Custom HTML5 Video Player With Lazy Load - RTOP

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License: MIT
Custom HTML5 Video Player With Lazy Load - RTOP

RTOP is a jQuery based HTML5 video player plugin with a focus on performance and customization. 

The plugin supports lazy load mode that the plugin will delay the loading of your video until the poster image is clicked/tapped.

More Features:

  • Shows/hides player controls.
  • Custom control icons.
  • Plays the video in a modal.
  • Custom poster image.
  • Autoplay on page load.
  • Auto replay the video.

How to use it:

1. Link to the required jQuery library and RTOP Video Player's file.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/rtop.videoPlayer.VERSION.min.css" />
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/dist/js/rtop.videoPlayer.ERSION.min.js"></script>

2. Load the Font Awesome for the custom icons (OPTIONAL but highly recommended).

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

3. Embed an HTML5 video into the document.

<div id="example">
  <video src="sample.mp4" type="video/mp4" poster="sample.jpg" playsinline>
    <source src="sample.mp4" type="video/mp4">

4. To enable the lazy load functionality, embed the HTML5 video using the following data attributes:

<div id="example" 

5. Initialize the RTOP Video Player by calling the function on the top container.

var myPlayer = $('#example').RTOP_VideoPlayer();

6. Enable/disable player controls.

var myPlayer = $('#example').RTOP_VideoPlayer({
    showControls: true,
    showControlsOnHover: true,
    controlsHoverSensitivity: 3000,
    showScrubber: true,
    showTimer: false,
    showPlayPauseBtn: true,
    showSoundControl: false,
    showFullScreen: false,
    keyboardControls: true,

7. Determine whether to use Font Awesome icons. Default: true.

var myPlayer = $('#example').RTOP_VideoPlayer({
    fontAwesomeControlIcons: true

8. Display and play the video in a modal popup. Default: false.

var myPlayer = $('#example').RTOP_VideoPlayer({
    playInModal: true,
    showCloseBtn: true,
    closeModalOnFinish: true

9. Display and play the video in a modal popup. Default: false.

var myPlayer = $('#example').RTOP_VideoPlayer({
    playInModal: true,
    showCloseBtn: true,
    closeModalOnFinish: true

10. Enabled/disable autoplay. Default: false.

var myPlayer = $('#example').RTOP_VideoPlayer({
    autoPlay: true,
    allowPlayPause: true

11. Enabled/disable autoplay. Default: false.

var myPlayer = $('#example').RTOP_VideoPlayer({
    autoPlay: true,
    allowPlayPause: true

12. More configuration options with default values.

var myPlayer = $('#example').RTOP_VideoPlayer({
    themeClass: 'rtopTheme',
    loop: false,
    allowReplay: true,
    gtmTagging: false, // sends GTM tags
    gtmOptions: {}

13. API methods.

// pause the video

// play the video;

// close the video modal

// seek to a point

14. The plugin also supports Vimeo videos.

var myPlayer = $('#example').RTOP_VideoPlayer({
    vimeo_url: 'public Vimeo video here'



  • update FS controls for iOS


  • update FS controls for iOS

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by redtettemer. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.