Responsive High Performance Content Scroller - SuperMarquee
File Size: | 153 KB |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
Marquee scrolling is a well-known effect discovered more than 20 years ago by web developers. It was initially used as a creative technique for an eye-catching presentation of text and graphics.
SuperMarquee is a JavaScript plugin that works to provide you with a highly aesthetic animated content scroller similar to the traditional marquee scrolling effect. It's made of pure CSS and JS with no images included, making it fully responsive and high performance.
- Works with Vanilla JavaScript, jQuery, React, Angular, Vue, and Web Component.
- Super smooth transition effects.
- 3D transformations to help you create Star Wars Intro Text effect.
- Horizontal & vertical scrolling.
- Custom animation speed.
- Auto play & pause on hover.
- RTL support.
- Licensed under The GPLv3 license.
How to use it:
1. Install & download.
# NPM $ npm i sp-supermarquee
2. Import the SuperMarquee.
// As an ES module import SuperMarquee from "sp-supermarquee";
<!-- Vanilla JS --> <script src="/path/to/dist/SuperMarquee.min.js"></script>
<!-- jQuery --> <script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/path/to/dist/jquery.supermarquee.min.js"></script>
<!-- Web Component --> <script src="/path/to/dist/SuperMarqueeWC.min.js"></script>
3. Create a container to hold the scroller (Vanilla JS & jQuery Versions).
<div id="supermarquee"></div>
4. Initialize the SuperMarquee and define the content in the JavaScript as follows:
// Vanilla JavaScript const myScroller = new SuperMarquee( document.getElementById( "supermarquee" ), { "content" : "Text To Scroll..." } ); // jQuery $('#supermarquee').supermarquee({ "content" : "Text To Scroll..." });
5. Or use it as a web component.
<super-marquee content="Text To Scroll..." ... more props here ... > </super-marquee>
6. To customize the scroller, pass an object with the following options:
$('#supermarquee').supermarquee({ // or "vertical" "type" : "horizontal", // "superslow", "slow" // "fast", "superfast" "speed" : "medium", // "ltr": left to right // "rtl": right to left // "btt": bottom to top // "ttb": top to bottom "direction" : "ltr", // "gapped", "pingpong" "mode" : "continuous", // delay in ms for pingping mode "pingPongDelay" : 2000, // "fixedTop", "fixedBottom" "position" : "custom", // e.g. "{\"z\": 400, \"rotateX\" : 30}", where // "z" : number, perspective in pixel, default: "none" // "originX" : number, originX in %, default: 50 // "originY" : number, originY in %, default: 50 // "rotateX" : number, transform:rotateX in degree, default: 0 // "rotateY" : number, transform-rotateY in degree, default: 0 // "rotateZ" : number, transform-rotateZ in degree, default: 0 "perspective" : null, // pause on hover "pauseonhover" : false, // auto start on init "autostart" : true, // custom easing function "easing" : false, // scrolling text "content" : "SuperMarquee By Is Super !!!", // any character appended to the content "spacer" : null, });
7. You can also pass the options via data-OPTION
<div id="supermarquee" data-type="horizontal" data-speed="medium" data-content="Text To Scroll"> </div>
8. API methods.
// play & resume the scroller; // pause the scroller myScroller.pause(); // set content myScroller.setScrollContent(content); // set animation speed myScroller.setScrollSpeed(speed); // false|"0" means disabled, true|"1" means enabled myScroller.setPauseOnHover(String|Bool); // the perspective settings as serialized JSON string. myScroller.setPerspective(perspective); // destroy the instance myScroller.destroy();
- v2.0
- v1.4.2: Bugs fixed
- v1.4.1: ADDED RSS feed template logic
- v1.3
- FIXED bug in configuration setting
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by superplug-in. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.