Advanced Alert Popup Plugin With Sound Effects - jQuery Pexxalert

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Advanced Alert Popup Plugin With Sound Effects - jQuery Pexxalert

Pexxalert is a robust and customizable jQuery notification plugin to help create alert/confirm/prompt/progress/incoming call notification popups on websites and web applications.

This is a more advanced alert notification solution than our previous plugins on creating an alert notification with JavaScript. It comes with 5 pre-built templates to fit all your notification needs and can play sound effects when the notification is triggered.

How to use it:

1. To get started, load the Pexxalert plugin's files in the document.

<link rel="stylesheet"href="/path/to/pexxalert.min.css" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/pexxalert.min.js"></script>

2. Create an alert notification that will auto dismiss after a timeout just like a toast.

Pexxalert Alert Popup

// initialize
const alert = new pexxalert('alert',{
  // global options here

// display the alert notification
  // "success" or "error"
  type: 'success', 
  message: 'Alert Message',
  call_back: function(){
    // do something

3. Create a confirmation dialog.

Pexxalert Confirm Dialog

// initialize
const confirm = new pexxalert('confirm',{
  // global options here

// display
  title: 'Confirm Title',
  message: 'Confirm Message',
  accept_label: 'Process', 
  reject_label: 'Cancel',
  fragment: true, // allow URL fragmenting for template
  call_back: function(choice){
  // manage choice
    if (choice == 'yes') return console.log('Yes'); console.log('No');

4. Create a prompt dialog.

Pexxalert Prompt Dialog

// initialize
const input = new pexxalert('input',{
  // global options here

// display
  title: 'Prompt Title', 
  message: 'Prompt Message',
  placeholder: 'Placeholder Text', 
  type: 'text', // input type
  process_label: 'Submit', 
  discard_label: 'Discard',
  fragment: true, // allow URL fragmenting for template
  call_back : function(input,choice,element){
    // do something
    $(element).hide(); $(element).siblings().show();

5. Create a progress indicator popup.

Pexxalert Progress Indicator

// initialize
const progress = new pexxalert('progress',{
  // global options here

// display
  title: 'Progress Indicator Title',
  call_back: function(progress,element,box){
    // do something
    $(progress).css({ 'width' : '30%' })

6. Create an iOS style non-intrusive incoming phone call notification.

Pexxalert incoming phone call notification

// initialize
const call = new pexxalert('call',{
  // global options here

// display
  routing_id: 22, // webRTC id
  name: 'John', 
  username: 'johnnyboy',
  avatar: '', 
  type: 'video', // or audio
  call_back : function(action,routing_id,username,type){
    // callback
    if (action == 'yes') { console.log('answered') }
    else { console.log('rejected') }

7. All default global options.

const alert = new pexxalert('alert',{
  stack: false, 
  stack_position: 'top', // "top" or "bottom"
  anchor: 'body', 
  theme: true, 
  theme_type: 'snow', // "snow" or "darcula"
  theme_backgrounds: {
    snow: { 
      solid: '#FFFFFF', 
      alpha: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)', 
      color: '#363636' 
    darcula: { 
      solid: '#363636', 
      alpha: 'rgba(54,54,61,0.5)', 
      color: '#FFFFFF' 
  accent: '#6671F0', 
  blur: true, 
  static_background: '#6671F0', 
  static_color: '#FFFFFF',
  static_alpha: 'rgba(102,113,240,0.5)', 
  responsive: true, 
  responsiveness_threshold: 800,
  auto_close: true, 
  auto_close_speed: 2500, 
  landscape: false, 
  force_padding: 0


v2.0.0 (2022-11-29)

  • ES5 compatible syntax.
  • Removal of sound effects for optimization.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by paadevelopments. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.