Display Mixed Media In Lightbox Galleries With jQuery

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License: MIT
Display Mixed Media In Lightbox Galleries With jQuery

This plugin represents a significant upgrade from its predecessor, the cwa_lightbox. The upgraded lightbox gallery jQuery plugin enables users to display not only images but also videos, iframes, and a mix of these media types.

It works by transforming a simple linked media gallery into a modal-style navigation experience. When users click on a thumbnail, that media pops up in a sleek overlay covering the whole browser window. Next/previous arrows then allow seamless navigation between gallery items. This creates a user-friendly showcase for photos, art, videos, iframe embeds like Youtube videos/Google Maps, and mixed multi-media stories. 

How to use it:

1. Load the needed jQuery library and cwa-lightbox.css stylesheet in the document.

<!-- jQuery is required -->
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>

<!-- Core Stylesheet -->
<link href ="lightbox-css/cwa-lightbox.css" rel ="stylesheet" />

2. Create a lightbox gallery for images:

<section class="image-section">
<script defer src="lightbox-js/cwa-image-lightbox.js"></script>
// Image Array
const arrImages = [
    src : "/path/to/image-1/",
    desc : "Description 1"
    src : "/path/to/image-2/",
    desc : "Description 2"
  // more images here

// Initialize the plugin
const imageSectionContainer = $('.image-section');
const imageGallery = $(`<div class="image-gallery"></div>`);
$.each(arrImages, function(key, image){
  let imageSrc = image.src;
  let imageLink = $(`
    <a class="thumbnail-box gallery-images" href="${imageSrc}">
      <img src="${imageSrc}" alt="gallery-img_${key}" loading="lazy"/>
  imageLink.on('click', function(e){
    imageLightbox(arrImages, key);

3. Create a lightbox gallery for videos:

<section class="video-section">
<script defer src="lightbox-js/cwa-video-lightbox.js"></script>
// Video Array
const arrVideos = [
    src : "/path/to/video-1/",
    desc : "Description 1"
    src : "/path/to/video-2/",
    desc : "Description 2"
  // more videos here

// Initialize the plugin
const videoSectionContainer = $('.video-section');
const videoGallery = $(`<div class="video-gallery"></div>`);
$.each(arrVideos, function(key, video){
  let videoSrc = video.src;
  let videoLink = $(`
    <a class="thumbnail-box gallery-videos" href="${videoSrc}">
      <video src="${videoSrc}" muted></video>
  videoLink.on('click', function(e){
    videoLightbox(arrVideos, key);

4. Create a lightbox gallery for mixed content:

<section class="media-section">
<button id="btn-open-media-lightbox">Open lightbox</button>
<script defer src="lightbox-js/cwa-media-lightbox.js"></script>
// Media Array
const arrMedia = [
    src : "/path/to/image",
    type: "image",
    desc : "Image Description"
    src : "/path/to/video",
    type: "video",
    desc : "Video Description"
    src : "/path/to/iframe/",
    type: "iframe",
    desc : "Iframe Description"

// Initialize the plugin
const btnOpenMediaLightbox = $('#btn-open-media-lightbox');
btnOpenMediaLightbox.on('click', function(){

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by HashBrownTTM. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.