Easy Customizable jQuery Alert Popup Plugin - jzAlert
File Size: | 9.58 KB |
Views Total: | 732 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
jzAlert is a small yet highly customizable jQuery/Zepto popup plugin which lets you create modal-style alert or confirm dialog boxes with minimal effort.
Key features:
- Replaces the default JS alert or confirm popup boxes.
- Lots of customization options and callbacks.
- Click anywhere on the background to close the popup.
- Easy to style.
- Auto dismisses after a specific timeout.
How to use it:
1. Include jQuery library (or Zepto.js) and the jQuery jzAlert plugin at the bottom of the webpage.
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script> <!-- <script src="zepto.min.js"></script>--> <script src="jz.126.alert.min.js"></script>
2. Show a default alert box on the webpage.
3. All configuration options and callbacks. You can pass the parameters as displayed below as an object to the $.alert
$.alert({ // callback before alert is opened showBeforeFn: function() {}, // backback after alert box is opened showAfterFn: function() {}, // callback before closing the alert box by clicing on the 'close' button closeBeforeFn: function(index) {}, // callback after clicing on the 'close' button closeAfterFn: function(index) {}, // click on the background to close alertBgClickClose: false, // callback before closing the alert box by clicing on the background bgCloseBeforeFn: function() {}, // callback after clicing on the background bgCloseAfterFn: function() {}, // Custom CSS styles css: { //$(".site-alert-container").css(containerCss); containerCss: {}, //$(".site-alert-container").find(".site-alert-content").css(contentCss); contentCss: { // width:"90%" }, //$(".site-alert-container").find(".site-alert-head").css(headCss); headCss: {}, //$(".site-alert-container").find(".site-alert-body").css(bodyCss); bodyCss: {}, //$(".site-alert-container").find(".site-alert-foot").css(footCss); footCss: {}, //$(".site-alert-container").find(".site-alert-headFoot").css(headFootCss); headFootCss: {}, //$(".site-alert-container").find("*").css(allCss); allCss: {}, //$(".site-alert-container").find(".site-alert-contentAll").css(contentAllCss); contentAllCss: {}, // $(".site-alert-container").find(".site-alert-btn").css(btnCss); btnCss: {}, }, // width alertWidth: "60%", \ // border radius alertBorderRadius: "5px", // border color alertLineColor: "#ccc", // alert title alertTitleStr: "Alert Title", // alert content alertBodyStr: "Alert Content", // alert buttons alertBtns: [{ text: "Confirm", klass: "site-alert-btn-ok" }], // top position top: false, // top offset offsetTop: 0, // animation speed delay: "fast", // opacity for overlay opacity: "0.75", // show alert header alertIsShowHead: false, // show alert footer alertIsHideFoot: false, // timeout for auto close timeout: false, });
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by menghan126. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.