Multi Functional Windows Like Context Menu Plugin - contextMenu.js

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Multi Functional Windows Like Context Menu Plugin - contextMenu.js

contextMenu.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating windows like context menu with keyboard interaction, different type of inputs ,trigger events and much more.


  • Use as simple popup or as a context menu. With some twick can be used for multi purpose.
  • Adjust position and size to fit in viewport.
  • Keyboard interaction.
  • Support different type of inputs (json, UL list)  .
  • Trigger Context menu with right-click, left-click,hover or any other mouse events.
  • Css outside of javascript so you can edit the look of menu.
  • Enable/disable options.
  • Optional icons for commands.
  • Lot of configurable options.
  • Submenus
  • Popup menus
  • Context Menu as simple modal box
  • Context Menu as tooltip

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Basic Usage:

1. Include jQuery contextMenu CSS to style the menu

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheets/contextMenu.css">

2. Create a container for the context menu

<div class="testButton" id="testButton1">Click me</div>

3. Include jQuery library and jQuery contextMenu plugin on your webpage

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/contextMenu.js"></script>

4. The javascript

//For example we are defining menu in JSON format. You can also define it on Ul list. 
var menu = [{
  	    name: 'create',
  	    img: 'images/create.png',
  	    title: 'create button',
  	    fun: function () {
  	        alert('i am add button')
  	}, {
  	    name: 'update',
  	    img: 'images/update.png',
  	    title: 'update button',
  	    fun: function () {
  	        alert('i am update button')
  	}, {
  	    name: 'delete',
  	    img: 'images/delete.png',
  	    title: 'create button',
  	    fun: function () {
  	        alert('i am add button')

//Calling context menu

Change log:

v1.0.32 (2013-10-19)

  • Added option for having multiple instance

v1.0.31 (2013-08-16)

  • temprory textbox issue fixes

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by s-yadav. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.