jQuery Animation Plugins
Download Free jQuery Scrolling, Parallax Scrolling, Text Animation, CSS3 based Animation and other animation plugins at jQueryScript.Net. Page 54 .
Expanding Overlay Effect with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 5565 ViewsAn awesome windows8 metro style Expanding Overlay Effect using jquery and css3 clip property that allows you create a neat and simple effect for revealing some extra content and expanding a fullscreen overlay.
Morden Pageflip Effect - turn.js
- Animation - 7463 Viewsturn.js is a javascript library works with jQuery, CSS3 and PHP that allows you to create a Morden Page Flip Magazine.
Book Showcase with 3D Transform Effects
- Animation - 7397 ViewsA book showcase using CSS3 3D Transforms and other some fun effects (rotating, flipping and opening ...) that makes books look more realistic.
jQuery Endless Div Scroll Plugin
- Animation - 12923 ViewsA simple and easy-to-use jQuery Plugin for that will apply an infinite scroll effect to any div's content, including Text, Images, Divs, Anchors. You can apply a pause on mouse over, change directions, speed, steps.
Elements Inner Fade Plugin - InnerFade
- Animation - 1594 ViewsInnerFade is a small plugin built with jQuery that able to fade any element inside a container in and out. These elements could be anything you want, e.g. images, list-items, divs.
HTML Objects Floating Effects with jQuery
- Animation - 3090 ViewsjqFloat is a jQuery Plugin that able to make any HTML objects appear to be floating on your web page.
Replicate The Tilt-Shift Effect - tiltShift
- Animation - 860 ViewstiltShift is a jQuery plugin that replicates the tilt-shift effect using CSS3 image filters.
Animated Hover Effect with jQuery
- Animation - 6369 ViewsAnimated Hover Effect with jQuery that can Animate an image while hovering it and show the visitors information while doing that.
Animated Text and Icon Menu with jQuery
- Menu - 3471 ViewsAn Animated Text and Icon Menu plugin built with jQuery that allows you to create a slick menu with a nice animation feature on hover.
Animated Parallax Effect Background - jQuery4u
- Animation - 3153 ViewsjQuery4u is a jQuery Parallax Effect Plugin that allows you to create Animated Header Background for your webpage.
Cool Slide-In On Scroll Effect with jQuery
- Animation - 11958 ViewsA Cool Slide-In On Scroll Effect with jQuery that can help you create amazing timeline for your website.
Item Blur Effect with CSS3 and jQuery
- Animation - 2122 ViewsBy using CSS3 Box Shadows, Transform and Transitions, we can create a simple blur effect for text-based items.The item in focus will scale up.
Mac-OSX-Like Animated Folder Efffect
- Animation - 1687 ViewsMac-OSX-Like Animated Folder Efffect using CSS3 3D transforms, gradients and box shadows.
Animated Sliding Tags
- Animation - 1573 ViewsA jquery plugin that makes your sliding tags button animated when you hover over them.
JZoopraxiscope - Image Animations Plugin
- Animation - 869 ViewsJZoopraxiscope is a jQuery plugin for making animations from static images inspired in Eadweard Muybridge's Zoopraxiscope.
Paperfold CSS - Fold Elements Like Paper
- Animation - 8544 ViewsPaperfold CSS built using JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Mobile - Fold Elements Like Paper.
3D Thumbnail Paper Folding Effect
- Animation - 6307 ViewsA 3D Thumbnail Paper Folding Effect with CSS3 and jQuery, which can be used to create a cool 3D Paper Folding Effect when mouse hovers over the item.
3D Image Transitions Animations
- Animation - 6436 ViewsA jquery plugin with CSS3 Animations for 3D Image Transitions. It supports Flip, rotation, multi-flip, cube, unfold effects and so on.
jRumble - HTML Element Shaking Plugin
- Animation - 2208 ViewsjRumble is a jQuery plugin written by Jack Rugile that rumbles, vibrates, shakes, and rotates any HTML element on your website.
Amazing Loading Animations with Jquery and CSS
- Animation - 2711 ViewsAn amazing Loading Animations built with jQuery and CSS3 for creating beautiful loading effect.