Free jQuery Drag Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Drag' are listed here.
Responsive & Fluid Drag-and-Drop Grid Layout with jQuery - gridstack.js
- Layout - 132354 ViewsGridstack.js is a vanilla JavaScript widget/grid layout plugin inspired by Gridster that allows you to dynamically and responsively rearrange grid items through drag and drop.
Reorder HTML List Using Drag And Drop - jQuery DragNDrop
- Other - 3786 ViewsDragNDrop is a jQuery plugin which allows you to reorder an HTML ordered (or unordered) list using drag and drop. Without the need of jQuery UI.
10 Best Advanced Drag And Drop Plugins In JavaScript (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 38010 Views10 best jQuery and Vanilla JavaScript advanced and enhanced drag and drop plugins from which you can choose for your next web project.
Minimalist Drag And Drop Plugin - jQuery draggable-mcs
- Other - 690 ViewsA super tiny jQuery drag and drop plugin that makes any element moveable with mouse drag.
Tiny Drag/Swipe To Scroll Plugin For jQuery - Dragscrollable
- Other - 732 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that enables Drag To Scroll (desktop) and Swipe To Scroll (mobile & tablet) functionalities on scrollable elements.
Easy Draggable & Reorderable jQuery Plugin - dragSort.js
- Other - 2076 ViewsAn easy-to-use jQuery plugin that enables users to reorder items in a specific container via drag and drop.
Drag Multiple Elements As A Group - jQuery Drag Multiple
- Other - 1894 ViewsA simple jQuery/jQuery UI plugin that allows the user to drag multiple DOM elements as a group.
Drag'n'drop List Reordering Plugin - jQuery DraggableNestableList.js
- Other - 2192 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that allows the user to drag an item (or a sublist) from one position to another position in the list while maintaining its nesting level.
Create Draggable Elements With Snapping In jQuery - magnet.js
- Other - 1924 ViewsThis is the jQuery version of the Magnet.js library which lets you create draggable elements with support for auto snapping on move.
Mobile-first Drag And Drop Library - Draggable Touch
- Other - 7948 ViewsDraggable Touch is a jQuery based mobile-first drag and drop library that makes any DOM elements draggable via touch events.
Smooth Drag To Scroll Plugin For jQuery - dragNscroll
- Other - 2312 ViewsA jQuery scroll on drag plugin that allows users to scroll a page (or any scrollable element) by using mouse drag, similar to the swipe up/down behavior in mobile devices.
Resizable, Draggable, Rotatable jQuery Plugin - Box Modeling
- Other - 6368 ViewsA jQuery plugin that makes a DIV element resizable, rotatable, and moveable using jQuery UI and CSS3 transforms.
Drag and Drop File Uploader Plugin - dropzone
- Other - 71850 Viewsdropzone.js is a javascript library for jQuery that provides an easy way to upload and preview image with nice progress bar. It supports multiple file uploads and drag and drop uploads.
Mobile-first Drag And Drop Library - draggable-div-with-touch.js
- Other - 1824 ViewsA small jQuery draggable plugin that enables mobile-friendly drag'n'drop functionality without using third-party libraries like jQuery UI.
Draggable & Resizable Elements With Alignment Guides - Smart Guides
- Other - 2029 ViewsA jQuery extension to jQuery UI library for creating draggable and resizable elements with smart visual guides while dragging and resizing.
Drag/Swipe To Scroll Plugin With jQuery - dragScroll.js
- Other - 10620 ViewsA jQuery plugin which allows users to move content in a scrollable area horizontally or vertically using mouse drag (desktop) or touch swipe events (mobile).
Mobile-friendly Drag And Drop Plugin With jQuery - draganddrop.js
- Other - 34826 Viewsdraganddrop.js is a jQuery drag and drop plugin that enables sortable and draggable functionalities on any DOM elements without requiring the jQuery UI library.
Element Dragging Effects In jQuery - Dragging.js
- Animation - 779 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that applies configurable transition effects to your elements while dragging them.
jQuery Wrapper For Sortable.js JavaScript Library
- Other - 1652 ViewsA wrapper around the SortableJS JavaScript library that helps you create reorderable drag-and-drop lists in your jQuery project.
Draggable & Resizable Focus Box In jQuery - stageItem.js
- Other - 1318 ViewsA tiny jQuery & jQuery UI plugin that helps you create draggable and resizable focus boxes as you've seen in drag and drop website builder.
Fast Touch-enabled Drag And Drop Library - Dragon.js
- Other - 1513 ViewsA fast, mobile-friendly drag and drop library for jQuery that enables you to drag anything with either mouse or touch events.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying A Tree Of Data In A Table - treetable
- Table - 61051 Viewstreetable is a lightweight jquery plugin that allows you to display a tree of data in an HTML table that's good for creating a directory structure or a nested list.
Easy Drag and Drop Plugin For jQuery - dad.js
- Other - 7277 Viewsdad.js is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin which enables drag and drop functionality on a group of DOM elements with just one JS call.
2D Collision Detection On Drag - Collidify.js
- Other - 1870 ViewsA jQuery plugin for jQuery UI's draggable widget that can be used to determine whether two draggable objects collide and fire events accordingly.
Detect If An Element Is Dragged Over A Drop Element - collision.js
- Other - 2340 ViewsA mobile-compatible jQuery plugin for jQuery UI's draggable widget that detects when a draggable object is moved over another object via mouse drag or touch move event.
jQuery Plugin For Draggable Resizable Table Columns - colResizable
- Table - 25469 ViewscolResizable is a small yet useful jQuery plugin which allows the users to responsively & dynamically change the width of the table column via drag and drop (and even touch gesture events).
Drag Elements Along SVG Paths - jQuery Path Draggable Button
- Other - 3810 ViewsPath Draggable Button is a jQuery plugin which allows an element to be dragged along an SVG path you specify. Supports both horizontal and vertical drag.
Create Draggable Collapsible Elements With Collapsebox.js Plugin
- Other - 800 ViewsCollapsebox.js is a tiny yet customizable jQuery plugin to make any container elements draggable and collapsible with a custom handle.
Performant Drag And Drop JavaScript Library - Draggabilly
- Other - 5336 ViewsDraggabilly is a jQuery & Vanilla JavaScript plugin that provides an advanced, performant, smooth, touch-friendly Draggable functionality on any DOM element.
Create Draggable & Sortable List In jQuery - Dragsort
- Other - 10233 Viewsdragsort is a simple, configurable, touch-enabled jQuery sortable plugin which enables items inside an html list to be sorted via drag and drop and/or touch events.
Create Draggable Bootstrap Grid Layouts With Gridstrap.js
- Layout - 9196 ViewsGridstrap.js is a jQuery plugin to create a responsive, draggable, resizable Bootstrap grid layout where the users can move & rearrange grid items via drag'n'drop and touch events.
Touch-enabled Drag'n'drop Table Sorter - RowSorter.js
- Table - 2978 ViewsRowSorter.js is a small yet customizable table sorter plugin that enables the user to re-sort table rows via drag'n'drop and touch events.
Advanced Draggable Plugin With jQuery - Inhance Draggable
- Other - 789 ViewsA lightweight, advanced draggable plugin to enhance the drop and drop experience on your web application.
Minimalist Drag And Drop Plugin With jQuery - CSS-DnD
- Other - 1568 ViewsCSS-DnD is a super tiny and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that applies the drag and drop functionality to elements using only CSS classes. Without the need of jQuery UI.
jQuery Plugin To Create Draggable, Resizable And Sortable Elemenets - Clayfy
- Other - 9869 ViewsClayfy is a powerful and highly customizable jQuery plugin which enables draggable, resizable and sortable functionalities on DOM elements.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Sortable Elements - jsortable
- Other - 1894 Viewsjsortable is a lightweight (~5kb minified) jQuery plugin which allows items in a list to be sorted horizontally and vertically using drag and drop or touch swipe.
Touch-friendly Draggable & Sortable Plugin - jQuery Touch-dnd
- Other - 14974 ViewsTouch-dnd is a powerful jQuery plugin which provides smooth, touch-enabled drag'n'drop and sortable functionalities on a list or grid using CSS3 transforms and transitions.
jQuery Drag'n'drop Sorting Plugin For Bootstrap - html5sortable
- Other - 52020 Viewshtml5sortable is a tiny jQuery plugin which adds draggable sorting functionality to Bootstrap framework by using native HTML5 drag and drop API.
jQuery Plugin For Draggable 360s Image Sequences - threesixtyjs
- Rotator - 33436 Viewsthreesixtyjs is a jQuery plugin for creating Draggable 360s Image Sequences.
Easy Draggable Scroller Plugin For jQuery - draggableScroll
- Other - 2439 ViewsdraggableScroll is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that allows the user to move scrollable content with mouse drag. Supports vertical, horizontal, and diagonal scroll.
Create Gravity and Drag Effects With jQuery - jGravity
- Animation - 4261 ViewsjGravity is a blazing fast JavaScript motion library written in jQuery that allows the user to drag any elements around with a gravity effect on the webpage.
Drag & Drop List Sorting Plugin with jQuery - DDSort
- Other - 3056 ViewsDDSort is an easy, lightweight jQuery list sorting plugin which allows for an html list to be sorted with drag and drop.
jQuery Plugin For Drag and Drop File Input Field - ezdz
- Form - 26885 Viewsezdz is an easy-to-use jQuery File Input plugin for creating a drag & drop zone that allows the visitor to drag and drop multiple files into the file input.
jQuery Plugin For Drag And Drop Within A Boundary - Zdrag
- Other - 1484 ViewsZdrag is a lightweight jQuery draggable plugin for drag and drop functionality within a boundary that supports both directions and custom drag handlers.
jQuery Plugin For Drag To Scroll Functionality - dragScroll
- Other - 6501 ViewsdragScroll is a dead simple jQuery plugin which enables the panning (drag to scroll) functionality on your scrollable container.
Smooth Drag To Sort Plugin For jQuery - dragSort.js
- Other - 1892 ViewsdragSort.js is a small jQuery plugin that provides the ability to smoothly re-sort grouped elements using drag and drop. Without the need of jQuery UI draggable widget.
Customizable Swing Effect On Drag And Drop - swingdrag
- Animation - 3109 Viewsswingdrag is a lightweight jQuery plugin which applies a customizable swing animation effect to jQuery UI draggable functionality using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Drag & Drop Table Columns For Bootstrap
- Table - 22435 ViewsA super tiny jQuery plugin which allows you to re-sort the Bootstrap table columns using drag and drop.
Simplest Drag To Sort Plugin For jQuery - drag-sort
- Other - 4185 ViewsThe simplest jQuery drag to sort plugin which enables the drag'n'drop re-sort functionality on the list view. Without any 3rd dependencies such as jQuery UI.
Easy and Touch-enabled jQuery Draggable Obeject Plugin - pep.js
- Other - 4061 Viewspep.js is a simple, cross browser and mobile-friendly jQuery plugin used to enable draggable functionality on any DOM element.
Multi Draggable Plugin For jQuery UI - multidraggable
- Other - 9122 ViewsA jQuery plugin for enhancing the default jQuery UI draggable functionality that allows to drag multiple selected DOM elements at a time, with snapping and cloning support.
jQuery Plugin For Touch & Drag Events - touch.js
- Mobile - 8666 Viewstouch.js is a small (9kb minified) JavaScript library that provides additional touch gesture and drag/drop events for your cross-platform jQuery project.
jQuery Plugin To Arrange/Order DOM Elements By Dragging - dragArrange
- Other - 16805 ViewsdragArrange is a small jQuery drag'n drop plugin which allows to arrange/re-order a list of any DOM elements by mouse drag.
Drag & Drop Multiple Elements At Once With jQuery - Multidraggable
- Other - 18050 ViewsMultidraggable is a jQuery plugin used to extend the jQuery UI's draggable interaction that enables the user to select and drag & drop multiple elements at once.
Mobile-friendly Drag & Drop Sorting Plugin For jQuery - Sorter
- Mobile - 1528 ViewsSorter is a lightweight, cross-browser and cross-platform jQuery plugin which allows drag and drop to resort a hierarchical html list.
Touch-friendly Drag And Drop Plugin With jQuery - drag-drop.plugin.js
- Other - 2794 ViewsYet another jQuery drag'n'drop plugin enables drag and drop interactions on any elements, compatible with both mouse and touch events.
jQuery Plugin To Sort A List Via Drag and Drop - kpdragsort
- Other - 1163 Viewskpdragsort is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to resort a list of items via drag and drop, without jQuery UI.
jQuery Plugin For Drag and Drop Grid Layout - DND Grid
- Layout - 4197 ViewsDND Grid is a small jQuery plugin for creating a compact grid layout that allows you to rearrange the grid items through drag and drop.
Simple Drag'n'drop List/Grid Sorting Plugin With jQuery - dropMe
- Other - 3770 ViewsdropMe is a very small jQuery plugin which enables your elements in a list/grid to be re-sorted via drag and drop.
jQuery Plugin To Select Multiple Elements with Mouse - nuSelectable
- Other - 10231 ViewsnuSelectable is a jQuery plugin which enables the visitor to select multiple DOM elements using mouse drag.
jQuery Plugin To Create Draggable Table Data - tableDragAndDrop
- Table - 3338 ViewstableDragAndDrop is a jQuery plugin which allows you to make table rows / columns draggable and droppable via left or right mouse click.
jQuery Plugin To Handle Mouse Drag and Touch Events - Simple Swipe
- Other - 2986 ViewsSimple Swipe is a very simple jQuery plugin for handling mouse drag or touch swipe events.
Flexible jQuery Drag and Drop Sorting Plugin - Sortable
- Layout - 9720 ViewsSortable is a jQuery based plugin that allows you to drag and drop any items to sort them in any contains.
jQuery Plugin To Sort Nested Lists Using Drag and Drop - nestedSortable
- Other - 18322 ViewsnestedSortable is a jQuery & jQuery UI extension which enables drag and drop functionality on nested lists (tree structure) to make them sortable with a handle.
jQuery Plugin To Drag and Scroll Html Content - DraggScroll
- Other - 15880 ViewsDraggScroll is a super lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to click and drag to scroll the long content of an DIV container using your mouse.
Touch-compatible jQuery Drad and Drop Plugin - Dragmove
- Other - 1163 ViewsDragmove is a jQuery plugin that allows you to drag and move any DOM elements with either the mouse or touch events.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Drag & Drop Sorting Of Lists - jesse
- Other - 2508 Viewsjesse is a simple jQuery plugin that enables drag and drop functionality on your html list to make the list items sortable using the mouse.
Simple jQuery Viewport Plugin For Web - Porthole
- Layout - 2004 ViewsPorthole is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that adds a simple viewport which can be dragged to move by your mouse on your web site.
Mobile Compatible jQuery Drag & Drop Plugin - Nestable
- Other - 9194 ViewsNestable is a jQuery plugin that provides a simple way to enable dragdrag and drop functionality on hierarchical data lists.
jQuery Plugin For Draggable HTML Elements - Udraggable
- Other - 1538 ViewsUdraggable is a jQuery plugin that provides an API similar to jQuery UI's draggable but with support for unified mouse and touch events.
Smart Scrolling Plugin For jQuery - Dragon
- Other - 3261 ViewsDragon is a fast and simple jQuery plugin that enables you to create scrolling content in both direction with mouse wheel, mouse drag and touch action.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Draggable Table Columns - Dragtable
- Table - 67160 ViewsDragtable is a simple jQuery plugin that turns the header of your table into draggable so that you can re-order the table columns by drag and drop.
Easy Drag and Drop Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 Transforms - dragme
- Other - 1945 ViewsDragme is a lightweight jQuery plugin for enabling drag and drop functionality on any DOM elements by using CSS3 transforms.
jQuery Plugin To Convert Form labels Into Slider Controls - LabelSlider.js
- Form - 704 ViewsLabelSlider.js is a small jQuery plugin that convert the form labels into slider controls based on jQuery UI draggable component.
Accessible, Touch-Friendly and Drag & Drop Html List with jQuery
- Layout - 4313 ViewsAn extension for jQuery Sortable plugin which allows you to reorder an Html list by mouse, keyboard, touch, or drag & drop.
jQuery Plugin For Drag'n'Drop Tiles Grid Gallery - Collections
- Layout - 6536 ViewsCollections is a jQuery plugin for creating a tiles grid gallery that allows you to re-sort & re-organize images using jQuery UI draggabble functionality.
Simple jQuery & Html5 Drag and Drop Plugin - DD
- Other - 1543 ViewsA lightweight and customizable jQuery drag'n'drop library which allows you to move Html elements from a container to another.
Tumblr-Like Draggable Tag Bar with jQuery and CSS3 - Tag Overflow
- Other - 3936 ViewsA jQuery & CSS3 tag bar inspired by that allows your visitors to see more overflowing tags by mouse dragging.
Drag & Drop Sortable Html List with jQuery Waffler Plugin
- Layout - 1699 ViewsWaffler is a very lightweight jQuery plugin that enables you to re-sort an Html list using drag and drop.
Sortable & Draggable Item List with jQuery and jQuery UI
- Other - 30282 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to sort a nested item list with jQuery UI based drag & drop.
Simple jQuery Draggable Dialog Box Plugin - Honey Dialog
- LightBox - 3462 ViewsHoney Dialog is a very simple jQuery plugin to create a draggable dialog box without jQuery UI drag & drop component.
jQuery Plugin For Drag and Drop Multi-Select List Box - fieldChooser
- Form - 43998 ViewsfieldChooser is a jQuery & jQuery UI component for creating a drag'n'drop multi-selection list box with ease.
jQuery To-Do List Manager with localStorage Support - Todo List
- Other - 5986 ViewsYet another To-Do list manager powered by jQuery and jQuery UI that supports drag and drop, datepicker and has the ability to save the list data to client side using Html5 localStorage.
Facebook Style Image Cropping Plugin For jQuery - Drag'n'crop
- Other - 34923 ViewsDrag'n'crop is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery & jQuery UI plugin which allows you to drag and crop a large image to fit the preferred position.
jQuery Based General Content Slider Plugin - Slider
- Slider - 4674 ViewsA customizable, powerful, cross browser and mobile-friendly jQuery slider plugin for creating multi-purpose content silder with easing effects.
jQuery Sorting Plugin with Native HTML5 Drag and Drop - draganddrop
- Layout - 2160 ViewsDraganddrop is a small and easy jQuery plugin that allows you to rearrange a group of html elements with native HTML5 Drag and Drop feature.
Easy jQuery Draggable Content Slider Plugin - dragSlider
- Slider - 12430 ViewsAn easy and lightweight jQuery slider plugin to create a content slider which supports mouse drag and arrow keys navigation.
Dynamic Drag and Drop Grid Layout Plugin - shapeshift
- Layout - 25381 Viewsshapeshift is a jQuery Grid Plugin that can dynamically arrange a collection of elements into a grid in their parent container with drag and drop functionality.
jQuery Plugin For Switchy Select Options - Switchy
- Form - 4464 ViewsSwitchy is a fancy and touch-enabled jQuery plugin that turns a standard html select into a slide/toggle switch that allows the visitor to select items by dragging or clicking the slider.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Single Line Scrolling - Scrollyea
- Animation - 4836 ViewsScrollyea is a jQuery plugin that allows you to scroll a group of html elements by mouse dragging in a responsive floating interface.
Easy & Powerful jQuery Tooltip Plugin - Tippy
- Tooltip - 1770 ViewsTippy is an easy-to-use and powerful jQuery plugin for creating highly customizable and flexible tooltips with many configuration options on your website.
jQuery Plugin For Draggable 360 Degrees Product Image View - j360
- Rotator - 29993 Viewsj360 is a touch-friendly jQuery plugin that allows to drag/swipe/rotate a 3D product image to display 360 view of your product using a set of images.
jQuery Plugin For Dragging, Rotating and Scaling Elements - touch.js
- Mobile - 11470 Viewstouch.js is a simple jQuery plugin that makes elements draggable, rotatable and scalable on touch devices.
Drag and Drop Table Plugin with jQuery - TableDnD
- Table - 32184 ViewsTableDnD is a jQuery plugin that allows you to drag and drop rows within a table for reordering the table data.
iOS Drag Through Effect with jQuery and Html5
- Slider - 1521 ViewsSimilar to you drag through objects on an iOS Device (iPhone, iPad ...) at the start screen, the smart jQuery plugin allows you to grab and drag your way through a bunch of pictures of album artwork.
Draggable jQuery Captcha Plugin - QapTcha
- Form - 10582 ViewsQapTcha is an easy-to-use, simple and intuitive captcha system built with jQuery and jQuery UI that needs human action instead of to read a hard text.
iGoogle-Like Drag and Drop Layout Plugin - inettuts
- Layout - 4592 Viewsinettuts is a jQuery plugin works with jQuery UI that can be used to create a customizable interface with widgets which can be collapsed, removed and edited.
Sortable Lists and Grids with jQuery & HTML5 - html5sortable
- Layout - 7198 Viewshtml5sortable is lightweight (~1kb minified and gzipped) jQuery Plugin that make it easier to create Sortable Lists and Grids using native HTML5 drag and drop API.
Drag and Drop Shopping Cart With jQuery UI
- Other - 9554 ViewsThis jQuery Plugin works with jQuery UI allows you to create a user-friendly Shopping Cart that works with Drag and Drop.
Draggable jQuery Photo Album
- Gallery - 3048 ViewsDraggable jQuery Photo Album is a smooth photo gallery plugin. All the photos or images could be dragged and placed anywhere.