Free jQuery CSS3 Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'CSS3' are listed here.
jQuery Animated DOM Elements with CSS3 Transitions - CSSAnimate
- Animation - 7071 Viewsjquery.mb.CSSAnimate is a jQuery plugin for animated DOM Elements using CSS3 transition instead of the default jQuery.animate method.
jQuery And jQuery Related Resources For Designers & Developers
- jQuery Script Blog - 22449 ViewsjQuery is by far one of the most popular web development framework. With jQuery and jQuery plugins, you can create various useful and awesome effects/functionalities/widgets for your projects.
Beautiful HTML Presentation Library - reveal.js
- Animation - 15791 Viewsreveal.js is a poweful JavaScript library for creating beautiful, touch-enable, full-features, powerpoint-like HTML5 presentation on the webpage.
Retina Ready jQuery Color Picker with CSS3 Gradients - Iris
- Other - 5593 ViewsIris is an awesome jQuery plugin that makes use of jQuery UI and CSS3 gradients to embed a color picker with HiDPI display support within an input field.
Cool Tooltips with Pure CSS - Hint.css
- CSS3 & Html5 - 5718 ViewsHint.css is a tooltip library in CSS that helps you add cool tooltips to any element of your page.
gips - Beautiful and Clean Tooltip Plugin
- Tooltip - 2333 Viewsgips is a Beautiful and Clean Jquery Plugin for tooltips, which can be embedded in any web design.
Smooth Animated Numbers with Javascript and CSS3 - odometer
- Animation - 42096 Viewsodometer is a lightweight and themeable javascript library that makes use of CSS3 transform and transition properties to animate numbers with smooth transition effects.
jQuery Tooltip Plugin with CSS3 Animation Effects - sBubble
- Other - 2313 ViewssBubble is a jquery plugin that enables you to create beautiful tooltips with animated effect for your webpage. It also provides some color themes for creating different styles of tooltips.
Versatile and Beautiful Tooltip Plugin - smallipop
- Tooltip - 6424 Viewssmallipop is a small (~ 2KB gziped) and powerful jQuery plugin for creating a wide variety of tooltips and info popups on your page.
Dynamic Textarea Resizing Plugin with jQuery - autosize
- Form - 13146 Viewsautosize is a useful jQuery Plugin that allows dynamic resizing of textarea height, so that it grows as based on visitor input.
Paneled-Style Navigation Menu Plugin - jPanelMenu
- Menu - 18117 ViewsjPanelMenu is a clean and modern jQuery menu that helps to create a Paneled-Style Navigation with CSS3 transitions anitmations for your web application or website.
Simple Multi-Item Slider with CSS Animation - ItemSlider
- Slider - 10312 ViewsItemSlider is a Simple Multi-Item jQuery Slider Plugin that allows you to create a category slider with a minimal design using CSS animations.
Clean and Responsive jQuery Slideshow Plugin - Excolo Slider
- Slideshow - 2653 ViewsExcolo Slider is an extremely simple jQuery plugin for creating a neat and responsive content slideshow on your website.
Powerful and Customizable jQuery Carousel Slider - OWL Carousel
- Slider - 161120 ViewsOWL Carousel is a clean and neat jQuery slider plugin for creating fully responsive and touch-enabled carousel slider with a lot of options.
jQuery Cover Flow-Like List Animation Plugin - skywheel
- Animation - 4483 Viewsskywheel is a simple jQuery plugin for easily creating Cover Flow-Like interface with Html unordered list and CSS3 transforms.
Fancy & Responsive jQuery Diamond Layout Plugin - diamonds.js
- Layout - 21179 ViewsDiamonds is an amazing jQuery plugin for easily creating a responsive diamond layout using CSS3 transforms that tilts every items by 45 degrees to make your website unique.
Touch Friendly Mobile Gallery Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - touchTouch
- Gallery - 4323 ViewstouchTouch is a clean and responsive jQuery gallery plugin which helps you to create an amazing Touch-Friendly image gallery with smooth CSS3 animations and lightbox effect.
Apple-Like Vertical One Page Scrolling Plugin For jQuery - slidescroll
- Slider - 13195 Viewsslidescroll is a jQuery plugin to create a Apple's iPhone 5S website style one page scrolling website that allows to vertically navigate between different sections with smooth effects.
Airbnb iOS 7 App Style Side Menu with jQuery and CSS3 - Fly Side Menu
- Menu - 17600 ViewsFly Side Menu is a cool menu plugin that makes use of CSS3 to create a side menu navigation with 3D transforms and transitions, similar to the new Airbnb App navigation resigned for iOS 7.
jQuery Text Rotator Plugin with CSS3 Animations - Words Rotator
- Rotator - 18681 ViewsWords Rotator is a lightweight and customizable jQuery plugin for rotating text and some words of your text with awesome CSS3 animations.
Simple and Multi-Functional jQuery Slider Plugin - ulslide
- Slider - 3826 Viewsulslide is a simple but powerful jQuery plugin that helps you to create Multi-Functional sliders with vertical/horizontal sliding, fade, carousel, html5 rotation, and html5 scale effects.
Creating Simple Text Animations with jQuery FunnyText Plugin
- Text - 2211 ViewsfunnyText is a lightweight (~3kb minified) jQuery plugin that makes use of javascript and CSS3 transitions to create random text animations like moving, flipping, etc.
Powerful and Multi-Functional jQuery Lightbox Plugin - Magnific Popup
- LightBox - 25073 ViewsMagnific Popup is a simple but powerful jQuery plugin that aims to create high performance and multi-functional lightboxs for your projects.
Accelerometer-enabled and Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin - accelerometerSlider
- Slider - 1594 Viewsaccelerometer Slider is a jQuery content slider plugin especially designed for touch-enabled devices that supports accelerometer functionality and device orientation / device motion detection on accelerometer-equipped devices.
Responsive & Mobile-Friendly Image Accordion with Pure CSS3
- Accordion - 5431 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly, skinnable, customzable and pure CSS Image Accordion with beautiful CSS aniamtions
Highly Configurable jQuery Slideshow Plugin - Slideme
- Slideshow - 5974 ViewsSlideme is a simple, responsive and customizable jQuery plugin for creating a slideshow with lots of options and CSS3 animation support.
Creating A Budget & Price Slider With jQuery and CSS3
- Slider - 4673 ViewsAn awesome and dead-simple plugin that makes use of jQuery, jQuery UI, sizzle.js and CSS3 to create a 3D Budget & Price Slider on your website.
Creating A Flat Pie Chart with jQuery and CSS3 - piechart
- Chart & Graph - 12659 ViewsPiechart is a jQuery plugin that takes advantage of CSS3 and javascript to draw a flat style and responsive pie chart as a ring.
Tiny jQuery Plugin For Stackable Html Elements - stacky
- Animation - 1026 ViewsStacky is a super simple jQuery plugin that takes advantage of CSS3 transitons for creating slide up/down animations on stacked html elements by mouse clicking or by custom show/hide events.
Animated Modal Window Gallery Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Block Slide
- Gallery - 3318 ViewsBlock Slide is a pretty jQuery plugin for creating a image gallery which will popup up an animated modal window when clicked clicked on to show more information about the image.
jQuery Plugin For Managing Hardware Accelerated CSS3 Animations - animo.js
- Animation - 4618 Viewsanimo.js is a stunning jQuery plugin that provides a simple way to manage hardware accelerated CSS3 animations with special effects such like stack animations, cross-browser blurring, rotate, bounce, callbacks on animation completion, etc.
Slider-Like Horizontal Sliding Layout with Javascript and CSS3
- Layout - 2576 ViewsIn this tutorial written by MARY LOU we're going to create a responsive and attractive layout that allows to smoothly slide content between sections with javascript and CSS3 transforms.
jQuery Plugin For Hardware Accelerated CSS3 Animations - Minimit Anima
- Animation - 3173 ViewsMinimit Anima is a jQuery plugin for Hardware accelerated CSS3 transitions and transforms with fallback on older browsers.
jQuery Plugin For Web-Enabled Remote Monitoring - Industrial.js
- Other - 9455 ViewsIndustrial.js is a jQuery plugin that takes advantage of CSS3 and javascript to create web-based industrial monitoring components which include tanks, thermometers, gauges, LEDs, digital readouts, pressure (PSI) and more.
jQuery CSS Rotate Property Using CSS3 Transforms - Rotate
- Animation - 11119 ViewsRotate is a tiny jQuery plugin that allows you to rotate html elements (like images) using CSS3 transformations.
iOS Style jQuery 3D Dropdown Notification Plugin - ios.notify.js
- Other - 3163 Viewsios.notify.js is a responsive and mobile-friendly jQuery plugin for creating Apple iOS style drop down notifications with CSS3 3D transforms on your web page.
Fancy Image Zoom Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Skdzoom
- Zoom - 2899 ViewsSkdzoom is a fancy image zoomer that takes advantages of jQuery and CSS3 to create stunning image zoom effects in a camera lens interface, with some useful custom options.
Collection of 20+ Subtle & Modern Link Effects with Pure CSS3
- CSS3 & Html5 - 12148 ViewsIn this post written by MARY LOU we're going to creating more than 21+ subtle and modern link effects (sliding, flipping, 3D rotation, etc) using CSS3 transitions on pseudo-elements.
Multi-Level Drop Down Menu with Pure CSS3 - Minimal Transparent Menu
- Menu - 65918 ViewsMinimal Transparent Menu is a simple, clean and customizable menu system which supports unlimited menu levels and smooth slide effects.
Easy jQuery 3D Side Menu Plugin with CSS3 - Box Lid
- Menu - 11837 ViewsBox Lid is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that enables you to create a side navigation menu with 3D 'Box Lid' effects by using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Dynamic Layout On Scroll Effect with CSS3 and Javascript
- Layout - 5394 ViewsA nice article written by MARY LOU about how to build a dynamic layout with CSS3 and javascript that animates the html elements when scrolling down or up the page.
Stylish & Responsive Image Gallery Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - S Gallery
- Gallery - 5158 ViewsS Gallery is a jQuery Responsive Image Gallery plugin inspired by SONY's products gallery that allows to create a responsive and neat image gallery with HTML5, CSS3 and javascript.
Smooth Book Flipping Effects with Pure CSS
- CSS3 & Html5 - 15769 ViewsAn awesome CSS tutorial written by MARCO BARRIA that enables you to create Smooth Book Flipping Effects using only CSS3 Transitions and Transforms.
jQuery Animated Button's Icon On Loading - Loda Button
- Animation - 2806 ViewsLoda Button is a jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 animation, transitions and transforms to animate your button's icon as the data are being fetched from the server.
Awesome Interactive Particles Slideshow with HTML5 Canvas
- Slideshow - 4620 ViewsAn awesome interactive slideshow component with math shapes and texts using html5 Canvas and CSS3.
Amazing Loading Effects for Grid Layout with CSS3 Animations
- Layout - 15370 ViewsIn this post written by MARY LOU we're going to create a responsive grid layout with amazing CSS3 loading effects.
Responsive Icon Grid Layout with Only CSS3
- CSS3 & Html5 - 12700 ViewsAn awesome grid of icons and text built only with CSS3 that adjusts its number of columns depending on the screen size as shown in some media queries.
View Mode Switch Layout With CSS3 and Javascript
- Layout - 3500 ViewsIn this tutorial written by MARY LOU we're going to create a layout switch with two viewing modes (grid and list).
Three-Dimensional and Space Efficient Menu - Meny
- Menu - 20243 ViewsMeny is a javascript library for helping create a Three-Dimensional and Space Efficient Menu using CSS3 3D transforms, which can be positioned on any side of the screen.
Pretty Modal Window Effects with CSS3 Transitions and Animations
- LightBox - 45896 ViewsIn this tutorial written by MARY LOU we're going to create Pretty Modal Window Effects with javascrtipt and CSS3 Transitions & Animations.
jQuery 3D Animation Plugin With HTML5 and CSS3 Transforms - jworld
- Animation - 4054 Viewsjworld is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin which allows you to create camera animations in the browser with HTML5 and CSS3 3D Transforms.
Flip Over DOM Elements With CSS and Javascript - Flippant.js
- Animation - 1519 ViewsFlippant.js is a tiny and customizable javascript library that enables you to flip over DOM Elements using CSS3 and javascript.
Animated Image Caption Hover Effects with CSS3 and HTML5
- CSS3 & Html5 - 32212 ViewsIn this tutorial written by MARY LOU we're going to create stunning and modern Image Caption Hover Effects using CSS3 and HTML5 figure & figcaption elements.
Stunning CSS Framework For CSS3 Animations With jQuery
- Animation - 2513 ViewsMagic is a CSS3 framework worked with jQuery that aims to provide a number of different types of CSS3 animations with special effects such like bling, slide, rotate, Perspective, math, etc.
Stylish jQuery and CSS3 Based Digital Clock
- Time & Clock - 10475 ViewsIn this tutorial written by Martin Angelov we're going to create a realistic Digital Clock using CSS3 and jQuery, which comes with 2 stylish themes: dark and light.
jQuery Horizontal Portfolio Layout With CSS3 Animations
- Layout - 5781 ViewsIn this tutorial we're going to create a stylish Horizontal Portfolio Layout using jQuery and CSS3. The idea is that the portfolio items will fall down as soon as they enter the visible area of the viewport.
Responsive Multi Level Navigation with CSS3 Transitions - BootM
- Menu - 23914 ViewsBootM is a pure-CSS menu system for creating responsive and cross-browser multi-level navigation menus with CSS3 transitions.
jQuery Fullscreen Photo Wall with CSS3 Transitions
- Gallery - 9461 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating a full-screen photo gallery with smooth diagonal fade effect and CSS3 transitions.
Animated Icon Hover Over Effect with CSS3 Transitions
- CSS3 & Html5 - 36165 ViewsWith this tutorial, you can add a variety of different hover over effects to the icon font, only using CSS3 transitions and animations.
Responsive jQuery Slideshow with 3D CSS3 Transforms - Refine Slide
- Slideshow - 32498 ViewsRefineSlide is a responsive and stunning jQuery plugin for creating a slideshow with a lot of cool 3D transform & CSS3 transition effects and thumbnails preview.
Content Flip Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - BookBlock
- Animation - 10100 ViewsBookBlock is a Content Flip Plugin built with jQuery that allows you to flip any content like in a booklet.
Awesome jQuery Plugin For 3D Animation with CSS3 - Trid
- Animation - 3180 ViewsTrid is a cool jQuery plugin that allows to automatically converts HTML5 DOM elements into a 3D scene using CSS3 Transforms.
Minimit Gallery Plugin with jQuery and CSS3
- Slider - 1648 ViewsMinimit Gallery Plugin with Jquery and CSS3 is a custom slider Jquery plugin.
jQuery 3D Web Page with CSS3 Transitions - Three-D Pages
- Layout - 1604 ViewsThree-D Pages is a fancy jQuery plugin that generates blocks of html content that behave a separate pages that you can click to enlarge.
Stylish & Responsive Slide Out Menu with CSS3 and Javascript
- Menu - 5397 ViewsA stylish & responsive navigation menu built with CSS3 and javascript that slides out a grid-like thumbnail layout for the submenu.
Intuitive & Lightweight Carousel Plugin - Looper.js
- Slideshow - 4042 ViewsLooper.js is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that make it easier to cycle through your content in many different styles.
Responsive & Retina-Ready Menu with Size-Dependent Layouts
- Menu - 7413 ViewsA Responsive & Retina-Ready Menu built with CSS3 and a little bit javascript. It uses an icon font to make the menu fully retina-ready.
Funny jQuery Card Deck Slideshow Plugin
- Slideshow - 2457 ViewsCard Deck Slideshow is a funny jQuery slideshow plugin that rotates and "unhinges" each slide to show the next using CSS3 transforms, similar to a stacked pile of cards.
Circular & Responsive Slideshow Plugin - carouFredSel
- Slideshow - 15867 ViewscarouFredSel is a Circular & Responsive Slideshow Plugin built with jQuery that can scroll any HTML element, one or multiple items simultaneously, horizontal or vertical, automatically.
jQuery Plugin For Toggling Elements with Transform Effect - betterToggle
- Animation - 1913 ViewsbetterToggle is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to show or hidden multiple elements with CSS3 Transforms.
jQuery Plugin For Rotating Elements Elliptically - vortex
- Rotator - 5891 Viewsvortex is an awesome jQuery plugin that allows you to elliptically rotating elements using CSS3 linear-gradient and javascript.
Automatically Add Vendor Prefixes For CSS3 Attributes - CSS3 Finalize
- CSS3 & Html5 - 2451 ViewsCSS3 Finalize is an useful jQuery plugin that allows you to directly write some particular CSS3 attributes (transform, calc, etc...) without the vendor prefixes.
jQuery Object Swirling Plugin with CSS3 and jQuery UI
- Animation - 1851 ViewsA jquery based plugin that allows you to swirl an object onto or off of the screen using CSS3 transforms property and jQuery UI.
Microsoft-Like Responsive Horizontal Drop Down Menu with CSS3 and jQuery
- Menu - 18820 ViewsA drop down menu inspired by that helps create a responsive horizontal Drop Down Menu using CSS3 and jQuery.
Venetian Blind-Like Banner Rotator Plugin - Venetian
- Rotator - 2066 ViewsVenetian is a cool jQuery plugin for creating venetian blind-Like banner rotator made of rolling stripes animated with CSS3 3D transforms.
Smooth and Responsive Drop Down Menu With CSS3 and jQuery
- Menu - 6273 ViewsIn today's tutorials we're going to creating a responsive drop down menu with smooth tradition effect using CSS3 and jQuery.
Lightweight Carousel Plugin For jQuery - Cycle.js
- Slider - 5699 ViewsCycle.js is a lightweight jquery plugin that make it easier to create a variety of carousel sliders with CSS3 transition effects.
Pure CSS3 Animated Sliding Menu
- CSS3 & Html5 - 4804 ViewsA Fancy Menu Effect using css3 transitions and the general sibling combinator selector that allows you to create a sliding menu with Lavalamp-like effect.
Expanding Overlay Effect with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 5565 ViewsAn awesome windows8 metro style Expanding Overlay Effect using jquery and css3 clip property that allows you create a neat and simple effect for revealing some extra content and expanding a fullscreen overlay.
Custom Login Form Styling with Pure CSS3
- CSS3 & Html5 - 6500 ViewsCustom Login Form Styling that helps you to create creative and modern forms with CSS3 magic.
Showing Pages with Pretty Transition Effect - FrameWarp
- LightBox - 1456 ViewsFrameWarp is a jQuery Plugin for showing pages of your website with a pretty, CSS-Driven, transition effect. It sets an API Bridge for easy message passing. It can also can cache the pages, so your web application feels more responsive.
jQuery Flyout Image Slider Plugin with CSS3
- Slider - 2246 ViewsA jQuery Image Slider Plugin with CSS3 transition, animation and transform that allows you to create a slider which is a stack of some images and works by flying out the selected image to the front of images stack.
HTML5 Video Player with jQuery and CSS3 - video-js
- CSS3 & Html5 - 5154 ViewsHTML5 Video Player using Video.js is a JavaScript and CSS library that makes it easier to work with and build on HTML5 video.
Pure CSS3 Animated Boxes
- CSS3 & Html5 - 2918 ViewsA set of featured boxes using CSS3 custom animations that will create a nice text flying effect when you move your mouse over them.
Arctext - Text Curving Plugin
- Text - 1152 ViewsArctext is a Text Curving Plugin for creating letters rotating effects.
Contact Form with Fancy 3D Effects
- Form - 7068 ViewsA jquery contact form plugin with CSS3 3D transforms allows you to create a fancy contact form that mimic a regular letter.
Unique Contact Form With css3 Transitions
- Form - 8458 ViewsA Unique Contact Form With css3 Transitions that create an effect of a letter sliding out from an envelope on mouse hover.
Pure CSS3 Animation Effects
- CSS3 & Html5 - 2247 ViewsA collection of CSS3 Animation created by daneden, animate.css is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness.
Metro UI CSS
- Layout - 4325 ViewsMetro UI CSS is a set of styles to create a website with an interface similar to Windows 8 Metro UI.
Beautiful Pure CSS3 Buttons
- CSS3 & Html5 - 2470 ViewsIn this article we’ll show you how to create Beautiful Buttons only with CSS3.
Swatch Book - Open and Rotate Swatches Plugin
- Slider - 2217 ViewsSwatch Book is a jquery plugin using CSS transforms and transitions that allows you to open and rotate the single swatches revealing some details.
CSS3 Dropdown Navigation Menu
- Menu - 2244 ViewsA Colorful Animated Dropdown Navigation Menu built only with CSS3 and HTML5.
Beautiful Table Plugin with Pure CSS3
- Table - 6206 ViewsWith some CSS3 properties, we can create beautiful table style without adding classes to the markup.
Apple Login Form With jQuery And CSS3
- Form - 3609 ViewsApple Login Form is a jQuery apple-like Login Form plugin using CSS3 3D transforms that you can flip elements in 3D space.
Beautiful HTML5/CSS3 Portfolio
- Gallery - 10971 ViewsA fully customizable and beautiful HTML5/CSS3 Portfolio bulit with jQuery. You can use it to showcase your latest work and expand it to do much more.
Amazing Loading Animations with Jquery and CSS
- Animation - 2711 ViewsAn amazing Loading Animations built with jQuery and CSS3 for creating beautiful loading effect.
Beautiful Slideshow with Parallax Effect
- Slideshow - 3954 ViewsA CSS-only slideshow with some background parallax effect. By using several CSS3 properties, we can create a Beautiful Slideshow with a parallax effect.
Thumbnail Proximity Plugin
- Gallery - 1462 ViewsThumbnail Proximity Plugin with jQuery & CSS3 using "proximity-event" is written by James Padolsey that allows you to create a Gallery which can scale thumbnails when hovering over them or scale their neighbouring thumbnails proportionally t
jq-tiles Slideshow With Cool Transition Effects
- Slideshow - 4464 Viewsjq-tiles is a jquery Slideshow plugin with many cool css3 transition effects.
Smooth jQuery Dropdown Navigation Menu With CSS3
- Menu - 5796 ViewsSmooth jQuery Dropdown Navigation Menu With CSS3 let you create a simple Drop-Down menu including sub navigation menus for your website.