Multifunctional Dialog Popup Plugin With jQuery - Dialog.js

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License: MIT
Multifunctional Dialog Popup Plugin With jQuery - Dialog.js

Dialog.js is a simple, versatile jQuery popup plugin which lets you create various types of dialog boxes (e.g. alert, confirm, notify) with custom styles and callback functions.

How to use it:

1. Put jQuery library and the jQuery Dialog.js plugin's files in your html document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dialog.css">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="dialog.js"></script>

2. Display a basic dialog box on the screen.

<div id="a" style="display: none;">
  <p>Dialog Content Here</p>
  title:'Dialog Title'

3. Or define the dialog content directly in the JavaScript.

  content:'Modal Content Here'

4. All default options for the dialog method.


  // default settings
  width: '400px',
  height: '200px',
  title: '',
  content: '',
  hideTime: 0,
  showClose: true,

  // callback functions
  open: null, 
  close: null,
  enterBtn: null,
  cancelBtn: null

5. Create toast style notification popups as follow:


6. All default options for the tooltip method.


  // 'success', 'error', 'info' and 'help'

  // text color

  // timeout
  hideTime: 1000

Change log:


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by hyhkjiy. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.