Print Text Line By Line With A Typing Animation - typeWriter

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License: MIT
Print Text Line By Line With A Typing Animation - typeWriter

A bare-bones jQuery plugin to simulate the typewriter effect that prints an array of strings line by line with a typing animation.

How to use it:

1. Download and place the JavaScript file jquery.hugo-decoded.typewriter.min.js script after jQuery library.

<script src="" 
<script src="jquery.hugo-decoded.typewriter.min.js"></script>

2. Create a container element in which you want to print the text.

<div id="typewriter"></div>

3. Call the function on the container element and define an array of text you want to print.

  $('#typewriter').typewrite( {
    text: [ 
      "This is line 1",  
      "This is line 2",
      "This is line 3", 
      "This is line 4",
      "This is line 5"

4. Change the default typing speed.

  $('#typewriter').typewrite( {
    text: [ 
      "This is line 1",  
      "This is line 2",
      "This is line 3", 
      "This is line 4",
      "This is line 5"
    speed: 100 // in ms

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by hugo-decoded. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.