Free jQuery touch Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'touch' are listed here.
Versatile jQuery Slider Plugin - SudoSlider
- Slider - 7590 ViewsSudoSlider is a versatile jQuery slider Plugin that helps you create multiple functional sliders with build-in options and methods as you need.
jQuery Plugin For Additional Touch Events On Mobile Devices
- Mobile - 5957 ViewsTouch Events is a jQuery plugin which provides additional touch events & callback functions on mobile devices.
Simple and Responsive jQuery Carousel Plugin - responsiveCarousel
- Gallery - 6101 ViewsresponsiveCarousel is a lightweight (~5.4kb minified), responsive and touch-friendly jQuery plugin that helps you simply to create multiple Carousel like galleries which accept any type of html elements.
Detecting Swipes and Pinches On Touch Devices with touchSwipe Plugin
- Mobile - 21491 ViewstouchSwipe is a jQuery plugin designed for mobile touch devices that will detect when a visitor swipes or pinches a touch input device and then trigger an event/handler based on the swipe direction and distance.
Responsive Carousel Slideshow with jQuery
- Slideshow - 9337 ViewsA jquery Slideshow Plugin for responsive carousels that work with mouse, touch, and keyboard.
Touch Enabled Multi-level Drop Down Menu Plugin - superfish
- Menu - 31129 Viewssuperfish is a cross-browser andTouch Enabled menu plugin for creatingMulti-level Drop Down Menus with some animation effects.
jQuery Plugin For Touch & Drag Events - touch.js
- Mobile - 8666 Viewstouch.js is a small (9kb minified) JavaScript library that provides additional touch gesture and drag/drop events for your cross-platform jQuery project.
Smart Scrolling Plugin For jQuery - Dragon
- Other - 3261 ViewsDragon is a fast and simple jQuery plugin that enables you to create scrolling content in both direction with mouse wheel, mouse drag and touch action.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Image Magnifying Effect For Touch Devices - Touch Zoom
- Zoom - 8080 ViewsTouch Zoom is a tiny and mobile-first jQuery image zoom plugin allows you to apply a magnifying glass effect on an image when you tap/click on it.
Touch Enabled Slider Plugin For jQuery - iosSlider
- Slider - 7701 ViewsiosSlider is a jQuery Slider Plugin for creating Touch Enabled, customizable, cross-browser content slider, which can be used as a content slider, carousel, scrolling website banner, or image gallery.
Powerful and Customizable jQuery Carousel Slider - OWL Carousel
- Slider - 160850 ViewsOWL Carousel is a clean and neat jQuery slider plugin for creating fully responsive and touch-enabled carousel slider with a lot of options.
Basic jQuery Any Content Carousel Plugin - maxcarousel
- Slider - 2851 Viewsmaxcarousel is a tiny yet mobile-friendly jQuery carousel plugin that allows to slide/loop any html content infinitely.
Responsive & Touch-enabled jQuery Carousel Plugin - humbleSlider
- Slider - 2852 ViewshumbleSlider is a responsive, customizable, touch-friendly jQuery image carousel slider plugin that features keyboard/swipe/arrows navigation, infinite loop, CSS3 transition support and much more.
jQuery Any Content Slider Plugin - muslider
- Slider - 1598 Viewsµslider (muslider) is a fully custmizable jQuery plugin for creating vertical or horizontal sliders with transition effect for sliding any content.
Simple Responsive Content Scrolling with jQuery Scroller Plugin
- Slider - 2827 ViewsScroller is a responsive & touch-enabled jQuery slider plugin that scrolls content horizontally left or right and supports swipe events on touch-screen devices..
Mobile-Friendly & Responsive Slider jQuery Plugin - flick
- Slider - 1646 ViewsJust another jQuery slider plugin designed for iPhone, Android and PC clients that creates a responsive, mobile-first, touch-enabled and cross-browser slider with swipe and CSS3 animations support.
Touch Enabled Slider Plugin with jQuery and jQuery Mobile
- Slider - 4809 ViewsA really simple jQuery and jQuery mobile based slider for creating a responsive content slider with support for touch swipe and mouse drag navigation.
Responsive & Touch-Enabled jQuery Slider Plugin - FerroSlider 2
- Slider - 1341 ViewsFerroSlider 2 is a simple, customizable and flexible jQuery plugin for creating responsive and touch-enabled sliders with lots of custom options and transition effects.
Versatile and Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin - RTP Slider
- Text - 1751 ViewsRTP Slider is a flexible and touch-enabled jQuery plugin for creating versatile and responsive sliders with lots of config options on your website.
Simple Touch-Friendly jQuery Image Gallery Plugin - Touch Image Gallery
- Gallery - 1734 ViewsTouch Image Gallery is a fast and simple jQuery plugin which turns a unordered list of images into a touch & swipe friendly image gallery for mobile website.
Nice and Highly Configurable jQuery Slideshow Plugin - Camera
- Slideshow - 24904 ViewsCamera is a powerful and highly customizable jQuery plugin for creating responsive and touch-friendly slideshows with a lot of options and animation effects.
jQuery Image Slider With Lightbox and Skin Support - Ion Image Slider
- Slider - 5008 ViewsjQuery Ion Image Slider is a customizable and touch-friendly jQuery slider plugin for creating pretty image sliders with Lightbox and Skin Support.
Fluid and Mobile-Friendly Search Bar On Click
- Form - 6717 ViewsIn this tutorial written by MARY LOU we're going to create a Fluid and Mobile-Friendly Search Bar that can be opened on click.
Responsive and Touch-Enabled Carousel Plugin - RS Carousel
- Slider - 11515 ViewsRS Carousel is a jQuery plugin built with jQuery library and jQuery UI that makes it easy to create responsive and touch-enabled carousel slider using HTML markup.
Responsive & Touch Ready jQuery Image Carousel Slider Plugin - Roundabout
- Slider - 8309 ViewsRoundabout is a lightweight and touch-friendly jQuery plugin for creating clean and responsive Image Carousel Sliders on your website.
Easy jQuery Content Carousel Slider Plugin - jQuery Carousel
- Slider - 3117 ViewsjQuery Carousel is a simple yet powerful jQuery plugin for creating a content carousel slider on your web page, which supports page lists, vertical & horizontal scrolling, class-toggling, timers, timer offsets as well as touch and keyboard e
Stylish Responsive Drop Down Menu Plugin For jQuery - flaunt
- Menu - 11270 Viewsflaunt is a simple jQuery plugin for creating responsive and mobile-friendly navigations with multi-level drop down menus support.
Simple and Responsive jQuery Carousel Slider Plugin - simple Slider
- Slider - 9261 Viewssimple Slider is a simple, lightweight and expandable jQuery carousel slider plugin with several options, which supports all the html elements like text, image, etc.
jQuery Touch Slider Plugin For Mobile - touchslider
- Mobile - 1993 Viewstouchslider is a simple , lightweight (~6KB) and useful jQuery plugin for creating touch enabled slider for mobile devices like iphone and iPad.
Simple Carousel Slidershow Plugin with jQuery - microfiche
- Slideshow - 2383 Viewsmicrofiche is a simple and touch-enabled plugin based on jQuery that allows you to create a Carousel Slidershow for your projects.
Mobile & Touchscreen Friendly Drop Down Menu
- Menu - 3361 ViewsSooperFish is a jQuery Drop Down Menu Plugin that supports multi-column sub menus by automatically dividing menus into 2 or 3 columns when the number of items in a sub menu exceeds a configurable limit.