Lightweight jQuery Plugin To Render Modal Videos - ModalVideo

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License: MIT
Lightweight jQuery Plugin To Render Modal Videos - ModalVideo

ModalVideo is a super tiny jQuery plugin for playing videos in a modal popup that currently handles Youtube videos and MP4 videos using html5 native controls.

How to use it:

1. Include the required modal-videos.css in the head section that provides the basic styles for the video modals.

<link href="assets/modal-videos.css" rel="stylesheet">

2. Embed Html5 videos and Youtube videos into your webpage.

<a href="1.mp4">

<a href="">

3. Active the plugin. Each video has need its own instance of modalVideoOptions. You can also add parameters to your ModalVideoOptions object like events, more details in the modal-videos.js file

  $(this).modalvideo(new ModalVideoOptions());

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by giuunit. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.