jQuery Plugin For Terminal Text Typing Effect - Typewriter

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jQuery Plugin For Terminal Text Typing Effect - Typewriter

Typewriter is a very small jQuery plugin which simulates the terminal / typewriter like typing effect for your text and even html content.

How to use it:

1. Start by including jQuery library and the Typewriter plugin's script in your web project.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/typewriter.js"></script>

2. Type some text into a specific container using the typeIt method.

// .typeIt(Text, Delay, Format)
$('.demo').typeIt('Text to type', 0.06, 'text')

3. The plugin also supports HTML tags.

$('.demo').typeIt('Text to <br> type', 0.06, 'text')

4. Show / hide the cursor at the end of your text.

// hide
  .typeIt('Text to type', 0.06, 'text')

// show
  .typeIt('Text to type', 0.06, 'text')

5. Apply a deleting effect as this:

// amount: the number of characters to delete
// rate: the base delay value
  .typeIt('Text to type', 0.06, 'text')

6. Apply a deleting effect as this:

  .typeIt('Text to type', 0.06, 'text')

7. Clear all the text.

  .typeIt('Text to type', 0.06, 'text')

8. Destroy the plugin.

  .typeIt('Text to type', 0.06, 'text')

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ryanjairam. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.