Free jQuery text animation Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'text animation' are listed here.
10 Best Typewriter Typing Animations In JavaScript (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 49705 Views10 Best Typing Animation libraries implemented in jQuery, Vanilla JavaScript, or Pure CSS to simulate typewriter-like text typing and deleting effects for your headlines, titles, and any import text messages.
jQuery Plugin For Retro Animated Headline Text - Textbanner
- Animation - 2938 ViewsTextbanner is a jQuery plugin for a retro text banner animation that animates the text character by character with the support of infinite loop and custom animation speed.
JavaScript Plugin For Customizable Terminal Text Effect - TypeIt
- Animation - 17563 ViewsJust another jQuery typewriter-style text animation plugin that simulates someone typing and deleting over an array of words.
jQuery Plugin To Animate Text With Random Character - Descrambler
- Animation - 8048 ViewsDescrambler is a jQuery text animation plugin which presents text letter by letter with an airport-like text flipping effect by randomly shuffling the text from a given character set.
jQuery Plugin For Split Flap Text Animation - Flapper
- Text - 21218 ViewsFlapper is a jQuery text display plugin for creating animated split flap text animations that are found in train stations and airports, where they typically display departure and/or arrival information and do that cool flipping of letters to
jQuery Text Animation Plugin with CSS3 - textillate
- Other - 11254 Viewstextillate is a simple jQuery plugin for creating awesome text animation effects with CSS3.
Terminal Text Typing Effect In JavaScript - Typed.js
- Animation - 22619 ViewsYet another Vanilla JavaScript plugin for emulating the terminal typing effect that enables you to print html or plain text as if it's being typed on the screen.
jQuery Plugin To Simulate Terminal Text Effects - t.js
- Animation - 10297 Viewst.js is a lightweight, programmable jQuery plugin to print any text with configurable typing and erasing effects just like you type something in a terminal.
Simulate Typing Out Text Strings - jQuery HumanTyping
- Animation - 3262 ViewsHumanTyping is a lightweight, modern jQuery typing effect plugin that simulates someone typing out text strings character by character.
Configurable Text Reveal Effect With jQuery - Textyle.js
- Animation - 8477 ViewsThe jQuery Textyle.js plugin makes uses of jQuery animate() and CSS properties to create fancy configurable text reveal effect for attractive titles and headings.
Retro Number Rolling/Flipping Effect With jQuery - digitScroller.js
- Animation - 5105 ViewsdigitScroller.js is a small jQuery plugin that makes uses of CSS transitions and transforms to perform a retro roll/flip animation between numbers.
Print Text Node With A Typewriter Effect - jQuery typeChar
- Animation - 2698 ViewsThe typeChar is might be the minimalist jQuery plugin for the typing animation that prints text nodes (with styles and tags) with a typewriter effect.
Simple Fast Text Typing Animation In JavaScript/jQuery - Typing.js
- Animation - 5510 ViewsTyping.js is a simple, lightweight jQuery/JavaScript typing animation plugin that allows to type an array of text strings in a selected element with custom caret character.
Smoothly Animate Text Letter By Letter - jQuery Fonteo
- Animation - 2372 ViewsFonteo is a simple but customizable jQuery text animation plugin that smoothly animates given text letter by letter using your own functions.
Airport-like Text Shuffle Animation In jQuery
- Animation - 4943 ViewsA jQuery script that applies an airport terminal-like text shuffle effect on every single letter or character present inside a container.
Sequential Text Animation Plugin For jQuery - autochange_text.js
- Animation - 3244 Viewsautochange_text.js is a small jQuery plugin for sequential text animation that automatically fades through an array of specified text at a given speed.
Custom Typing/Deleting Animations For Input - jQuery Typingeffect
- Animation - 1980 ViewsTypingeffect is a jQuery plugin that applies custom CSS3 powered animations to characters when typing and deleting characters in an input field.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Text Neon Effect - novacancy.js
- Text - 6610 ViewsNovacancy is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allow you to create an animated text neon golden effect on your web page.
Print Text Line By Line With A Typing Animation - typeWriter
- Animation - 2694 ViewsA bare-bones jQuery plugin to simulate the typewriter effect that prints an array of strings line by line with a typing animation.
Add Typing Effect To Existing Text - jQuery TyperText.JS
- Animation - 1679 ViewsTyperText.JS is a super simple jQuery text animation plugin that outputs your text character per character to simulate a text typing effect on the page.
Configurable Text Wave Effect In jQuery - textWave.js
- Animation - 2828 ViewsjQuery textWave.js is a small jQuery text animation plugin used to create a fancy, fully configurable Text Wave effect by zooming the text letter by letter.
Anchor Link Typing Animation In jQuery - jTyper
- Animation - 2061 ViewsjTyper is a really simple jQuery plugin to create typewriter style typing animations that supports both plain text and anchor links.
Configurable Fading Animations For Text - jQuery TextFade
- Animation - 1192 ViewsTextFade is a lightweight jQuery text animation plugin which shows and hides text with random or sequential fade in and fade out animations.
Print Text Line-by-line With Typing Effect - jQuery TypeWriter
- Animation - 1912 ViewsYet another jQuery text animation plugin which prints text line-by-line with a typing animation similar to the typewriter and terminal.
Simple Configurable Text Typing Animation - jQuery Typing-Effects
- Animation - 5425 ViewsJust another terminal-like typing animation plugin for jQuery that makes it possible to prints and rotates through an array of strings character by character.
Terminal Style Typing Animation In jQuery - pixel-blue-writer
- Animation - 1033 Viewspixel-blue-writer is a simple yet customizable jQuery plugin that lets you create Terminal- and Typewriter-style animated typing/deleting effects on the web page.
Text Highlighting & Typing Effects In jQuery - typeLighter.js
- Rotator - 2023 ViewstypeLighter.js is a jQuery plugin which lets you create an infinite-looping text rotator with text highlighting, typing and deleting effects.
Dynamic Text Rotator With Typing Effect - jQuery typer.js
- Rotator - 11237 Viewstyper.js is a very small jQuery text rotator plugin which allows you to rotate through an array of text strings with typewriter style typing and deleting animations.
Random Text Print Animation Plugin With jQuery - textShake
- Animation - 850 ViewstextShake is a fancy, configurable text animation plugin for jQuery that enables you to print any text with a random char combination effect.
Simulate Typing And Deleting Text With jQuery - qwerty.js
- Animation - 2110 Viewsqwerty.js is a super tiny jQuery plugin which makes it easier to simulate typing and deleting text letter by letter on your webpage.
Simple jQuery Plugin For CSS3 Text Animations - Curvy Text
- Animation - 2209 ViewsCurvy Text is a configurable jQuery text animation plugin which animates the text character by character or word by word using CSS3 transforms and animations.
Easy Text Animation Creation With jQuery - animatext
- Animation - 2653 Viewsanimatext is a lightweight, customizable jQuery plugin used to print text strings character by character or word by word, with CSS3 or JavaScript powered animation effects.
jQuery Plugin To Type Out Text Character By Character - typeText
- Animation - 2325 ViewstypeText is a very small jQuery plugin to simulate the typewriter effect that types each letter of a container one character at a time.
Airport-style Shuffle Text Effect With jQuery - TextShuffle.js
- Text - 2947 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin used to create an airport flight board-like text animation that reveals your text by shuffling a set of specific characters.
Customizable Text Typing Effect With jQuery - coolType
- Animation - 2327 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin for simulating the typewriter typing effect that allows to print out your text character by character with lots of configuration settings.
Terminal-style Text Typing Plugin For jQuery - Typewriter
- Animation - 5390 ViewsTypewriter is a lightweight jQuery typewriting plugin which allows you to apply human typing/deleting effects on an array of text, with prefix and blinking cursor support.
Retro Text Animations In Pure JavaScript - textbanner.js
- Animation - 1733 Viewstextbanner.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that animates your text letter by letter with configurable animation speed and growth size just like the retro text banner effect.
Simulating Typing, Deleting And Selecting Text With jQuery - typewrite
- Animation - 6406 Viewstypewrite is a tiny jQuery typing animation plugin which allows to simulate someone typing, deleting and selecting given words defined in the JavaScript.
jQuery Plugin For Text Typing & Deleting Effects - AddTyping
- Animation - 4115 ViewsAddTyping is a simple yet customizable jQuery plugin for creating text typing & deleting effects to simulate a typewriter effect on the webpage.
jQuery Plugin For Terminal Text Typing Effect - Typewriter
- Animation - 1526 ViewsTypewriter is a very small jQuery plugin which simulates the terminal / typewriter like typing effect for your text and even html content.
Create A Text Flow View Using jQuery And Canvas - textflow
- Text - 1505 Viewstextflow is a simple yet fully configurable jQuery plugin used to create a text flow view that animates an array of text on an HTML5 canvas element.
Simple Text Rotator Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 Animations - Morphext
- Animation - 14435 ViewsMorphext is a jQuery text rotator plugin for rotating a group of words/phrases of your text with cool CSS3 animations using animate.css.
Easy jQuery Text Rotator With Fancy Typing Animations - Bubble Text
- Rotator - 3643 ViewsBubble Text is an easy-to-use jQuery text rotator plugin which allows to rotate through an array of strings with a fancy text typing & deleting animation.
Wave-style Text Effect Using jQuery And CSS3 - floating_text
- Text - 3452 Viewsfloating_text is a jQuery plugin that lets you create configurable wave-style text animations just like floating in the water.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Glitch Text Effect - Glitch.js
- Animation - 5077 ViewsGlitch.js is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin which applies a configurable glitch effect to your text.
jQuery Plugin For Star Wars Intro Crawl Effect - starwarsintro.js
- Text - 3908 Viewsstarwarsintro.js is a very small jQuery plugin that lets you create a Star Wars Intro Crawl style 3D text scrolling effect using JavaScript and CSS3 transforms.
Simple Configurable Text Shift Animation With jQuery - shiftLetters
- Text - 1690 ViewsshiftLetters is a lightweight jQuery plugin for create a configurable text shift effect that animates the letters within your text using CSS and a little JavaScript.
Create Awesome Text Switch Animations Using jQuery And CSS3 - switchText.js
- Rotator - 1854 ViewsswitchText.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin which allows to rotate through an array of text one after the other with CSS3 powered animations.
Random Smooth Text Ambient Animations With jQuery - Letter Effects
- Text - 2497 ViewsLetter Effects is a very small jQuery plugin which helps apply random smooth ambient animations and hover effects to individual characters.
Create A Random Text Shuffle Effect With jQuery - Randomize Text
- Text - 4462 ViewsRandomize Text is a really simple jQuery plugin which helps you create a text typing animation with a random character shuffle effect.
Terminal-like Text Typing Effect with jQuery - Teletype
- Text - 13324 ViewsTeletype is a very small jQuery plugin which allows you to output text with cool typing effects as you've seen in a terminal console.
jQuery Plugin For CSS3 Animated Anchor Links - anchorHoverEffect
- Animation - 2715 ViewsanchorHoverEffect is a tiny jQuery plugin that applies fancy CSS3 animations to your anchor links on mouse hover.
Easy Customizable jQuery Shuffle Text Plugin - NylAutoWriter
- Animation - 1568 ViewsNylAutoWriter is a jQuery plugin used to create a typewriter-like text animation that prints your text letter by letter with a customizable text shuffle effect.
jQuery Plugin For Configurable Text Typing Animation - jtap.js
- Animation - 3575 Viewsjtap.js is a jQuery text animation plugin which mimics the typewriter typing animation featuring lots of customization options and callback functions.
jQuery Plugin To Create Terminal-style Typing Effects - TypeWriting.js
- Animation - 7017 ViewsTypeWriting.js is a jQuery plugin that creates a Terminal-like text typing effect to simulate someone typing and rewriting text on your webpage.
Minimal Text Transformation Plugin With jQuery - Annalka
- Text - 3698 ViewsAnnalka is a lightweight and CSS less jQuery plugin used for flipping between multiple text messages with a random character transformation effect during changes.
Highly Customizable jQuery Text Rotator Plugin - atrotating.js
- Rotator - 3119 Viewsatrotating.js is a lightweight, CSS-less jQuery plugin used for rotate a set of text or html elements (separated by '|' by default) in and out on a given interval.
Small Cross-fading Text Rotator Plugin For jQuery
- Rotator - 4781 ViewsA very small jQuery plugin which provides a simple way to sequentially or randomly fade-in / fade-out a list of text at a certain interval.
Simple Text Shuffle Effect with jQuery - Spinner Text
- Text - 2199 ViewsSpinner Text is a tiny JQuery text typing animation plugin which prints any text letter by letter with a random shuffle effect.
Binary Style Text Display Animation Plugin with jQuery - Go Binary
- Text - 2270 ViewsGo Binary is a super tiny jQuery plugin used for creating text typing effect that reveals the text letter by letter by rotating binary codes to fix characters.
jQuery Animated Text Plugin - Audero Flashing Text
- Text - 3429 ViewsAudero Flashing Text is a simple jQuery plugin that enables you to display a group of text with flashing, randomly-placed, and randomly-sized effects.
Automatic Text Rotator Plugin with jQuery and Animate.css - cycleText
- Rotator - 2681 ViewscycleText is a lightweight jQuery plugin which enables you to rotate through a group of text with CSS3 animation effects based on Animate.css.
Simple Text Typing Animation with jQuery - Typed Text
- Animation - 9890 ViewsJust another jQuery text animation plugin that presents your text letter by letter at a specific speed to simulate the typewriter typing effect.
Tiny Text Animation Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Textify
- Animation - 1886 ViewsTextify is a lightweight and configurable jQuery plugin which enables you to show / hide text line by line using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
jQuery Plugin To Jumbles Up Text with CSS3 Animations - jwquaketext
- Animation - 1366 Viewsjwquaketext is a jQuery plugin that jumbles up your text and animates them with an earthquake effect using CSS3 transforms.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Text Rotator Using Animate.css
- Rotator - 8130 ViewsA very simple jQuery plugin used to swap a list of words in your text with cool CSS3 animations based on animate.css.
jQuery Plugin For Random Text Vanish Effect - Vanish
- Text - 1349 ViewsVanish is a jQuery plugin for creating a vanish effect that vanishes random characters of the string in a specific time.
jQuery Plugin To Create Colorful Wavy Text - wavytext
- Animation - 2844 Viewswavytext is a jQuery text animation plugin which takes advantage of CSS3 animations to create colorful, wavy text on the web page.
jQuery Plugin For Basic Text Typewriter Effect - Typewriter
- Text - 4212 ViewsA simple plain jQuery plugin that simulates the typewriter typing effect to print your text letter-by-letter at a certain speed.
Simple jQuery Text Rotator with CSS3 Animations
- Animation - 2906 ViewsText-Rotator is a JQuery plugin used to rotate comma separated words/phrases with a variety of cool CSS3 animations based on animate.css.
Retro Looking Text Flip Effect with jQuery and CSS3 - bFlipText
- Animation - 4995 ViewsbFlipText is a jQuery plugin which utilizes CSS3 magic to create retro looking flip effect on given text like the split flap display.
Lightweight jQuery Text Ticker/Scroller Plugin - jticker
- Animation - 12617 Viewsjticker is a lightweight jQuery plugin that displays your long text in a single line and scrolls them like a news ticker by using Html5, jQuery and CSS3 transitions.
Airport-Like Text Flip Animation with jQuery and CSS3 - splitFlap
- Text - 43622 ViewssplitFlap is a jQuery plugin that flips text messages with sequential characters based on CSS3 transform and perspective properties. Similar to the airport flight board animation effect.
Smooth Text Highlight Effect with jQuery and jQuery UI - Magic Wand
- Text - 3324 ViewsMagic Wand is a jQuery & jQuery UI plugin that adds a smooth highlight animation to the characters when mouse moving past them.
jQuery Plugin To Simulate Human Typing - typetype
- Text - 9834 Viewstypetype is a fancy jQuery text animation plugin which allows you to simulate human typing in an Html container like textarea, input, etc.
Random Shuffled Text Effect with jQuery Chaffle Plugin
- Text - 4107 ViewsChaffle is a lightweight jQuery plugin that has the ability to randomly shuffle each letter of your text content on mouse over.
Lightweight jQuery Text Blink Effect Plugin - Modern Blink
- Text - 12221 ViewsModern Blink is a very simple jQuery plugin used to blink your text using CSS3 animation or jQuery animation for old browsers.
Animated Text Input With jQuery and CSS3 Transforms
- Animation - 5505 ViewsMakes use of jQuery and CSS3 transforms to animate each letter/number while typing something into an input field.
Amazing jQuery Text Animation Effects Plugin - TextEffect
- Text - 18336 ViewsText Effect is a tiny and easy jQuery plugin for adding some amazing & cross browser animations to your text, like text fade, glow, jumble, slide, dropdown, random (default) etc.
Secret App-Style Text Fade Animation with jQuery and CSS3 - Revealing.js
- Text - 2839 ViewsRevealing.js is a jQuery plugin to reveal your text letter-by-letter (or any Html blocks) with a custom fade-in animation based on CSS3 transitions, inspired from Secret App.
Event Based Text Animation Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - WordMagik
- Text - 4840 ViewsWordMagik is a jQuery text animation plugin that allows you to animate an array of words based on events.
Simple Text Shining Effect with jQuery - shining
- Text - 6990 Viewsshining is a super simple jQuery plugin used to create an animated shining effect on your text.
Minimal jQuery Animated Text Typing Effect - Best Typewriter
- Text - 14073 ViewsBest Typewriter is a lightweight jQuery plugin that mimics the typewriter effect to create animated typing effects on your static text.
jQuery Plugin To Add Cool Animations To Your Text - Text Animator
- Text - 2816 ViewsText Animator is a lightweight jQuery text effect plugin that makes it easier to apply cool jQuery animations on your text.
Simple Text Shuffle Effect with jQuery - Shuffle Text
- Mobile - 7886 ViewsShuffle Text is a fancy jQuery plugin to add shuffle effect to text content, by flipping each letter of your text with sequential characters.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Text Animation Effect Plugin - LetterFX
- Animation - 6627 ViewsLetterFX is a lightweight jQuery & CSS3 plugin that applies fancy animation effects to your text such as fade, rotate, fly, swirl, spin, smear and much more.
Easy jQuery Plugin To Animate Text with CSS3 Transitions and Transforms - TextfxAPI
- Text - 2962 ViewsTextfxAPI is a jQuery plugin worked with jQuery transit script that allows you to apply awesome animations on the text using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Creating Jumping Text Animation with jQuery and CSS3 - Jumping Words
- Text - 3905 ViewsA text animation script based on jQuery and CSS3 transition to create animated letters that are jumping from the bottom to the top.
jQuery Text Flip Animation Plugin - Flipping Text
- Text - 4920 ViewsFlipping Text is a jQuery animation plugin to create text flip animation for your typography.
Scrolling Text Look Like An LED Display with jQuery leddisplay Plugin
- Text - 10968 Viewsleddisplay is a jQuery text animation plugin to scroll text horizontally like an LED/LCD display.
Awesome Text Rotator Plugin With Smooth Transitions - textition
- Rotator - 5196 Viewstextition is a cool jQuery text rotator plugin that allows to add rotating text with smooth transition animations to your web page.
jQuery Text Rotator Plugin with CSS3 Animations - Words Rotator
- Rotator - 18676 ViewsWords Rotator is a lightweight and customizable jQuery plugin for rotating text and some words of your text with awesome CSS3 animations.
Creating Simple Text Animations with jQuery FunnyText Plugin
- Text - 2211 ViewsfunnyText is a lightweight (~3kb minified) jQuery plugin that makes use of javascript and CSS3 transitions to create random text animations like moving, flipping, etc.
Creating A Text Typewriter Effect with jQuery TypeOut Plugin
- Text - 4143 ViewsTypeOut is an easy jQuery plugin imitates typewriter typing effect for creating animated text that appear like it is being typed like with a typewriter.
Neon Light Style jQuery Text Blinking Plugin - Blinker
- Text - 3961 ViewsBlinker is a super tiny jQuery text plugin that enables you to blink the text (words or letters) with neon light style animation effects on mouse over.
jQuery Plugin For Blinking Html Elements - Blinker
- Animation - 2417 ViewsjQuery Blinker is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin that allow you to blink html elements with some options to grab your visitor's attention.
jQuery Plugin For Animating Text Through An Array of Strings - Slide Text Left
- Text - 3262 ViewsjQuery Slide Text Left is a simple text animation plugin that allows to slide text through an array of strings. The idea is to tranistion text by clipping to the left, then expanding to reveal the next text.
jQuery Plugin For Text Flying Animations - Flight Of Phrase
- Animation - 4540 ViewsFlight Of Phrase is a funny jQuery text animation plugin that allows to sends a character, word, or phrase flying across your website.
Animated Typewriter Effect with jQuery - typer.js
- Text - 27665 Viewstyper.js is a funny jQuery plugin that imitates typewriter typing with animation effect on the screen.
Text Animation Effect with jQuery - animateText.js
- Text - 10129 ViewsanimateText.js is a small and easy-to-use jQuery Text Plugin that allows you to create animated texts on your website to grab your visitor's attention.