jQuery Plugin For Touch & Drag Events - touch.js

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jQuery Plugin For Touch & Drag Events - touch.js

touch.js is a small (9kb minified) JavaScript library that provides additional touch gesture and drag/drop events for your cross-platform jQuery project.

Additional events supported:

  • tap
  • doubleTap
  • tapAndHold
  • dragStart
  • drag
  • dragEnd
  • dragEnter
  • dragOver
  • dragLeave
  • drop
  • swipe
  • swipeUp
  • swipeDown
  • swipeLeft
  • swipeRight

Basic usage:

1. Download & load the minified version of the jQuery touch.js and we're ready to go.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!--<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script>-->
<script src="jquery.touch.js"></script>

2. Bind drag/drop/tap/swipe events as follows:

// Bind events.

    // Turn on document tracking so stuff works even if the cursor leaves the trackpad.
      trackDocument: true,

    // Normalize coordinates when/if the cursor leaves the trackpad.
      trackDocumentNormalize: true,

    // Prevent default events for drag/swipe (so the page doesn't scroll when you do those gestures).
      preventDefault: {
        drag: true,
        swipe: true


// Tap events.
  .on('tap', function(e, o) { _name('tap'); _status('Pos: ' + Math.round(o.ex) + ', ' + Math.round(o.ey)); })
  .on('doubleTap', function(e, o) { _name('doubleTap'); _status('Pos: ' + Math.round(o.ex) + ', ' + Math.round(o.ey)); })
  .on('tapAndHold', function(e, o) { _name('tapAndHold'); _status('Pos: ' + Math.round(o.ex) + ', ' + Math.round(o.ey)); })

// Drag events.
  //.on('dragStart', function(e, o) { _name('dragStart'); _status('Pos: ' + o.ex + ', ' + o.ey); })
  //.on('drag',  function(e, o) { _name('drag'); _status('Pos: ' + o.ex + ', ' + o.ey); })
  //.on('dragEnd', function(e, o) { _name('dragEnd'); _status('S: ' + o.start.ex + ', ' + o.start.ey + ', E: ' + o.end.ex + ', ' + o.end.ey + ', Dist: ' + Math.round(o.distance) + ', Dur: ' + o.duration + ', V: ' + Math.round(o.velocity)); })

// Swipe event.
  //.on('swipe', function(e, o) { _name('swipe'); _status('Dist: ' + o.distance + ', Dur: ' + o.duration + ', V: ' + Math.round(o.velocity)); })

// Swipe events.
  .on('swipeUp', function(e, o) { _name('swipeUp'); _status('Dist: ' + Math.round(o.distance) + ', Dur: ' + o.duration + ', V: ' + Math.round(o.velocity)); })
  .on('swipeDown', function(e, o) { _name('swipeDown'); _status('Dist: ' + Math.round(o.distance) + ', Dur: ' + o.duration + ', V: ' + Math.round(o.velocity)); })
  .on('swipeLeft', function(e, o) { _name('swipeLeft'); _status('Dist: ' + Math.round(o.distance) + ', Dur: ' + o.duration + ', V: ' + Math.round(o.velocity)); })
  .on('swipeRight', function(e, o) { _name('swipeRight'); _status('Dist: ' + Math.round(o.distance) + ', Dur: ' + o.duration + ', V: ' + Math.round(o.velocity)); });

3. All default configuration options.

// If true, mouse clicks and movements will also trigger touch events.
useMouse: true,

// If true, certain events (like drag) can continue to track even if the mouse cursor leaves the originating element.
trackDocument: false,

// If true, when "trackDocument" is enabled, coordinates will be normalized to the confines of the originating element.
trackDocumentNormalize: false,

// Disables "click" event (prevents both "tap" and "click" firing on certain elements like <label>).
noClick: false,

// Distance from tap to register a drag (lower = more sensitive, higher = less sensitive).
dragThreshold: 10,

// Time to wait before registering a drag (needs to be high enough to not interfere with scrolling).
dragDelay: 200,

// Distance from tap to register a swipe (lower = more sensitive, higher = less sensitive).
swipeThreshold: 30,

// Delay between taps.
tapDelay: 250,

// Time to wait before triggering "tapAndHold".
tapAndHoldDelay: 500,

// If defined, delegates touch events to descendants matching this selector.
delegateSelector: null,

// Filters drop target elements. Can be any of the following:
// - "selector"                          Target element must match this selector.
// - function(element, target) { ... }   Use boolean return value of a custom callback.
// - true                                Target element must be a sibling of dragged element.
// - false                               No filtering.
dropFilter: false,

// Prevent or allow default actions for certain event classes. Can be any of the following:
// - true                                Prevent default actions for this event class.
// - false                               Allow default actions for this event class.
// - function(state) { ... }             Use boolean return value of a custom callback (state = touch state object)
preventDefault: {
  drag: false,
  swipe: false,
  tap: false

Change log:


  • v1.1.0

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ajlkn. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.