Modal Style Alert Dialog Plugin For jQuery - c_alert

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License: MIT
Modal Style Alert Dialog Plugin For jQuery - c_alert

c_alert is a very simple jQuery plugin that provides modal-style alert dialog boxes for your webpage & web applications.


  • Auto hides scrollbar when alert appears.
  • Custom alert's width, background and font-family.

How to use it:

1. Include jQuery library and the jQuery c_alert plugin's files in your web page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/c_alert.css">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="c_alert.js"></script>

2. Display a default alert dialog box with custom message.

c_alert('Your message!');

3. Close the alert.


4. Customize the alert.

var options = {

  // Set it to "true" if you want scrollbar when alert appear,
  scrollbar: false,

  // Determines width of the alert. 
  width: "50%",

  // This value will set background color of the alert. 
  color: "#ffffff",

  // With this value you can choose the font of the alert.
  font: "'Montserrat', sans-serif",

  // Set it to "false" if you want default text format for the alert
  uppercase: true,

  // Set it to "false" if you don't want x button to close the alert
  x_toclose: true


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by AlexDevx. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.