Responsive CSS3 Animated jQuery Modal Plugin - iziModal

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License: MIT
Responsive CSS3 Animated jQuery Modal Plugin - iziModal

iziModal is a simple, fast jQuery plugin which lets you create responsive, beautiful, highly customizable modal windows with CSS3 powered transition effects.

More features:

  • Custom modal title and subtitle.
  • Allows for custom modal icons.
  • iFrame and AJAX supported.
  • ESC key to close the modal.
  • Auto focus on the first input when opened.
  • Auto open on page load.
  • Custom transition effects.
  • Lots of options and API.

View More Modal Plugins At:

How to use it:

1. To use this plugin, make sure to include the iziModal.min.css and iziModal.min.js on the webpage.

<link href="iziModal.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="iziModal.min.js"></script>

2. Include an icon font of your choice on the webpage (OPTIONAL).

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

3. Insert your content into a DIV element with the CSS class of 'iziModal'.

<div id="modal-demo" class="iziModal">
  Custom content here

4. Create a link to toggle the modal.

<a href="#" class="trigger-link">Click Me</a>

5. Initialize the modal with options.

  // options here

6. Show the modal on the webpage.

$(document).on('click', '.trigger-link', function (event) {

7. All default options. The options listed below can also be used through the data-iziModal-optionName attribute.

  title: '',
  subtitle: '',
  headerColor: '#88A0B9',
  background: null,
  theme: '',  // light
  icon: null,
  iconText: null,
  iconColor: '',
  rtl: false,
  width: 600,
  top: null,
  bottom: null,
  borderBottom: true,
  padding: 0,
  radius: 3,
  zindex: 999,
  iframe: false,
  iframeHeight: 400,
  iframeURL: null,
  focusInput: true,
  group: '',
  loop: false,
  arrowKeys: true,
  navigateCaption: true,
  // Boolean, 'closeToModal', 'closeScreenEdge'
  navigateArrows: true, 
  history: false,
  restoreDefaultContent: false,
  // Boolean, Number
  autoOpen: 0, 
  bodyOverflow: false,
  fullscreen: false,
  openFullscreen: false,
  closeOnEscape: true,
  closeButton: true,
  appendTo: 'body', // or false
  appendToOverlay: 'body', // or false
  overlay: true,
  overlayClose: true,
  overlayColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)',
  timeout: false,
  timeoutProgressbar: false,
  pauseOnHover: false,
  timeoutProgressbarColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)',
  // comingIn, bounceInDown, bounceInUp, fadeInDown
  // fadeInUp, fadeInLeft, fadeInRight, flipInX
  // bounceInLeft, bounceInRight
  transitionIn: 'comingIn',   
  // comingOut, bounceOutDown, bounceOutUp, fadeOutDown
  // fadeOutUp, , fadeOutLeft, fadeOutRight, flipOutX
  // bounceOutLeft, bounceOutRight
  transitionOut: 'comingOut', 
  transitionInOverlay: 'fadeIn',
  transitionOutOverlay: 'fadeOut',
  // callback functions
  onFullscreen: function(){},
  onResize: function(){},
  onOpening: function(){},
  onOpened: function(){},
  onClosing: function(){},
  onClosed: function(){},
  afterRender: function(){}

8. API methods.

// Open

// Close

// Change to the opposite of the current state.

// Returns group information.

// Set a new group name.
$('#modal').iziModal('setGroup', 'alerts');

// Skip to next modal to the same group.

// Skip to previous modal to the same group.

// getState
 * @returns {'closed'|'closing'|'opened'|'opening'}

// startLoading

// stopLoading

// Destroy

// Start progress loading within the modal.

// Pause progress loading within the modal.

// ProgressResume progress loading within the modal.

// Reset progress loading within the modal.

// setHeaderColor
$('#modal-demo').iziModal('setHeaderColor', 'color');

// setTitle
$('#modal-demo').iziModal('setTitle', 'Title');

// setSubtitle
$('#modal-demo').iziModal('setSubtitle', 'Subtitle');

// setIconClass
$('#modal-demo').iziModal('setIconClass', 'iconClass');

// Change the class of icon.
$('#modal').iziModal('setIcon', 'iconClass');

// Change the text of font icon.
$('#modal').iziModal('setIconText', 'icon');

// Change the z-index CSS attribute of the modal.
$('#modal').iziModal('setZindex', 999);

// Change the Modal opening transition.
$('#modal').iziModal('setTransitionIn', 'comingIn');

// Change the Modal closing transition.
// comingOut, bounceOutDown, bounceOutUp, fadeOutDown, fadeOutUp, , fadeOutLeft, fadeOutRight, flipOutX
$('#modal').iziModal('setTransitionOut', 'comingOut');

// recalculateLayout

// Set a new content to modal.
$('#modal').iziModal('setContent', '<p>Example</p>');

// Returns the default Modal content.

9. Events.

// Opening
$(document).on('opening', '#modal-demo', function (e) {
    // ...

// Opened
$(document).on('opened', '#modal-demo', function (e) {
    // ...

// Closing
$(document).on('closing', '#modal-demo', function (e) {
    // ...

// Closed
$(document).on('closed', '#modal-demo', function (e) {
    // ...

// if is fuulscreen
$(document).on('fullscreen', '#modal-default', function (e, modal) {
      // Enabled
  } else {
      // Disabled

// Capture when a modal opens and closes within a group.
$(document).on('iziModal-group-change', function (e, modal) {; // Modal that came in.; // Modal that came out.


v1.6.1 (2022-05-30)

  • Security patch.

v1.6.0 (2022-05-23)

  • NEW - jQuery 3 ready
  • NEW - data-iziModal-preventClose 
  • NEW - startProgress, pauseProgress, resumeProgress and resetProgress methods
  • NEW - Open multiple Modals
  • NEW - arrowKeys option to enable/disable
  • NEW - 'border-box' as default
  • Bugs fixed

v1.5.1 (2018-01-06)

  • Added: appendToOverlay option
  • Added: afterRender option
  • Added: setContent method
  • Added: resetContent method
  • Fixed: Modal auto closing after a certain time
  • Fixed: Modal auto closing on URL change
  • Fixed: Fullscreen
  • Fixed: Opening and closing functions
  • Fixed: Modal hash

v1.5.0 (2017-06-06)

  • NEW data-iziModal-open="#modal" for any selector - Implemented 
  • NEW borderBottom option - Implemented 
  • NEW Div tag for modal is no longer required - Implemented 
  • NEW AMD support - Implemented 
  • NEW setFullscreen method - Implemented 
  • NEW setWidth method - Implemented 
  • NEW setTop and setBottom methods - Implemented 
  • NEW closeButton option - Implemented 
  • NEW appendTo option - Implemented 
  • NEW Static margin (Top and Bottom options) - Implemented 
  • NEW Namespace - Implemented 
  • NEW Improvements when using Modal in flexbox layouts - Implemented 
  • BUG IE Horizontal Alignment (Including %) - Fixed 
  • BUG Scroll iframe on iOS - Fixed 
  • BUG Hide navigation arrows does not work - Fixed 
  • BUG Some kinds of Data-attr do not work as they should - Fixed 
  • BUG Incompatibility with iziToast animations - Fixed 
  • BUG Methods setTransitionIn and setTransitionOut - Fixed 
  • BUG Modal closes when use shortcut arrows - Fixed 
  • BUG Modal loses its classes when closed - Fixed 
  • BUG Modal loses option RTL when closed - Fixed 
  • BUG Modal loses reference if it does not have an ID - Fixed 

v1.4.2 (2017-02-10)

  • All the options can now be used through the data-iziModal-optionName attribute
  • Fixed alt text Inaccurate modal height calculation
  • Fixed alt text The Light theme was not applied correctly
  • CSS update
  • add namespace to document events and window events

v1.4.0 (2016-12-08)

  • RTL support - Implemented.
  • WAI-ARIA support - Implemented.
  • An error occurred if there was a hash did not belong to the modal - Fixed.
  • It breaks the layout if "iziModal" class is missing - Fixed.
  • The vertical positioning of the modal, sometimes was not applied correctly - Fixed.
  • Transitions of modals positioning do not behave correctly - Fixed.
  • The modals group navigation did not work correctly If any modal was destroyed - Fixed.
  • Convert float value of this.$element.innerHeight() to integer for prevent bug

v1.3.3 (2016-09-06)

  • Added: Text icons support (option, data-attr and set method).
  • Fixed: alt text History was always active on mobile.
  • Fixed: alt text It was not possible to instantiate multiple modals at once.

v1.3.2 (2016-08-10)

  • setGroup to set new group name - Implemented.
  • alt text group option work in some cases - Fixed.

v1.3.1 (2016-08-09)

  • iframe URL (by event like click) not work with append childs - Fixed.
  • alt text Widths with percentage does not work - Fixed.

v1.3.0 (2016-08-04)

  • History support.
  • Group support (data-iziModal-group) with caption and navigation.
  • Methods next and prev to be used on group mode.
  • Option Loop and data (data-iziModal-loop).
  • Option pauseOnHover when you have timeout.
  • Other Transitions and improvements in CSS.
  • Methods setTransitionIn and setTransitionOut.
  • data-iziModal-transitionIn and data-iziModal-transitionOut to triggers and modals.
  • radius Option, zindex Option and method setZindex.
  • Open and Close methods they can be used with different animations.
  • data-iziModal-open="modal-id".
  • data-iziModal-title, data-iziModal-subtitle and data-iziModal-icon.
  • Callbacks onResize and onFullscreen.
  • Event fullscreen and Global Event iziModal-group-change.
  • autoOpen option with delay.
  • attached option, top or bottom.
  • return of the methods were always overwritten - Fixed.
  • Overflow in fullscreen and other minor fixes in js structure - Fixed.


  • JS update.


  • Retina display support
  • Fixed: Callbacks had no access to modal functions


  • new feature to apply fullscreen
  • new timeout feature with progress bar


  • Close overlay works only at the first time


  • JS update


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by marcelodolza. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.