jQuery Animation Plugins
Download Free jQuery Scrolling, Parallax Scrolling, Text Animation, CSS3 based Animation and other animation plugins at jQueryScript.Net. Page 4 .
Create Impressive One Page Scrolling Experience With jQuery
- Animation - 1818 ViewsA jQuery plugin that creates an impressive, smooth, and configurable horizontal or vertical one page scrolling experience on your web apps or landing pages.
Apply Animate.css Animations To Elements Dynamically - Animate.js
- Animation - 1972 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows you to dynamically apply Animate.css based CSS3 animations to elements using CSS utility classes.
Spotify-Like Parallax Scrolling Effect with jQuery - Parallax.js
- Animation - 19854 ViewsYet another jQuery parallax plugin that helps you create Spotify-like parallax scrolling effect on your web page.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Glitch Effect - mgGlitch
- Animation - 14263 ViewsA lightweight (~3kb minified) jQuery plugin which makes use of CSS3 transforms to create animated glitch effects on any elements.
Create A Particles Background With jQuery - Buoyant
- Animation - 5305 ViewsBuoyant is a tiny jQuery plugin to create animated particles from any CSS shapes or images that move randomly across the background of your webpage when activated.
Pretty Cool Animated Cursor With jQuery - serialCursor
- Animation - 1708 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating a mouse pointer effect with a perpetual animation.
Subtle Wiggle/Shake Animation In jQuery - wiggle.js
- Animation - 1321 ViewsAn ultra-light jQuery plugin that enables you to apply a configurable Wiggle (Shake) animation to relatively-positioned elements.
Animate Characters In Text Blocks While Scrolling - serialeffect
- Animation - 1062 ViewsA high-performance text animation jQuery plugin that allows you to animate characters within the text blocks while they are being scrolled.
Animate Scrolling To The Top Of The Page - jQuery backtothetop.js
- Animation - 1292 ViewsA jQuery back to top plugin that enables users to smoothly scroll back to the top of any page on your website using a highly customizable button
Shuffle Images With Fade In/Out Animations - jQuery serialshuffle
- Animation - 1916 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin to randomly shuffle images in a grid with fading in/out animation effects.
Crossfade Between BG Images On Hover - jQuery HoverCrossfade
- Animation - 470 ViewsA jQuery hover effect plugin that makes it possible to smoothly crossfade between two images when hovering over a button or link element.
Fade & Slide Elements Into View While Scrolling - jqFuwatto
- Animation - 2684 ViewsA blazing fast AOS (Animate On Scroll) jQuery plugin that fades or slides elements into view while scrolling to help create a smooth and seamless user experience.
Animated Count Up Plugin With jQuery - countMe.js
- Animation - 9822 ViewsA lightweight and easy to use jQuery animated counter plugin that can be used to show social shares, how many views a page has received, or perhaps how many followers you have.
Animated Gradient Background Inspired By Stripe.com - stripe-gradient.js
- Animation - 10050 ViewsA JavaScript plugin that renders an animated gradient background on a Canvas element, inspired by Stripe.com.
Realistic Snow Falling Animation With jQuery And GSAP
- Animation - 2757 ViewsA tutorial on how to create a realistic falling snow effect with the combination of jQuery and GSAP's TweenMax library.
Cool Reverse Scroll (Split Scroll) Effect In jQuery
- Animation - 3836 ViewsA pretty reverse scroll effect written in jQuery and CSS, which means that users can scroll through multiple columns of content with different scroll directions.
Feature-rich News Ticker With Controls - Acmeticker
- Animation - 15302 ViewsAcmeticker is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin to create horizontal or vertical news tickers with next/prev/play/pause controls.
Performant CSS Animation Manipulation Library - AniX.js
- Animation - 1574 ViewsAniX.js is a tiny yet high-performance JavaScript animation library to animate any DOM elements using native CSS & CSS3 properties (e.g. color, background, rotate, flip, etc).
Parallax & Slide-in Effects On Scroll - Swift.js
- Animation - 1625 ViewsA jQuery scroll animation plugin that applies a subtle parallax effect to backgrounds and slides in element when users scroll down the webpage.
jQuery Plugin To Add CSS Classes To Elements When Scrolling - scrollClass
- Animation - 3132 ViewsscrollClass is a jQuery plugin that adds user specified CSS class(es) to html elements and executes a callback when they're scrolled into view.