Customizable Text Typing Effect With jQuery - coolType

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License: MIT
Customizable Text Typing Effect With jQuery - coolType

Just another jQuery plugin for simulating the typewriter typing effect that allows to print out your text character by character with lots of configuration settings.

How to use it:

1. Import jQuery library and the jQuery coolType plugin's script jquery.coolType.js into your web project.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.coolType.js"></script>

2. Print out your text on the screen with default settings.


3. Config the typing animation.

  typeSpeed: 10,
  delayBeforeType: 1000,
  delayAfterType: 3000,

4. Config the blinking cursor indicator while printing.

  cursorChar: '&#9608;',
  cursorBlinkSpeed: 300,

5. More default configuration options and callback functions.


  // is inline?
  inline: true,

  // callbacks
  onComplete: false,
  onBeforeType: false,
  onAfterType: false,

  // strings that should be typed as a single character.
  expansions: [

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by chevex. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.