Free jQuery swipe Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'swipe' are listed here.
Drag/Swipe To Scroll Plugin With jQuery - dragScroll.js
- Other - 10654 ViewsA jQuery plugin which allows users to move content in a scrollable area horizontally or vertically using mouse drag (desktop) or touch swipe events (mobile).
Detects Swipe Left, Right, Top And Down - SwipeHandler
- Other - 4736 ViewsA jQuery based swipe event handler that makes it possible to detect Swipe Left, Right, Top And Down events on a specific container.
Detect Touch Swipe Events In jQuery - Event Swipe
- Mobile - 3895 ViewsEvent Swipe is a small touch event detection plugin for jQuery that attaches event handler functions for swipe events to a specific element.
Detect Swipe Direction And Trigger Certain Events - Swipe.js
- Other - 5956 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that detects finger swipe events on touch devices and trigger custom events as you swiped-left, swiped-right, swiped-up and swiped-down on an element.
Detecting Swipes and Pinches On Touch Devices with touchSwipe Plugin
- Mobile - 21503 ViewstouchSwipe is a jQuery plugin designed for mobile touch devices that will detect when a visitor swipes or pinches a touch input device and then trigger an event/handler based on the swipe direction and distance.
Swipeable List View Plugin - jQuery pullDelete.js
- Other - 3924 ViewspullDelete.js is a jQuery plugin to create a swipeable list view where the users are allowed to delete the list item by swiping the list view to the left.
Prevent Scroll/Swipe In Scrollable Element - Scroll Swipe Protection
- Other - 1250 ViewsScroll Swipe Protection is a simple yet sometimes useful jQuery plugin that prevents scroll (desktop) and swipe (mobile) events on iframe and scrollable elements.
jQuery Plugin For Swipeable List View - List Swipe
- Mobile - 10802 ViewsList Swipe is a mobile-first jQuery plugin for creating a swipeable list view that allows to reveal an action button when you swipe the row left or right on touch devices.
jQuery Plugin For Touch & Drag Events - touch.js
- Mobile - 8671 Viewstouch.js is a small (9kb minified) JavaScript library that provides additional touch gesture and drag/drop events for your cross-platform jQuery project.
Responsive & Touch-Friendly Image Gallery Plugin For jQuery and jQuery UI
- Gallery - 3962 ViewsjQuery Image Gallery is another extension to jQuery Blueimp Gallery Plugin, which allows you to create a highly customizable image gallery that displays images in the draggable and resizable dialog window of the jQuery UI.
jQuery Plugin To Handle Mouse Drag and Touch Events - Simple Swipe
- Other - 2987 ViewsSimple Swipe is a very simple jQuery plugin for handling mouse drag or touch swipe events.
jQuery Plugin For iOS-like Swipe To Delete - swipeTo
- Other - 15331 ViewsswipeTo is a small jQuery plugin to emulate iOS swipe to delete functionality which displays a group of action buttons as the visitor swipe on a list view.
jQuery Image Slider with Awesome CSS3 Animations - Shifone Slider
- Slider - 1599 ViewsShifone Slider is a touch-friendly jQuery image slider plugin that comes with more than 12 CSS3 animations to create your own style.
Basic jQuery Any Content Carousel Plugin - maxcarousel
- Slider - 2851 Viewsmaxcarousel is a tiny yet mobile-friendly jQuery carousel plugin that allows to slide/loop any html content infinitely.
jQuery Plugin To Load New Pages When You Swipe - Simple swiper
- Mobile - 13726 ViewsSimple Swiper is a lightweight plugin for jQuery and jQuery mobile that scrolls to next/previous page when you swipe (or mouse drag) left and right as seen on most mobile APPs.
Responsive & Touch-enabled jQuery Carousel Plugin - humbleSlider
- Slider - 2853 ViewshumbleSlider is a responsive, customizable, touch-friendly jQuery image carousel slider plugin that features keyboard/swipe/arrows navigation, infinite loop, CSS3 transition support and much more.
jQuery Any Content Slider Plugin - muslider
- Slider - 1599 Viewsµslider (muslider) is a fully custmizable jQuery plugin for creating vertical or horizontal sliders with transition effect for sliding any content.
Simple jQuery Panorama Viewer with Touch Swipe Support
- Other - 16423 ViewsA lightweight and simple to use plugin that embeds a panorama image and uses jQuery/CSS3 to scroll & loop it around horizontal 360° with mobile/touch support.
Touch-enabled jQuery Timeline Plugin with 3D Flipping Effects - Timecube
- Other - 34566 ViewsTimecube is a fancy jQuery timeline plugin that allows you to navigation through JSON based events by mouse or touch swipe in an animated 3D cube interface based on CSS3 perspective, transition and transform properties.
Easy jQuery Responsive Slideshow Plugin - Billboard
- Slideshow - 3562 ViewsBillboard is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating a responsive slideshow/slider on the website to present your featured content.
jQuery Based General Content Slider Plugin - Slider
- Slider - 4675 ViewsA customizable, powerful, cross browser and mobile-friendly jQuery slider plugin for creating multi-purpose content silder with easing effects.
Mobile-Friendly & Responsive Slider jQuery Plugin - flick
- Slider - 1646 ViewsJust another jQuery slider plugin designed for iPhone, Android and PC clients that creates a responsive, mobile-first, touch-enabled and cross-browser slider with swipe and CSS3 animations support.
Touch Friendly Mobile Gallery Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - touchTouch
- Gallery - 4322 ViewstouchTouch is a clean and responsive jQuery gallery plugin which helps you to create an amazing Touch-Friendly image gallery with smooth CSS3 animations and lightbox effect.
Touch Enabled Slider Plugin with jQuery and jQuery Mobile
- Slider - 4809 ViewsA really simple jQuery and jQuery mobile based slider for creating a responsive content slider with support for touch swipe and mouse drag navigation.
A Small Yet Robust jQuery Slider Plugin - Scooch
- Slider - 1187 ViewsScooch is another jQuery slider plugin that makes it easy to create a customizable slider which supports any html elements within it.
Accelerometer-enabled and Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin - accelerometerSlider
- Slider - 1594 Viewsaccelerometer Slider is a jQuery content slider plugin especially designed for touch-enabled devices that supports accelerometer functionality and device orientation / device motion detection on accelerometer-equipped devices.
Responsive & Touch-Enabled jQuery Slider Plugin - FerroSlider 2
- Slider - 1341 ViewsFerroSlider 2 is a simple, customizable and flexible jQuery plugin for creating responsive and touch-enabled sliders with lots of custom options and transition effects.
Clean and Tiny jQuery Image Slider Plugin - Play
- Slider - 1047 ViewsPlay is a simple, fast and easy to use plugin for jQuery and Zepto that allows to create different styles of content sliders on your web page.
Simple jQuery and jQuery Mobile Based Slide Menu Plugin
- Menu - 22497 ViewsMobile Slide Menu is a simple jQuery and jQuery Mobile plugin for creating a menu panel that slides out from the edge of your web & mobile page by clicking the menu icon or by swiping from left to right on mobile devices.
Simple Touch-Friendly jQuery Image Gallery Plugin - Touch Image Gallery
- Gallery - 1734 ViewsTouch Image Gallery is a fast and simple jQuery plugin which turns a unordered list of images into a touch & swipe friendly image gallery for mobile website.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Content Swiping - dragend.js
- Other - 6973 Viewsdragend.js is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add mouse/finger swipe support to your webpage. It also supports using hammer.js for observing multi-touch gestures.
Lightweight Mobile Slider - Swipe
- Mobile - 7185 ViewsSwipe is a lightweight mobile slider with 1-to-1 touch movement that brings content sliding to the mobile web to preserve space and allow for new types of interaction.