and alert/confirm/prompt dialog boxes using Bootstrap 4/3 modal component.
Custom Modal Dialog Plugin - cxDialog
- Other - 7968 ViewsA simple lightweight yet highly customizable JavaScript plugin used to create modal style dialog popups for alert, confirm and prompt boxes.
Minimal Notification Plugin With jQuery and Bootstrap - Bootstrap Msg
- Other - 6462 ViewsBootstrap Msg is a tiny jQuery plugin which displays flexible alert / feedback messages using Bootstrap's alerts component.
jQuery Plugin To Replace Native JS Popup Boxes - MessageBox
- Other - 10320 ViewsJust another jQuery based JS popup box replacement which enables you to create alert / confirm / prompt dialog boxes with custom styles & animations.
Custom Alert Notification Plugin For jQuery - iao-alert
- Other - 11313 Viewsiao-alert is a lightweight, flexible, customizable jQuery plugin for creating animated, toast- or growl style alert notifications on the webpage.
Highly Configurable JS Modal & Dialog Box Library - Vex
- LightBox - 5880 ViewsVex is a lightweight and customizable javascript modal library for creating stylish modal box & dialog box with lots of options, animation, skins and APIs.
jQuery Plugin For Nice Dialog Boxes with CSS3 Animations - jConfirm
- Other - 11933 ViewsjConfirm is an easy, customizable jQuery dialog box alternative plugin which enables to create nice alert, confirm, and prompt boxes with cool CSS3 powered animations.
Simple and Easy jQuery Notification Plugin - NotifIt
- Other - 19477 ViewsNotifIt is a simple and fast jQuery plugin used to create various types of notification & alert windows with subtle sliding effects on the web page.
Mobile-friendly Dialog & Toast Plugin With jQuery - alert.js
- Other - 4672 Viewsalert.js is a jQuery/Zepto plugin used to create mobile-friendly popup boxes that meet all your needs about confirm/alert dialogs and toast-style notifications.
Beautiful Animated Modal Window Plugin With jQuery - SweetModal
- LightBox - 14675 ViewsSweetModal is a simple, sweet, customizable, animated jQuery modal plugin used to replace the default alert / prompt / confirm dialog boxes.
jQuery Event Based Notification Plugin For Bootstrap - BS-Alerts
- Other - 8342 ViewsBS-Alerts is a jQuery plugin that make it easy to create jQuery event based notification bar (warning, error, success) using Twitter Bootstrap and HTML5 data- attribute.
Cool Notification JavaScript Library - Noty
- Other - 17400 Viewsnoty is a cool and powerful jQuery Notification Plugin that allows you to create several types of messages as an alternative to the standard alert dialog.
Tiny Flexible Modal & Dialog Plugin With jQuery - flexModal
- Other - 4767 ViewsflexModal is a jQuery plugin that helps you create flexible, customizable, AJAX-enabled modal windows for alerts, notifications, dialog boxes and many more.
Nice Clean jQuery Alert / Confirm Dialog Plugin - alertable.js
- Other - 6477 Viewsalertable.js is a very small (~2kb) jQuery plugin that lets you create nice, clean, animated, fullscreen alert or confirmation dialog popups.
Easy Alert Notification Bar Plugin With jQuery - EasyNotif
- Other - 2143 ViewsEasyNotif is a really simple jQuery alert plugin which lets you create alert notification bars of various types (default, info, error, warning, success) on the webpage.
Minimal Web Dialog Popup Component With jQuery - popWindow
- Other - 2555 ViewsJust another jQuery popup window plugin which helps you create pretty clean info, alert, warning, confirm, error, success, prompt and custom dialog boxes on the webpage.
Multifunctional Dialog Popup Plugin With jQuery - Dialog.js
- Other - 1594 ViewsDialog.js is a jQuery popup plugin which lets you create various types of dialog boxes (e.g. alert, confirm, notify) with custom styles and callback functions.
Tiny Multipurpose Dialog Popup Plugin With jQuery - dialogbox.js
- Other - 5637 ViewsA simple tiny jQuery plugin which lets you create animated, clean-looking, draggable alert/confirm dialog windows, iframe modals and toast-style notification messages.
Flexible Robust Modal & Dialog Plugin For jQuery - Modal.js
- Other - 1438 ViewsModal.js is a simple, flexible, powerful jQuery popup plugin which lets you create nice-looking modal windows & dialog boxes with tons of customization options and API.
Animated Notification Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap - Bootstrap Growl
- Other - 24526 ViewsYet another jQuery notification plugin that makes use of Boostrap's alerts to create animated informative messages in your web/app page, similar to the Mac OS X's 'Growl' notification system.
Tiny Nice Confirmation Popup Plugin With jQuery - H-confirm-alert
- Other - 2940 ViewsH-confirm-alert is a super light jQuery plugin used for creating a pretty nice and fully configurable popup window to replace the native browser confirm and alert dialog boxes.
Feature-rich jQuery Dialog Popup Plugin - addDialog
- Other - 1007 ViewsaddDialog is a jQuery plugin for creating beautiful alert / confirm / prompt / error / modal dialog boxes to replace the default JavaScript popup boxes.
Tiny jQuery Modal / Alert / Toast Plugin - Modal.js
- Other - 1624 ViewsModal.js is a versatile jQuery plugin which lets you create minimal clean modal windows, alert dialog boxes and toast-style notification messages on your web app.
Nice Material Design Modal Dialog Plugin With jQuery - MDL
- LightBox - 8591 ViewsMDL is a lightweight jQuery plugin used for displaying Google Material Design styled modal windows or dialog boxes on the webpage.
Minimal Sliding Notification Plugin For jQuery - EasyAlertJS
- Other - 628 ViewsEasyAlertJS is a jQuery plugin that lets you create a customizable alert message sliding from the 'Bottom Right' of the webpage.
jQuery Plugin To Manage Bootstrap Alert Messages - alert.lib.js
- Other - 1043 Viewsalert.lib.js is a minimal jQuery plugin allows to you to displays alert messages to end users using Bootstrap's alerts component. Supports both Bootstrap 3 and 4.
Multi-functional Ajax Enabled Bootstrap Modal Plugin - bootpop.js
- Other - 2507 Viewsbootpop.js is a jQuery plugin designed for enhancing the default Bootstrap modal component that supports AJAX loading, JSON content handler, alert/confirm dialogs and image/html embedding.
Simple Plain Dialog Popup Plugin For jQuery - Alerts.js
- Other - 9712 ViewsAlerts.js is a simple plain jQuery plugin that creates customizable popup boxes to replace the default loading, alert, dialog, confirm and prompt dialog boxes.
iOS Style Confirm / Alert Dialog Plugin For jQuery - Dialog.js
- Other - 3606 ViewsA simple, lightweight, mobile-optimized jQuery popup box plugin which helps you create iOS-style, responsive alert and/or confirmation dialog boxes with ease.
Easy Draggable jQuery Alert/Confirm Dialog Plugin - dialog.js
- Other - 1205 Viewsdialog.js is a tiny and cross-browser jQuery plugin that creates draggable, stackable and configurable popup boxes to replace the native alert / confirm dialogs.
Cross-browser Draggable jQuery Popup Window Plugin - jPopup
- Other - 7587 ViewsjPopup is a cross-browser jQuery plugin which helps you create a highly customizable, drag'n'drop, Material Design-style popup box on your web application.
Full Featured jQuery Tooltip & Popup Window Plugin - tiktok.js
- Tooltip - 3075 Viewstiktok.js is a responsive, powerful jQuery popup plugin which lets you create tooltips, notifications, alert/confirm boxes and any other popup windows with ease.
Handy Customizable jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin - dialog.jquery.js
- Other - 964 ViewsA handy and fully customizable jQuery dialog plugin which lets you create modal-style alert/confirm popup boxes with custom callback functions. Supports any html content.
Responsive jQuery Message Box & Notification Plugin - lobibox
- Other - 40810 ViewsLobibox is responsive jQuery dialog box & notification plugin that is divided into two parts: Messageboxes and Notifications. .
Minimal Animated Notification Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - miniNoty
- Other - 4950 ViewsA super simple and lightweight jQuery plugin which pops up steam notifications with CSS3 based animations at bottom right corner of your web/app page.
Bootstrap Based Flash Message Plugin With jQuery
- Other - 9288 ViewsA jQuery/Bootstrap plugin which lets you create highly customizable flash messages using Bootstrap's Alerts component.
Simple Elegant Dialog Box Plugin For jQuery - vdialog
- Other - 1533 Viewsvdialog is a lightweight, simple-to-use jQuery plugin which lets you create clean-looking, highly customizable dialog boxes for mobile, desktop and HTML5 web applications.
Mutlpurpose jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin - mgDialog
- Other - 1558 ViewsmgDialog is a simple, flexible jQuery plugin that helps you create multipurpose, highly customizable modal windows, dialog boxes and toast notifications.
iOS-Style Alert And Confirm Dialog Plugin - alert-confirm.js
- Other - 3601 Viewsalert-confirm.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you create customizable, iOS-style, mobile-friendly alert or confirmation dialog boxes on the webpage.
Simple Flexible jQuery Alert Notification Plugin - notify.js
- Other - 15791 Viewsnotify.js is a simple, flexible, customizable jQuery notification plugin which allows to show alert messages of various types to your end users.
jQuery Plugin To Manage Bootstrap Alerts And Modals - alert-modal.js
- Other - 2362 Viewsalert-modal.js is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create Bootstrap alerts and modals with custom content and action buttons.
Draggable Modal Dialog Plugin For jQuery - dialog.js
- Other - 2865 Viewsdialog.js is a simple, lightweight yet fully configurable jQuery plugin for creating modal-style popups to replace the default alert and confirmation dialog boxes.
Easy Customizable jQuery Alert Popup Plugin - jzAlert
- Other - 738 ViewsjzAlert is a small yet highly customizable jQuery/Zepto popup plugin which lets you create modal-style alert or confirm dialog boxes with minimal effort.
Multi-functional jQuery Alert & Message Plugin - gmsg.js
- Other - 1355 Viewsgmsg.js is a simple, small yet multi purpose jQuery plugin which provides various types of alerts and messages for your web applications.
Mobile-friendly jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin - sDialog
- Other - 1622 ViewssDialog is a simple yet powerful jQuery plugin that helps you create minimal, clean, responsive modal popups for confirm / alert dialog boxes and popup menus.
Toast-like Alert Popup Plugin With jQuery and Bootstrap - bootstrapAlert
- Other - 3832 ViewsbootstrapAlert is an easy to use jQuery plugin which helps you create Android toast-syle info/warning/success/danger alert popups using Bootstrap styles.
Tiny Feature-rich jQuery Dialog Popup Plugin - ZLDialog
- Other - 1581 ViewsZLDialog is a lightweight yet powerful jQuery plugin which makes it easy to create message / alert / confirm / prompt / preview dialog popups with lots of customization options.
Bootstrap Alert / Confirm Modal Plugin With jQuery
- Other - 2728 ViewsBootstrap.alert is a jQuery plugin for generating highly customizable Bootstrap based alert / confirm modal windows to replace the default JavaScript popup boxes.
Customizable Alert Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - Purr
- Other - 2266 ViewsBootstrap Purr is a jQuery notification plugin which utilizes Bootstrap's Alerts component to display customizable, draggable alert messages on your web page.
Tiny Flat Notification Plugin With jQuery and jQuery UI - tinyNotice
- Other - 1818 ViewstinyNotice is a jQuery plugin used to create flat, eye-catching notification & confirm popups sliding out from the edge of your browser screen.
Simplest Modal-style Alert Box Plugin With jQuery - Modal Alert
- Other - 3382 ViewsModal Alert is an extremely tiny jQuery plugin for displaying a modal-style alert dialog box with subtle CSS3 transition-timing effects on your screen.
Modal Style Dialog Popup Plugin For jQuery - Dialogx
- Other - 2330 ViewsDialogx is a super tiny jQuery plugin that helps you create modal-style dialog popups to replace the default JavaScript alert and confirmation dialog boxes.
Customizable Message Box Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - bs.msgbox
- LightBox - 3701 ViewsA tiny jQuery alternative to default alert() box that creates a fully customizable modal dialog box using Bootstrap styles and Glyphicons (or Font Awesome).
Tiny jQuery Based JS Alert and Console.log Replacement - window.message
- Other - 688 Viewswindow.message is a jQuery plugin for creating a terminal output box to display non-blocking alert or informative messages in sequence.
Minimal Flat Notification Plugin with jQuery - Notiser
- Other - 852 ViewsNotiser is a lightweight jQuery plugin that displays clean, flat notification messages and alerts for your end users.
Animated Popup Box Plugin with jQuery and Animate.css - gDialog
- Other - 2329 ViewsgDialog is a jQuery/Zepto plugin used to create CSS3 animated, nice dialog boxes to replace the default JavaScript popup boxes (alert, prompt, confirm).
Lightweight jQuery Notification Plugin - ohSnap
- Other - 8895 ViewsOh Snap is a simple and lightweight jQuery plugin for easily creating different types of notifications in your websites or mobile apps.
Minimal Alert / Confirm Dialog Plugin with jQuery and Animate.css - dialog.js
- Other - 3212 Viewsdialog.js is an extremely simple jQuery plugin for creating a modal-like alert / confirm dialog box with support for callback function and CSS3 animations.
Minimal JavaScript Alert Replacement Plugin - jQuery Alert.js
- LightBox - 1864 ViewsAlert.js is a dead simple jQuery plugin which creates a modal-style dialog popup to replace the ugly native JavaScript alert() method.
jQuery Plugin For Handling Bootstrap Alerts - Inflop
- Other - 6303 ViewsInflop is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin helps you create customizable, auto-dismissable feedback messages using Bootstrap Alerts component.
Animated Multi-purpose Modal Box Plugin For jQuery
- LightBox - 2364 ViewsA tiny and fast jQuery plugin to create animated & highly customizable modal dialog boxes for multiple purposes.
Mobile-first jQuery Notification & Dialog Plugin - mobiDialog
- Other - 981 ViewsmobiDialog is a lightweight jQuery notification plugin which allows you to show mobile-friendly alerts and informative messages to your users.
Mobile-first Alert Dialog Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Mobile Alert
- Other - 2450 ViewsMobile Alert is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that lets you create responsive, mobile-friendly alert / confirm dialog boxes with CSS3 powered open / close animations.
Native JS Dialog Replacement Plugin For jQuery - wAlert
- LightBox - 1183 ViewswAlert is a jQuery replacement for native JS alert() that allows you to create highly customizable modal-style message, alert, confirm and prompt dialog boxes.
Minimal jQuery Plugin For Handling Bootstrap Alerts - BS3 Alerts
- Other - 660 ViewsBS3 Alerts is a minimalist jQuery script that helps you display fix positioned notification messages using Bootstrap 3 Alerts component.
Simple Animated jQuery Dialog Box Plugin - msgbox
- Other - 1913 Viewsmsgbox is a jQuery plugin that lets you create animated, customizable dialog boxes to replace the native JavaScript alert / prompt / confirm popup boxes.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Javascript Popup Box Replacement - lz-alert
- Other - 3971 Viewslz-alert is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to create custom alert / confirm / prompt dialog popups with multiple CSS3 animations.
Simple Pretty jQuery Message Box Plugin - messageBox
- Other - 16607 ViewsmessageBox is a simple and small jQuery plugin that creates pretty dialog popups to show alert messages on your webpage.
CSS3 Animated Custom Alert Box Plugin For jQuery - WOW Alert
- Other - 12512 ViewsWOW Alert is a jQuery based alert() replacement used to create CSS3 animated, good-looking, modal-style dialog popup that can alert a user of anything you choose.
Simple Alert Dialog Box Plugin For jQuery - al.js
- Other - 3197 Viewsal.js is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery modal dialog plugin to create notification popups that can alert a user of anything you choose.
Minimal Modal Dialog Box Plugin with jQuery - Dialogbox
- Other - 2167 ViewsDialogbox is a simple yet customizable jQuery plugin to create modal dialogs for alert, confirm, prompt actions and normal, success, warning, error messages.
Stylish jQuery Alert Dialog Box Plugin - jAlerts
- Other - 4743 ViewsjAlerts is a jQuery plugin for creating animated, responsive and fully customizable alert popup to replace default JS alert() dialog.
Modal Style Alert Dialog Plugin For jQuery - c_alert
- Other - 589 Viewsc_alert is a very simple jQuery plugin that provides modal-style alert dialog boxes for your webpage & web applications.
Old iOS Style Dialog Box Plugin For jQuery
- Other - 1096 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows to create custom confirm/alert dialog boxes on your website / web app, as you seen on iOS 5/6.
Easy Customizable jQuery Notification Plugin - cosyAlert
- Other - 2521 ViewscosyAlert is a jQuery notification plugin that makes it easy to show various types of notifications (alert, error, success, notice) on your web page.
Simple Alert Box Plugin with jQuery - Lite Alert
- Other - 2054 ViewsLite Alert is a really simple jQuery notification plugin that displays fully CSS styleable alerts with custom messages on your web page / web application.
jQuery UI Based Native JS Dialogs Replacement - Enhanced Alert
- Other - 1091 ViewsEnhanced Alert is a jQuery plugin for replacing the native Javascript alert, prompt and confirm boxes using jQuery UI dialog component.
SimpleModal - Beautiful Popup Window Plugin
- Other - 9449 ViewsSimpleModal is a Beautiful and easy-to-use Popup Window Plugin for creating modal windows used to generate alert or confirm messages.
jQuery Plugin To Create Animated Bootstrap Alerts - notify
- Other - 9280 ViewsExtends the Bootstrap's alerts component to create animated & fully customizable notification messages on your web page.
jQuery Based Native JavaScript Alert and Confirm Replacement - Dalert
- Other - 3684 ViewsDalert is a simple jQuery and jQuery UI plugin that easily create a customizable alert (or confirm) window as a replacement for the native javascript alert and confirm methods.
Create Simple Alert Messages with jQuery and Bootstrap - alert.js
- Other - 77544 Viewsalert.js is a jQuery notification plugin which allows you to display one or multiple alert messages via Bootstrap alerts components.
Dynamic Notifications Using jQuery and Bootstrap - Bootstrap Message
- Other - 8255 ViewsBootstrap Message is a jQuery plugin which allows you to create dynamic notification/feedback messages via Bootstrap Alerts component.
Easy jQuery Modal Dialog Box Plugin - dialog.js
- LightBox - 8228 Viewsdialog.js is a jQuery dialog box plugin which enables you to create beautiful and clean alert box, confirm box, contact/login form with ease.
Draggable Dialog Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI - dAlerta
- Other - 863 ViewsdAlerta is a minimal jQuery & jQuery UI plugin for creating draggable, resizable and themeable dialog boxes on your web page.
Basic Responsive jQuery Popup Winwos Plugin - maskui
- LightBox - 3781 Viewsmaskui is a lightweight yet powerful jQuery plugin which helps you create responsive clean dialog/alert/confirm boxes or modal windows with ease.
Customizable jQuery Dialog Box Plugin - trumpet.js
- Other - 648 Viewstrumpet.js is a responsive jQuery dialog box plugin for creating customizable alert, confirm and active confirm boxes on your web page.
Minimal jQuery Toast Notification Plugin - ialert
- Other - 852 Viewsialert is a simplist jQuery plugin used to create an auto-hiding popup window on your web page.
Minimal jQuery Grouped Notification Boxes Plugin - notifyme
- Other - 1253 Viewsnotifyme is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to display alert, warning and error messages in the grouped notification boxes.
Minimal jQuery Alert Box Plugin with CSS3 Animations - Simple Alert
- Other - 1657 ViewsA dead simple jQuery plugin to create alert & notification information boxes with cool CSS3 animations.
jQuery Plugin For Sliding Message Bar with Boostrap Alerts Component - Bootstrap Msg
- Other - 8082 ViewsBootstrap Msg is a jQuery plugin that uses Bootstrap's alerts component to display alert messages in a sliding message bar at the top of the page.
Clean Customizable jQuery Alert & Dialog Plugin - ClassyPopup
- Other - 2970 ViewsClassyPopup is a small yet highly configuration jQuery plugin that popups alert & dialog windows to display important messages for your website/app.
Lightweight jQuery Notification & Alert Message Plugin - AlertView
- Other - 3091 ViewsAlertView is a simple, quick and lightweight jQuery plugin for creating OS X like notification windows and Twitter-like alert messages on your web page.
jQuery Plugin For Transactional Messages In Your Web App - Messenger
- Other - 5385 ViewsMessenger is a jQuery notification plugin that allows to trigger transactional messages with actions (undo, cancel, etc.) in your web app.
Simple Top Bar Notification Plugin For jQuery - TopBar
- Other - 6001 ViewsTopBar is a small jQuery plugin for creating various notification bars (success, info, warning, danger, primary, default, ...) at the top of your web page.
Stylish jQuery Notification & Alert Plugin - Smart Alert
- Other - 18942 ViewsSmart Alert is an alternative to the standard javascript alert box that makes it easy to create fully configurable and stylish lightbox-like notification & Alert box using jQuery and jQuery UI.
Simple Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery - jBar
- Other - 3939 ViewsjBar is a simple and lightweight jQuery Plugin for add a Notification Bar to your website for displaying important informations.
jQuery Enhanced Confirm Dialog Plugin - Confirm Action
- Other - 1912 ViewsConfirm Action is a simple but useful jQuery plugin that enhances the default confirm dialog that makes it has callback support and can be configured for each element through data attributes.
jQuery Plugin For Checking Form Has Been Changed - dontJustLeaveMe
- Form - 1700 ViewsdontJustLeaveMe is an useful jQuery plugin for checking the form values of the page have been changed, if yes, it will popup a alert window to make sure they want to leave when closing the current page.
Event Based Bootstrap Form Validation Pluin with jQuery - formalerts
- Form - 3828 Viewsformalerts is an event based form validation plugin that displays bootstrap form alerts attached to the input field when your user clicks the submit button.
Alertify - Customizable jQuery Notification Plugin
- Other - 4515 ViewsAlertify is a Customizable jQuery Notification Plugin. Notification system is a very useful tool for webmaster to tell visiters the lastest and most importtant informations.