Versatile Modal Popup Plugin For jQuery - lis.modal.js
File Size: | 7.68 KB |
Views Total: | 2328 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
lis.modal.js is a simple yet robust, multifunctional JQuery modal popup plugin which can be used for notification popups and alert/confirm/prompt dialog boxes.
- 5 built-in themes: default, info, warning, danger, success.
- Supports AJAX contents.
- Useful callback functions.
- Fancy open/close animations based on CSS3.
- Lots of API.
- jQuery
- Font Awesome (for icons).
- Animate.css (for extra animations)
How to use it:
1. To use this plugin, first you need to load the following JavaScript and CSS files in the html document.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="animate.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="font-awesome.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="lis.modal.css"> <script src="//"></script> <script src="lis.modal.js"></script>
2. Create basic alerts & notification popups.
lis.modal("info","Info Message"); lis.modal("warning","Warning Message"); lis.modal("danger","Danger Message"); lis.modal("success","Success Message"); lis.modal("default","Default Message");
3. With callback.
lis.modal("danger","Callback Demo",function(){ lis.modal("info","Callback!"); });
4. Create a complex prompt dialog.
var contentUL = 'Select An Option : <select id="participant">'; contentUL += '<option value="1">Option 1</option>'; contentUL += '<option value="2">Option 2</option>'; contentUL += '<option value="3">Option 3</option>'; contentUL += '<option value="4">Option 4</option>'; contentUL += '<option value="5">Option 5</option>'; contentUL += '<option value="6">Option 6</option>'; contentUL += '<option value="7">Option 7</option>'; contentUL += '<option value="8">Option 8</option>'; contentUL += '<option value="9">Option 9</option>'; contentUL += '<option value="10">Option 10</option>'; contentUL += '</select>'; lis.modal("maModal",{ title : "Select An Option", content : contentUL, btn : [{ id : "lis-success-modal", content : "Select", class : "success", ico : "check", close : false, onClick : function(modal,btn){ lis.modal("confirm","Are you sure you want to select the option: "+modal.getContent().find("select").val(),function(){ modal.close(); }); } },{ id : "lis-close-modal", content : "Cancel", class : "danger", ico : "times", close : false, onClick : function(modal,btn){ lis.modal("confirm","Are You Sure You Want To Cancel?",function(){ modal.close(); }) } }], type : "info", icon : "bars", closed : false, size : "lg", animateIn : "bounceInDown", })
5. All default configuration options.
title : "Information", content : "", btn : [{ id : "", content : "Close", class : "danger", ico : "times", close : true, onClick : function(){} }], id : "lis-modal", type : "info", icon : "info-circle", onClose : function(){}, onLoad : function(){}, closed : true, size : "md", animateIn : "fadeInDown", animateOut : "fadeOutUp", keyboard : true, show:true, ajax:{ url :"", post:{}, get:{} }
6. API methods.
// open lis.modal(type).open(); // close lis.modal(type).close(); // add a button // btn (object) : {id,content,class,ico,close,onClicl} lis.modal(type).addBtn(btn); // get content lis.modal(type).getContent(); // add a class lis.modal(type).getDOM().addClass("bounce"); // set new options lis.setModalOption(options);
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Flunk3r. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.