Draggable Step Wizard Plugin - jQuery Dialog Wizard

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Draggable Step Wizard Plugin - jQuery Dialog Wizard

Dialog Wizard is a jQuery plugin that helps you create a customizable, draggable step by step (also known as multi-step, guided, walkthrough) wizard on your site, which will guide your website visitors to perform any task by using a series of simple steps.

How to use it:

1. Load the required jQuery and jQuery UI in the document.

<!-- jQuery -->
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>

<!-- jQuery UI -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/cdn/jquery-ui.min.css">
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

2. Create a container for the wizard dialog.

<div id="confirmation_dialog"></div>

3. Initialize the plugin on the container.

var dlg = $("#confirmation_dialog").dw();

4. Setup the wizard dialog.

  • current_step: Initial step on page load
  • max_steps: Max number of steps
  • step_titles: An object of step titles
  • step_contents: An object of step contents
  • buttons: Custom buttons for each step
dlg.dw("setup", {
  current_step: 1,
  max_steps: 3,
  step_titles: {
    1: "Welcome",
    2: "Step 1/3",
    3: "Step 2/3",
    4: "Step 3/3",
  step_contents: {
    1: "<p>Welcome to the dialog wizard.</p><p>Click next to continue...</p>",
    2: "<p>This is classic wizard like dialog where at every<br/>step you can run commands and perform tasks<br/>similar to any other desktop based app.</p><p>Click next to continue...</p>",
    3: "<p>Did you notice the title of the dialog changes too as you <br/>progress through these steps ?</p><p>Click next to continue...</p>",
    4: "<p>Thank you for trying out the dialog wizard.</p><p>Now go play with it in your own projects and let the developer<br/><a href='mailto:[email protected]'>Jacques Mostert ([email protected])</a><br/>know of your success!</p>",
    5: "<p>Click close to exit the dialog.</p>"
  buttons: [{
    step: 1,
    title: "Cancel",
    handler: function() {
    step: 1,
    title: "Next",
    handler: function() {
    step: 2,
    title: "Cancel",
    handler: function() {
    step: 2,
    title: "Back",
    handler: function() {
    step: 2,
    title: "Next",
    handler: function() {
    step: 3,
    title: "Cancel",
    handler: function() {
    step: 3,
    title: "Back",
    handler: function() {
    step: 3,
    title: "Next",
    handler: function() {
    step: 4,
    title: "Cancel",
    handler: function() {
    step: 4,
    title: "Back",
    handler: function() {
    step: 4,
    title: "Next",
    handler: function() {
    step: 5,
    title: "Close",
    handler: function() {

5. Enable the wizard dialog. That's it.


6. All default plugin options.

dlg.dw("setup", {
  dialogX: false,
  dialog_id: null,
  parent: null,
  dialog_styles: {
    ".ui-widget-header": {
      "background-color": "#0000C9",
      color: "#fff",
    ".ui-dialog-buttonset button": "btn btn-primary",
  dialog_class: "no-close",
  max_steps: 1,
  step_titles: {},
  step_contents: {},
  current_step: 1,
  // uses a form to collect custom data
  form_data: {},
  store_form_data: false,
  custom_events: [],
  position: {},
  step_load: [],
  buttons: [],
  width: "",
  height: "",
  wrap_contents_with_form: false,
  on_close: function () {},
  on_show: function () {},




  • removal of extensive console.log calls - bit of refactoring to reduce the size of the main show() function
  • added form field validation notification and form field focus
  • some bug fixes around form field population and validation


  • bug fixes, new features, ajax posting, ajax loading of form field values


  • JS update


  • major code update

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Plorax. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.