jQuery Plugin To Simulate Terminal Text Effects - t.js
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |

t.js is a lightweight, programmable jQuery plugin to print any text with configurable typing and erasing effects just like you type something in a terminal.
How to use it:
1. Just place the JavaScript file t.js after jQuery library and you're ready to go.
<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/path/to/t.min.js"></script>
2. The JavaScript to print out text from inline html. You're able to add delete/insert/delay/wait effects using semantic markups as follows:
<div id="t"> Hello world. Let's wait <del>hundred</del>two seconds ..<ins>2</ins><br/><br/> <strong>Thanks for waiting.</strong> Now, t.js will detect a <del>regular</del>'special' char which triggers the function <mark>foo()</mark>. *<ins>2</ins><ins> ← Yay, FTW!!</ins> </div>
3. Or define your text message in the JavaScript as this:
$('#t').t('text to print');
4. All possible configuration options and callback functions.
$('#t').t({ // typing speed in milliseconds speed:75, // enable 'human-like' speed_vary:false, // delays start delay:false, // mistyping mistype:false, // en or de locale:'en', // enable caret caret:true, // enable blink blink:false, // permanent caret blinking blink_perm:true, // wrapper tag tag:'span', // pauses/continues typing on click/tap pause_on_click:false, // infinite or N times repeat:false, // Callbacks init:function(elem){}, typing:function(elem,chars_total,chars_left,char){}, fin:function(elem){} });
5. API methods.
// add new content $("#t").t('add',content); // pause typing $("#t").t('pause'[,true/false]); // queued type processing $("#t").t('queue',content) $("#t").q(content) // destroy $("#t").t('off'[,true/false]);
- v1.5.6: bugfixed
- v1.5.5:. t_off() fixed
- v1.5.4: added queued type processing ($(elm).t('queue',content) / $(elm).q(content))
- v1.5.3: added t_off([true]) method to destroy typer's instance
- v1.5.1: added typing-speed-change at runtime: <s> / $(elm).s(ms)
- v1.3.1
- v1.2
- v1.1
- Update t.js
- v0.9
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by mntn-dev. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.