Customizable Multiple Elements Printing Plugin With jQuery - printThis

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License: MIT
Customizable Multiple Elements Printing Plugin With jQuery - printThis

Yet another page printing plugin for jQuery that allows the user to print specific element(s) of your webpage, while preserving the page styles (and even additional CSS) and input/form values.

More features:

  • Auto removes inline styles.
  • Print delay supported.
  • Custom header and page title.

See Also:


$ npm install print-this

# Bower
$ bower install print-this

How to use it:

1. Place both jQuery library and the jQuery printThis plugin's script right before the closing body tag:

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="printThis.js"></script>

2. Attach the function printThis on any element(s) you want to print.


3. Possible options to customize the printing plugin.


  // shows debug info
  debug: false,

  // import page CSS
  importCSS: true,

  // import styles
  importStyle: false,

  // print outer container
  printContainer: true, 

  // additonal CSS file
  loadCSS: "", 

  // page title
  pageTitle: "",

  // remove inline styles
  removeInline: false, 

  // custom selectors to filter inline styles. removeInline must be true
  removeInlineSelector: "body *", 

  // print delay in ms
  printDelay: 333,

  // header 
  header: null,

  // footer
  footer: null,    

  // preserve input/form values
  formValues: true, 

  // preserve the base tag (if available)
  base: false,

  // copy canvas elements (experimental)
  canvas: false,

  // html doctype
  doctypeString: '<!DOCTYPE html>', 

  // remove script tags before appending
  removeScripts: false,

  // copy classes from the html & body tag
  copyTagClasses: false,

  // copy styles from html & body tag (for CSS Variables)
  copyTagStyles: false,

4. Callback functions available.


  // callback function for printEvent in iframe
  beforePrintEvent: null,         

  // function called before iframe is filled
  beforePrint: null,              

  // function called before iframe is removed
  afterPrint: null                


v2.0.0 (2022-06-04)

v1.16.0 (2022-05-30)

  • beforePrintEvent fix

v1.15.1 (2019-08-05)

  • beforePrintEvent fix

v1.14.1 (2018-11-04)

  • Fixed Canvas option only displays first canvas

v1.14.0 (2018-07-16)

  • Merge support for print event handlers from eakkew
  • Include fix for CSS Variables (via inline styles set on HTML tag)


  • V1.12.2 - Merged fix for top-level Canvas support


  • V1.12.1 - Merged fix for jQuery version limit


  • V1.12.0 - Use clone(true) to copy form values


  • V1.11.0 - Add copyBodyClasses function; Add copyTagClasses


  • V1.10.0 - Added action, disabled by default, to avoid bringing unwanted scripts into the print iframe; Removed undocumented helper function $.fn.outer.


  • V1.9.0 - Canvas updates


  • V1.9.0 - Canvas updates


  • V1.8.0 - Added "footers"


  • Add base URL support and increment version

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by jasonday. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.